The MTA public hearing on the Queens Network Bus Redesign, set for July 24, must be postponed until 2025 for the following reasons:

July is vacation time.

If you're interested in submitting a Letter to the Editor, click here.

I am surprised the blacksmiths union didn’t prevent the auto industry from using horsepower to measure a car’s unit of power as an infringement on their stock in trade (“How slow can you go?” Letters, July 11).It must have been quite stressfu…

I would like to praise Rep. Grace Meng for her involvement in getting the United States Postal Service to implement measures to combat mail theft. As reported, Meng announced that the USPS will implement recommendations from a federal investi…

March 12, 2024 marked the 102nd anniversary of the birth of Jack Kerouac (“Beat icon Kerouac was the Wizard of Ozone Park,” I Have Often Walked, by Ron Marzlock, July 11). It made me reread one of his best writings, “On The Road.” His works r…

In observing the events of the previous months, we have seen President Biden call MAGA supporters domestic terrorists and extremists; at the same time, he was soft on the pro-Hamas protesters, only saying that he did not want their votes. Mea…

First let me say that the assassination attempt on former President Trump was a disgusting occurrence, a horrible act that left an innocent Trump supporter dead and others injured.Having said that, Republican news outlets immediately blamed D…

Project 2025 is a Christianity-based, Conservative manifesto that will dramatically affect how we are governed and the way we live. When “Mein Kampf” was published in 1925, the world largely ignored that manifesto. Let’s not make the same mis…

To enact a 20-mph speed limit is insane (“Lower speed limits soon,” Editorial, July 4). Twenty-five mph isn’t a driving speed, it’s a rolling speed, and the cameras make drivers feel like we’re being watched by a stalker.Many bikes, especiall…

Your excellent editorial regarding the city’s ludicrous decision to lower the speed limit to 20 and 10 mph in places reminded me of an even more ludicrous decision made by some illustrious legislators.In the late ’70s or early ’80s Forbes mag…

Re Naelsha Rose’s July 4 report “E-scooters in Eastern section of Queens” (multiple editions):I agree with Councilman Jim Gennaro’s statement, “E-scooters have no place in our community.” Neither do e-bikes, because both pose a hazard to pede…

The national holiday of “7/11” is here. It is predicted that thousands of people will make their annual pilgrimages to 7-Eleven stores to participate in the ritual free Slurpee. Young and old, black, white and other, Christian, Muslim and Jew…

As I read your July 4 editorial “America: still great at 248” I was thinking about an article I saw the very same morning in the New York Post on page 19. The title was “July 4 Punks Fry The Flag.” (Online it was “Disgraceful America-hating a…

Democracy has never come cheap.By comparison, review the books of any totalitarian government apparatus.

In the June 27th debate, Donald Trump used a strategy called “The Gish Gallop” to undermine President Biden’s performance. In a short space of time, the galloper confronts an opponent with a rapid series of arguments, half-truths, misrepresen…

American voters should be aware ... if they vote “Mr. 34” president in November, they will give him majority control of our Supreme Court.He appointed three justices in his first term as president. If he has a second term, he may have the rig…

Oh, the irony. UFT President Michael Mulgrew suddenly drops his plan to force retirees into a Medicare Advantage program, then criticizing Mayor Adams for pursuing it. If you know the history, it was Mulgrew himself who initiated this scheme.…

The NYC Planning Commission under Chair Dan Garodnick and Mayor Eric Adams have put forth a very unpopular proposal called the “City of Yes” Housing Opportunity. It is even worse than the Economic Opportunity part that recently passed the Cit…

Re “Mays began, ended storied career in NY,” June 20, and “I remember Willie Mays,” Letters, June 27:

According to the Congressional Budget Office, our current $34.866 trillion national debt will soon grow to $2.9 trillion annually, reaching $56 trillion by 2034. Today’s tab averages $103,471 per citizen or $266,952 per taxpayer. (Source: Jun…

Nancy Pelosi is alleged to have said that in her district a glass of water could be elected if there was a D in front of it. Apparently, the Democrats are testing out this theory by giving us Joe Biden as their presidential candidate.

Michael Bloomberg has stated that he regards Trump to be an existential menace, yet he continues to support President Biden, despite the fact that the latter is clearly cognitively impaired and rates low in current public opinion polls. There…

President Joe Biden’s poor performance in the first debate with Donald Trump has prompted many Democrats to consider replacing him with a younger candidate. The debate reinforced Trump’s two major advantages over Joe Biden, namely, that Trump…

I read your editorial on the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity (“City of Yes rezone: too much,” June 13), and it couldn’t be more divorced from reality if it tried. I could go piecemeal through it, but I wanted to point out the most fundame…

The New Hamilton Beach Civic Association has written a letter expressing our strong opposition to the “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity” initiative. While we understand and appreciate the need for increased housing opportunities in our cit…

Michael Gannon’s June 20 report “Mays began, ended storied career in NY” evoked powerful childhood memories. I saw Willie Mays play at the Polo Grounds during the early 1950s when I was in junior high school. His skills, speed and power blew …

Crackpot Shakespeare Theorist and humorist Jim Haines laments to the Chronicle “looking at 60 years old” and realizing he could never play Hamlet. “I’ve aged out of it. But still have strong opinions about how Hamlet should be played” (“The b…

In his letter of June 20, “Policies impede traffic,” Larry Penner highlights just a few of the reasons for increased traffic congestion, among them the elimination of 1,400 miles of traffic lanes and lower speed limits (especially on the form…

I’ve had this idea for over 20 years. If we could have people leave their jobs in 15-minute intervals during both morning and evening rush hour, you would dramatically cut down on bumper-to-bumper traffic, gridlock and the bottleneck effect.F…

I would like to respond to Sarah Kaplan’s obviously uninformed statement in the article “Do Jewish Queens residents feel safe?” from June 20: “... I don’t think most pro-Palestinians want to see Jews dead …” Yes, many do. They chant, “From th…

I am impressed and thank the Chronicle so much for your articles about anti-Semitism and for being pro-Israel and for the Jewish people. That is refreshing.I am so elated that you published Rabbi Pearl’s comments about anti-Semitism in your a…

Re “Bye, bye, congestion pricing,” Editorial, June 13:“Thirteen dollars and 88 cents a car round trip? Who are you kidding?” asked no Queens newspaper ever with respect to the RFK, Whitestone or Throgs Neck bridge toll.

We, all 51 members of the City Council, urge you to renew funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program. ACP provides essential financial assistance for high-speed internet access, and is crucial to closing the digital divide. High-speed in…

Last month, the U.S. House Agriculture Committee advanced a version of the Farm Bill that hurts animals, undermines state sovereignty, and ignores the will of the electorate. The Committee-approved bill contains a slew of problematic language…

Big Apple traffic congestion is a citywide issue that has grown, impacting local, limited-stop, select and express bus service operations.Consider the connection between the reduction in traffic speed and its relationship to the corresponding…

As reported, violent or potentially violent protesters target Jews while being masked, like recently on a subway car. There was a law preventing being masked at protests, and it needs to be brought back.Added to that, attacking with red paint…

In the June 13 issue of the Queens Chronicle were three letters from readers that in some way condemned Donald Trump or the Republican Party. But it was the letter from writer Glenn Hayes that really caught my eye (“Don’t vote Republican”).Mr…

So just to be clear, Republicans go out of their way to convict Hunter Biden on some ridiculous weapons charge. A charge for which he will not be pardoned by his father, President Joe Biden. The man the GOP says has weaponized the Justice Dep…

Politicians are history-recidivists. Especially those in Albany who live and act to syndicate a long-running perennial storyline.Enter the current NYS governor. Almost exactly 25 years later, to the month, Gov. Hochul has determined to step i…

Want to help alleviate congestion in NYC?1. Get the restaurants out of the streets ... Who wants to eat next to a sewer?!

Kidney failure runs in my family, so I knew that my chances of experiencing kidney failure were high. I received the heartbreaking and scary diagnosis in 2004 and soon after I began dialysis, the sole treatment outside of a kidney transplant.…

This year in the city budget, we need to do better to ensure more families can stay together or successfully reunite when separated by the child welfare system.My organization, Institute for Community Living, created the Emerson Davis Family …

On Oct. 7, Hamas terrorists brutally murdered, sexually assaulted, tortured and took hostage innocent civilians, including Americans, at the Nova Music Festival in Israel. The only humane response to these atrocities is disgust and moral outrage.

Donald Trump is not the only reason to vote against Republicans in the upcoming election, particularly for seniors and those in need of assistance. The Republicans are the only party to propose cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, …

We should thank President Biden for honoring those who gave their lives on D-Day 80 years ago and acknowledging the service of the elderly survivors. On “The View,” Joy Behar said a Frenchman once told her that the Americans not only saved Fr…

I fear Mr. 45 is embarking on a presidential adventure similar to the one Hitler took in 1930s Germany. Germans failed to understand what his concept of leadership would bring to them.I fear many Americans are traveling down that same road. W…

Older adult centers have become more crucial than ever. Over the past decade, New York City’s 65-and-over population has surged by 36 percent, with Queens seeing a nearly 40 percent increase. Older adult centers are essential community hubs, …

Thank you for the informative article about the Rev. Robert Ross Johnson (“Beloved reverend’s legacy lives on in St. Albans,” May 2, multiple editions).I attended St. Albans Congregational Church as a small child and young adult. Rev. Johnson…

Re your May 30 report “Krichevsky speaks at IS 237”:I can think of no one better qualified to enlighten school students about journalism than Queens Chronicle Associate Editor Sophie Krichevsky. Her reports are always comprehensive, compellin…

Thanks to all who made those Memorial Day parades happen, and to the Chronicle for its wide coverage.But one thing marred the Little Neck-Douglaston Parade for me: a contingent of Republican clubs flying a large Trump flag. As the daughter of…