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The Government

The Government

In principle, all Liechtenstein citizens who are eligible to be elected to Parliament may be appointed as members of the Government, with the following proviso: each of the two Liechtenstein districts – the Oberland (Upper Country) and the Unterland (Lower Country) – must always be represented by at least two members. Each member of the Government has an alternate, who must be from the same district.

The Government in the current legislative term from 2021 to 2025 is a coalition of two parties, the Patriotic Union (Vaterländische Union, VU) and the Progressive Citizens' Party (Fortschrittliche Bürgerpartei, FBP). The Prime Minister is Daniel Risch (VU). The other members of the Government are Deputy Prime Minister Sabine Monauni (FBP), Minister Graziella Marok-Wachter (VU), Minister Dominique Hasler (VU), and Minister Manuel Frick (FBP).

Liechtenstein has generally had coalition Governments. Since 1938, there have only been two terms in which a Government consisted solely of one party – the VU from 1997 to 2001, and the FBP from 2001 to 2005.

The historic Government Building

The historic Government Building is located on Peter-Kaiser-Platz in the Government Quarter of Vaduz, which is also home to the Office of Cultural Affairs, the National Archives, and the Parliament Building. The Government Building was built between 1903 and 1905 according to the plans of Princely Architect Gustav Ritter von Neumann from Vienna.

The construction costs of the Government Building amounted to approximately one year of Liechtenstein's national revenue at the time. The decision to construct the Government Building demonstrated enormous political foresight, and the construction exceeded all technical and structural standards of that era. In 1992, following extensive renovations, the building was placed under historical protection. The Government Building is popularly known as the «Great House».

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