What does your future look like?

Our Match My Skills quiz provides you with a personalised recommendation of study options by matching your personality, interests and goals to our course offerings. Find your future by investing only 10 minutes today.

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The Match My Skills career personas

If you want to know more about your potential results, click or tap to expand the career persona boxes and see which one you most identify with. Then take the quiz and find out for certain.


You want to be at the forefront, exploring possibilities as medical science takes giant leaps forward.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You want to give people the best care possible. And you're excited by the new technology that can make that happen.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You like to help people and advocate for their rights, especially with today's ever-changing lifestyles and technology.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You want people to get the most out of life, overcoming challenges with new approaches to exercise and nutrition.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You want to be part of the creative vision that will shape how we live in the future and interact with our environment.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You look at things differently. You question the form and function that surrounds you. You tap into technical and social aspects of design.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


In a multi-screen world of entertainment, you want to be the one everyone watches, or the one creating something amazing.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You see yourself in business. Perhaps research, property economics, consulting or new tech customising outcomes for clients.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You're excited by brand possibilities, and the ways social media has disrupted traditional advertising and retail models.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You can motivate others and get them headed in the right direction. Perfect for modern organisations that need to attract and retain talent.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You like to write. And now you can express yourself in innovative ways through new and emerging media channels.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You see yourself helping young minds to embrace the skills they need today to become more adaptable tomorrow.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You want to stand up and defend what's right, upholding and protecting the right of the vulnerable.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You're hungry for a challenge, and want to collaborate, innovate and create practical solutions to real-world problems.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You like research, crunching numbers and dissecting data. The answer's in there - you've just got to keep digging.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.


You like to visualise an issue, harness the true power that lies within the Internet of Things and transform information into knowledge.

If this sounds like you, take Match My Skills now and get a personalised recommendation of study options.

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