State of the Union

  1. congress

    Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to deliver Democratic response to State of the Union

    The Michigan governor is seen by some in the party as a model for Democrats in the Trump era.

    Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will deliver the Democratic response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Feb. 4, party leaders announced Friday.

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s decision to tap Whitmer comes she’s increasingly been cited as a model for Democrats in the Trump era.

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  2. White House

    Trump’s 2020: Rallies, Twitter and an expected Super Bowl push

    Trump kicks off an election year with no shortage of high-profile events designed to disparage impeachment and trumpet his actions on Iran and the economy.

    President Donald Trump is back in town — and he’s plotting to make his case as he faces a looming impeachment trial and the possibility of a violent confrontation with Iran.

    Trump will hit the campaign trail in 2020 with a pair of rallies in Ohio and Wisconsin over the next week. He’s then expected to give a traditional presidential interview during the Super Bowl — often the most watched TV event of the year. And two days after that, he’ll deliver his State of the Union address to tens of millions of people watching at home.

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  3. Congress

    Schumer: Trump is 'scared' of congressional oversight

    Trump and Schumer had already engaged in a testy exchange leading up to the State of the Union.

    Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Wednesday that President Donald Trump's oblique denunciation of probes into his administration was a signal that he is "scared" of such inquiries and "has something to hide."

    Delivering his State of the Union address Tuesday night, the president touted his administration's claimed successes, telling the joint session of Congress that "an economic miracle is taking place in the United States and the only things that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations." The warning was interpreted by many as criticism not just of the ongoing Russia investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, but also of the myriad oversight probes expected from the new Democratic majority in the House.

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  4. Analysis

    Why Trump’s zigzagging speech made perfect sense

    The State of the Union address was designed to revive and strengthen the connection between Trump the president and Trump the candidate.

    President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, as it unfolded, was a dizzying and even disorienting experience, a cascade of rhetorical passages that seemed to contradict each other every few moments.

    Appeals for unity and bipartisanship jostled with ideological and cultural scab-picking. Theatrics used by all modern presidents to swell the heart or moisten the eye — We are joined in the gallery tonight by … — were followed by the honking boasts of a MAGA rally.

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  5. Trump State of the Union 2019: Watch the livestream here

    President Trump is scheduled to deliver the 2019 State of the Union address at 9 p.m.

    President Donald Trump is scheduled to appear before a joint session of the 116th Congress in the chamber of the House of Representatives to deliver the 2019 State of the Union address on Feb. 5, at 9 p.m.

    Watch the speech above or click here.

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  6. State of the Union 2019

    Trump fumes over abortion comments at SOTU preview meeting

    The gathering was called to detail the main themes of Tuesday’s speech for roughly 20 Republicans close to the administration.


    In the middle of a State of the Union briefing for the White House’s closest allies Monday night, a fired up Donald Trump walked in.

    The president appeared eager to give the annual speech Tuesday night in the House of Representatives, an occasion he has always enjoyed given its history and pomp and circumstance, said two people briefed on the meeting. But after acknowledging several supporters in the room, Trump went on for about five minutes about Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s recent comments about late-term abortions and "nonviable" babies born with fatal abnormalities.

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  7. State of the Union 2019

    Schumer predicts 'empty' unity talk and policy promises from Trump's address

    Schumer forecasted that Trump would exaggerate — if not lie about — his administration's achievements.

    Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Tuesday panned the upcoming State of the Union address hours before President Donald Trump was set to deliver it, predicting "empty" rhetoric and policy goals from the president's address to a joint session of Congress.

    Speaking on the Senate floor Tuesday morning, Schumer (D-N.Y.) forecasted that Trump would exaggerate — if not lie about — his administration's achievements and offer a litany of empty promises. Schumer listed a number of promises Trump made during his last State of the Union, from defeating ISIS to opening more manufacturing plants in the country, that the minority leader said the president has failed to keep in the months since.

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  8. State of the Union 2019

    Democrats bat away Trump's olive branch on drug pricing

    Trump is expected to tout his progress on drug pricing during Tuesday's State of the Union.

    President Donald Trump keeps telling Democrats he wants a big bipartisan drug pricing deal. But Democrats don't believe him — and are rolling out a series of bills that would set the framework for talks far to the left, defying Trump to stand in the way.

    At the center of that effort is empowering Medicare to directly negotiate drug prices — a top liberal priority that's faced near-universal opposition from Republicans, yet won Trump's support when he ran for president.

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  9. State of the Union

    Trump having lunch with news anchors before State of the Union

    At these lunches, the president typically outlines that night's speech to anchors who are involved in coverage.

    President Donald Trump will have an off-the-record lunch with broadcast and cable news anchors on Tuesday, an annual White House tradition held on the afternoon of the State of the Union address.

    At these lunches, the president typically outlines that night's speech to anchors who are involved in coverage. PBS's Judy Woodruff, C-SPAN's Steve Scully, CBN News's David Brody, and Fox News’s Chris Wallace and Martha MacCallum are all expected to attend Tuesday's gathering, among others.

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  10. State of the Union 2019

    President invites bullied Delaware sixth-grader named Trump to SOTU

    Joshua Trump says the bullying has gotten so bad, he's considered changing his name.

    President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump have invited 13 Americans to join them for the State of the Union address on Tuesday, including a Delaware sixth-grader who shares the first couple’s last name and says the similarity has led to bullying.

    “When the teacher is like, ‘Joshua Trump, are you here?’ I’ll go, ‘Yes,’ and almost everybody will laugh, besides my friends,” Joshua told “Inside Edition” in an interview, before his invitation was announced.

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  11. State of the Union 2019

    Everything you need to know about the 2019 State of the Union

    The president's address comes at a particularly fraught moment in his relationship with Capitol Hill.


    When and what time is Trump delivering the 2019 State of the Union?

    President Donald Trump is scheduled to appear before a joint session of the 116th Congress in the chamber of the House of Representatives to deliver the 2019 State of the Union address on Feb. 5, at 9 p.m.

    How can I watch this year’s SOTU?

    All major networks and cable news channels will broadcast the speech live. The White House will stream it live on its website, as will news networks through Facebook.

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  12. State of the Union 2019

    Will the State of the Union be 'Teleprompter Trump' or 'Twitter Trump'?

    Speaking to Congress is one of the few norms the president hasn't turned upside-down.

    President Donald Trump might be the most untraditional president in modern history, but he has taken a strikingly traditional approach to that most presidential of rituals: speaking to Congress.

    In each of the past two years, Trump has delivered a lofty, optimistic annual message on Capitol Hill, reading dutifully from a teleprompter and setting aside his personal insults, attacks on the media, even his rambling boasts.

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  13. State of the Union 2019

    Trump’s State of the Union pledge: Ending HIV transmissions by 2030

    Under the president’s 10-year strategy, health officials would target the U.S. communities with the most HIV infections.

    President Donald Trump plans to use Tuesday night’s State of the Union address to promise an end to the HIV epidemic in America, four individuals with knowledge of the planned remarks told POLITICO.

    Under Trump’s 10-year strategy, health officials would target the U.S. communities with the most HIV infections and work to reduce transmissions by 2030. The strategy has been championed by top health officials, including HHS Secretary Alex Azar and CDC Director Robert Redfield.

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  14. State of the Union 2019

    Trump to throw spotlight on abortion in State of the Union

    The president's Tuesday night address might also include a 'warm and fuzzy' gesture to his recent nemesis, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to a White House aide.

    President Donald Trump is telling conservative allies he wants to incorporate firm anti-abortion language into his State of the Union address Tuesday, and potentially include an anti-abortion figure among his list of invitees, according to four sources familiar with his plans

    Trump sees an opening to energize his evangelical supporters and capture moderate voters who administration officials believe may be turned off by widespread coverage of New York’s newest abortion law, which allows for termination of some pregnancies after the 24-week mark for health reasons.

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  15. Congress

    Pelosi re-invites Trump to deliver State of the Union

    The House speaker had previously rescinded the invitation amid the government shutdown, citing security concerns.


    Speaker Nancy Pelosi has sent a letter to President Donald Trump asking him to deliver the State of the Union address on February 5.

    Pelosi had previously rescinded her invitation to Trump to give the address on Jan. 29, citing security concerns due to the government shutdown. Trump and Republicans were furious at Pelosi's unprecedented move, but they were powerless to prevent it.

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  16. Government Shutdown

    Clyburn says he's 'a bit more hopeful' for end to shutdown

    “When I woke up earlier this morning and heard about that tweet concerning the president's position on the State of the Union, I did feel a bit more hopeful," he said.

    House Majority Whip James Clyburn said Thursday morning he is “a bit more hopeful” about lawmakers’ prospects of ending the 34-day government shutdown in light of President Donald Trump’s concession to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s request to delay his State of the Union speech until the government reopens.

    “When I woke up earlier this morning and heard about that tweet concerning the president's position on the State of the Union, I did feel a bit more hopeful," Clyburn said on CNN’s “New Day.” "And I remain a bit more hopeful."

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  17. White House

    White House forging ahead with State of the Union planning

    Officials intend to move forward until Nancy Pelosi publicly axes the event, a move that they believe would be seen as nakedly political.

    The White House is forging ahead with plans to hold President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in the House chamber next Tuesday, according to two administration officials, daring Speaker Nancy Pelosi to nix the event.

    Senior White House aides said they put no stock in Pelosi’s letter requesting a delay of the annual event because of security concerns related to the government shutdown. They insist the Homeland Security Department and U.S. Secret Service are prepared to secure the address, which traditionally is attended by senior representatives from all three branches of government.

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  18. Government Shutdown

    Trump strikes back at Pelosi as shutdown fight hits new low

    The president abruptly yanks Pelosi's international trip after she pulled a power play by postponing his SOTU address.


    An end to the government shutdown looked more distant than ever on Thursday after President Donald Trump abruptly canceled Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s planned visit to Afghanistan.

    The White House publicly released a terse letter informing Pelosi that her planned travel had been “postponed,” shortly after Trump ordered the Pentagon to cancel her Air Force flight to the country. A bus carrying several House Democrats who were to accompany Pelosi was preparing to leave for the airport at the time.

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  19. Government Shutdown

    Rand Paul suggests moving State of the Union to the Senate

    Paul called Nancy Pelosi’s request to reschedule the address “a real affront to the American people.”

    Sen. Rand Paul suggested Thursday that President Donald Trump should hold his State of the Union address in the Senate after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked the president to reschedule his annual speech while the government remains shut down.

    The Kentucky Republican called Pelosi’s request “a real affront to the American people” on “Fox & Friends” and urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to invite Trump to the Senate.

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  20. Congress

    ‘She’s satin and steel’: Pelosi wages war on Trump

    Her move to derail Trump’s State of the Union address underscores her aggressive challenge to the president.


    Donald Trump may have finally met his match in Nancy Pelosi.

    As the partial government shutdown grinds on with no end in sight, the struggle between the president and the speaker is becoming an unprecedented political fight — with the fallout likely to extend far beyond this episode.

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