Alert system

This alert system is available to all our employees as well as third parties. Alerts can be submitted anonymously via this platform, though we always encourage you to share your identity and engage in a dialogue with us. Be assured that all data and information you share with us will be handled with utmost independence and in strict confidentiality.



Compliance by Saint-Gobain

Saint-Gobain has an ethical and professional whistleblowing system that is accessible to employees and all other stakeholders (clients, suppliers, shareholders, trade unions, NGOs, local communities, etc.) to report any breaches of applicable regulations or internal rules and procedures, in particular those related to the code of ethics.

Discover this video presentation

To issue an alert, please visit this dedicated website

A secure platform is used to collect reports and interact with whistle-blowers, including anonymously, and manage investigation follow-up until the recommendations are implemented. It is accompanied by a practical guide that reminds the “Alert Examiners” of the main principles of alert processing, describes the necessary steps (admissibility, investigation, and conclusions) and the precautions to take to conduct investigations in a confidential, professional and impartial manner. Finally, this guide provides documentary support to inform and secure exchanges with the parties, whether they are alleged victims, witnesses or respondents.

Beyond the personal situations, each report to the organization is also an opportunity to progress and deploy an action plan.

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