State of the Union

  1. Government Shutdown

    Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

    "I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened," Pelosi wrote.

    The full text of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Jan. 16, 2018, letter to President Donald Trump asking him to reschedule his upcoming State of the Union address or to deliver it in writing:

    Dear Mr. President:

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  2. Government Shutdown

    Pelosi asks Trump to reschedule SOTU because of shutdown

    The House speaker is citing security concerns, but Democrats also don't want to give Trump a platform to blame them for the shutdown.


    Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday asked President Donald Trump to reschedule his State of the Union address — or deliver it in writing — as long as the government remains shut down.

    The president was set to give his annual speech to Congress on Jan. 29. But Pelosi said the partial shutdown has hamstrung both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security, potentially harming the security planning that precedes the primetime address.

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  3. Congress

    Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union on Jan. 29

    The address will be Trump's first in a newly divided Washington.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, just hours after reclaiming the speaker’s gavel, formally invited President Donald Trump on Thursday to give his second State of the Union address.

    “In the spirit of our Constitution, I invite you to deliver your State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 in the House Chamber,” Pelosi wrote in her letter to the president on Thursday evening.

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  4. Parents of Otto Warmbier sue North Korean government over his imprisonment, death

    Warmbier's capture escalated tensions between the U.S. and North Korea, compounded by the country’s decision to dial up its missile testing and weapons program

    The parents of Otto Warmbier, the college student who died days after his release from captivity, sued North Korea in federal court on Thursday over allegations the authorities “brutally tortured and murdered” their son during his 17 months of “illegal detention” in the country.

    Cynthia and Frederick Warmbier, represented by McGuireWoods LLP, filed a scathing22-page complaint in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that accused the North Korean government of returning their 22-year-old son to the U.S. in “a non-responsive state and brain dead” after taking him “hostage” and forcing him to “confess” to crimes he did not commit.

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  5. Biden denounces White House response to Porter abuse allegations

    “I’m having enormous difficulty understanding how this White House functions,” Biden said.

    Former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday sharply criticized the White House response to allegations of spousal abuse against Rob Porter, the West Wing staff secretary who resigned a day earlier, saying that the aide’s departure was “long past due.”

    “I can’t explain it,” Biden told MSNBC when pressed on the Trump administration’s handling of Porter. “It’s long past due that he left. I understand that he’s departed.”

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  6. Poll: Trump SOTU address earned high marks

    A combined 62 percent of speech-watchers called Trump’s performance “excellent.”

    President Donald Trump earned high marks for his first State of the Union address, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll of Americans who watched the speech earlier this week.

    A combined 62 percent of speech-watchers called Trump’s performance “excellent” or “good,” with 17 percent saying Trump did only a fair job, and another 20 percent calling the speech “poor.”

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  7. Trump on 'Dreamers' label: 'Don't fall into that trap'

    “Some people call it Dreamers,” Trump said. “It's not Dreamers. Don’t fall into that trap. It’s much different than dreamers.”

    President Donald Trump on Thursday cautioned against labeling young undocumented immigrants protected under DACA as “Dreamers,” warning people not to “fall into that trap.”

    The president, addressing lawmakers at a Republican retreat in West Virginia, called for a resolution to the ongoing congressional impasse over immigration policy, which has stalled as Republican and Democratic officials have failed to reach a compromise over the Obama-era immigration initiative.

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  8. Trump incorrectly calls his SOTU address most watched in history

    Bush’s 2003 speech, which took place weeks before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, drew 62 million viewers.


    President Donald Trump incorrectly claimed Thursday that the State of the Union address he delivered earlier this week was the most watched in history, even though his own 2017 address to Congress got higher television ratings.

    “Thank you for all of the nice compliments and reviews on the State of the Union speech. 45.6 million people watched, the highest number in history,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “@FoxNews beat every other Network, for the first time ever, with 11.7 million people tuning in. Delivered from the heart!”

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  9. Poll: Trump approval bounces up to 42 percent

    A majority of those surveyed said they felt that the country was on the “wrong track,” but the results showed an uptick from recent months.

    President Donald Trump’s approval rating is on the upswing, rising above 40 percent for the first time since September and up 10 points from December in a poll released Wednesday.

    Forty-two percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, according to thelatest Monmouth University poll, a sizable uptick from his low mark of 32 percent in Monmouth’s findings last month. Though a majority of Americans still registered disapproval of the president, the figure dropped to 50 percent in January from 56 percent in December.

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  10. Kelly: Nunes memo to be released ‘pretty quick’

    White House Chief of Staff John Kelly said Wednesday a controversial Republican memo alleging wrongdoing by FBI officials investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election will be released soon.


    White House chief of staff John Kelly said Wednesday a controversial Republican memo alleging wrongdoing by FBI officials investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election would be released soon.

    “It will be released here pretty quick, I think, and the whole world can see it,” Kelly said during an interview on Fox News Radio.

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  11. Sarah Sanders: Pelosi 'should smile a lot more' after SOTU reaction

    Sanders added that Pelosi "seems to kind of embody the bitterness that belongs to the Democrat Party right now."

    White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi "should smile a lot more often" after her critical response to President Donald Trump's State of the Union address.

    During an appearance on CNN, Sanders was asked to reconcile the president's rhetoric with the "grossly divided" reaction from officials in response to his Tuesday night address by anchor Chris Cuomo.

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  12. POLITICO Money Podcast

    Breaking down Trump's State of the Union money moments

    Why is the president embracing statistics he once derided?

    Subscribe to POLITICO Money on Apple Podcasts here. | Subscribe via Stitcher here.

    In his first official State of the Union address, President Donald Trump painted a much rosier picture of the economy than the one he talked about on the campaign trail and in his “American carnage” inaugural address.

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  13. Hitting the road to sell the State of the Union: Where presidents have gone

    Unlike his predecessors, Trump still hasn't said where he might head to amplify his message.

    Where will he go?

    That was the question early Wednesday, when President Donald Trump still hadn’t hinted where he might head to amplify his State of the Union message from the night before.

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  14. White House

    Inside Trump’s shift from ‘American carnage’ to ‘American heart’

    Amid deepening partisan divides and the Russia investigation, the president made a strategic choice to deliver a conventional speech in front of Congress and the nation.

    President Donald Trump decided to dial it down — but it’s anybody’s guess how long it will last.

    Facing a deeply divided Congress, basement-level approval ratings and a reckoning in the upcoming midterm elections, Trump made a strategic choice to use his first State of the Union address to soften the rhetoric that helped him win the presidency, according to three White House officials.

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  15. White House

    Trump's what-if presidency

    The president delivered a State of the Union that suggested an alternate political reality.

    President Donald Trump stood before Congress and the nation Tuesday night and invited people to imagine an alternate universe.

    Think of it as the what-if presidency.

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  16. Democrats furious over Trump's immigration rhetoric

    The opposition party says the president has made a Dreamers deal only harder to reach.

    Democrats were infuriated by President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union speech, claiming the president put an immigration deal even further out of reach with what they called bigoted remarks during the 80-minute address.

    After Trump and his White House team teased a bipartisan theme, the minority party was waiting to hear something conciliatory about how to protect hundreds of thousands of young immigrants facing deportation. Instead, Democrats booed Trump’s reference to “chain migration” and fumed afterward that his remarks conflated immigrants with gang members and did little to give so-called Dreamers any reassurance at all.

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  17. Lawmakers question price tag of Trump’s SOTU infrastructure pitch

    Trump's infrastructure agenda envisions a public investment of $200 billion that could be used to attract private-sector as well as state and local spending.

    President Donald Trump made a fresh plea Tuesday night for bipartisanship on rebuilding the nation's crumbling roads and bridges. But lawmakers in both parties left his State of the Union still wondering about how Trump wants to pay for it.

    Trump's infrastructure agenda, long seen as a natural fit for the New York developer, envisions a public investment of $200 billion that could be used to attract private-sector as well as state and local spending. The president asked Congress in his speech "to produce a bill that generates at least $1.5 trillion" for infrastructure.

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  18. Trump orders Guantanamo prison to remain open

    He announced the executive order during his first State of the Union address.

    President Donald Trump on Tuesday ordered the controversial U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to remain open.

    Trump announced the executive order, initially reported by POLITICO, during his first State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress. It directs the prison stay open and allows the possibility Trump could send new enemy combatants there.

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  19. Trump's 'dreamers' line in State of the Union draws praise from David Duke

    "Americans are dreamers too," the president said.

    President Donald Trump's sole reference to "dreamers" during his State of the Union address drew praise from David Duke and other white nationalists, who approved of how the speech reclaimed a term that has become a flash point in the immigration debate.

    Trump invoked the "dreamers" term — usually associated with undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children — during the immigration policy piece of his speech. The president said he's "extending an open hand to work with members of both parties — Democrats and Republicans — to protect our citizens of every background, color, religion, and creed."

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