Study your way

Our online courses have the same course content as those we offer on campus, but with the benefit of studying where and when you like.

You’ll learn from the best, complete industry-relevant assessment and focus your studies on real-world problem solving.

Online undergraduate courses

Our courses give you the skills to flourish in the real world, so when you graduate you can step into your career and perform with confidence.

We're here for you

A common misconception about studying online is that you have to do it on your own, but we have many proactive and timely support services to help you succeed.

Support for students

Support in your local area

Many regional areas are home to university study hubs - campus-like facilities to support you if you are studying any university or VET course online.

They provide advice about tertiary study and access to:

  • study spaces
  • high-speed internet
  • video conferencing
  • administrative and academic support.

Learn more about regional study hubs

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