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  • Economic and financial data on Liechtenstein 2023

    This information brochure contains an overview of relevant data and facts on the Liechtenstein economy and public finances. The brochure allows interested parties to gain a quick overview of the current status and economic development of the country

    cover picture of Economic and financial data on Liechtenstein 2023
  • Annual Report of the Liechtenstein National Prevention Mechanism 2022

    cover picture of Annual Report of the Liechtenstein National Prevention Mechanism 2022
  • Priorities and objectives of Liechtenstein foreign policy

    cover picture of Priorities and objectives of Liechtenstein foreign policy
  • Report on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

    cover picture of Report on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for  Sustainable Development
  • 25 Years of Liechtenstein in EFTA

    cover picture of 25 Years of Liechtenstein in EFTA
  • International Humanitarian Cooperation and Development 2014

    cover picture of International Humanitarian  Cooperation and Development 2014

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