Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

Joshua, recent Nweda graduate

My name is Joshua Mironyuk, and I just graduated with an IT degree from UW Tacoma. I have worked with NWEdA since before my graduation from High School, and I would love to share with you how this organization has inspired me to face my hopes and dreams and to fully realize my potential. 

But first, a little background on me: I grew up here in Washington, with parents who moved all the way from Soviet Ukraine to start a new life in the states. I grew up balancing everything that the States had to offer, while still holding true to my culture. I don't remember much from pre-school and kindergarten. Shocking, I know. But my mom still tells me to this day how much of a trouble-maker I was; getting into fights, leaving school during instruction. I didn’t understand the value of education and saw it as busywork, as many children likely do. 

However, things began to change once I entered primary school. By the third grade, my mother, my brother, and I moved away to Colorado Springs after a divorce between my parents. I was still young, still developing when all the changes started to unfold, from 4th grade, all the way up to High School. Sometime around 2015, my family moved from Colorado back to Washington. However, our housing situation was difficult, and left us homeless for months until we finally got back on our feet, when I started my first years in high school. I really didn't pay much attention to my classes, to the point where by the final year of high school, I didn't have enough credits to graduate, and my GPA was an astounding 1.7.

There's not much of an excuse I can give on that part. I simply didn't want to do any schoolwork. That's when everything finally caught up to me. I was visiting the counselor who broke the news to me the year before graduation that there wasn't any way for me to get enough credits to graduate on time. At that point, the feeling of dread and regret really began to set in. All those days of slacking and neglecting my classwork resulted in me not only missing graduation with my friends, but not graduating entirely. 

Luckily, my counselor then referred me to a specialized academy known as "Open Doors", who have done nothing but incredible things to shift my views on education, and allowed me to graduate high school. 

That's not the only thing they've done for me, either. Upon hearing my interest in higher education, they were ecstatic to introduce me to Konto, an Education Advocate for Northwest Education Access.

When I first met Konto, I expressed my interest in detail with her in regard to pursuing higher education. There were so many potential paths I could take, so many different degrees and certifications, I really had no idea where to start. So, we spoke a little bit about my interests, and it didn’t take long before settling down on something related to the tech industry. With her help, I ended up deciding that a degree in IT would be the perfect choice. Immediately after, we worked together in getting my FAFSA completed. Having to do paperwork is always terrifying to me, so having someone to guide me through the process, including the paperwork for signing up to a college, was an immense help. 

Konto and NWEdA continued to keep in close touch with me as I furthered my education. She provided me with all the resources I needed and made sure to check in on me to make sure everything is right and on track.

Just knowing that Konto and NWEdA were still eager to help pushed me to reach my goals and achievements. I truly would not have gotten far in any of this without her help, or the help of NWEdA.

So where do I go from here? I finally got the degree I’ve studied endlessly for, and now it’s time to find a new goal to work towards. And that goal is to go even further in this career path, not just as an IT employee, but as an IT Specialist, then an IT Director, and beyond. The last thing I would ever want is to remain stagnant when I know further opportunities await me. 

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Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

making it

I actually made it. I’m doing hair at a fast paced salon and am able to interact with the community in a positive way. I’m somebody and I’m great.
— Janet

Janet shared that she didn’t have the easiest upbringing: “It all started back in elementary school. From second grade all the way up to my senior year I had an IEP for social emotional. I was going through foster care, getting tossed between different family members. It was so unstable, which just followed me my entire life.”

Despite the challenges Janet faced, she persisted, determined to finish high school. She shared, “Right before my senior year I got pregnant. I had like 15 more credits I had to get to graduate.” Without a babysitter, she pushed the school to accommodate her, and they eventually allowed her to work in the conference room with her child and receive her diploma.

She went on to say, “While all of this was happening, I got everyone looking at me like she’s not gonna be nobody great.”

But Janet’s journey wasn’t finished.“I looked myself in the mirror, I told myself either I can take everything everyone is saying and make it a reality, or I can make my own reality, and make it better. So I started looking into doing hair because I love doing hair and nails.”

Janet was well on her way to getting a degree in cosmetology when she ran into an issue with her enrollment. That’s when she met Education Advocate Jerry, who stepped in to make sure she was able to continue with her dream and helped her apply for our scholarship. She shared, “Jerry told me the best thing you can do is try to reach your goal, and if you don’t succeed, then at least you tried. Those are the words that can really change somebody's life.”

And Janet’s life was changed: “I graduated with two Associates Degrees, have two cosmetology licenses, and now I work for Great Clips.”

“I’m proud of finishing, because sometimes I let my thoughts overwhelm me to where I’m just like I can’t do this, or I let what other people say affect me really bad. So I'm really proud that this time around I only listened to what was motivating, and everything else I just let it go.”

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Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

For Silvia, there is light

This Spring, Northwest Education Access student Silvia will graduate from Renton Technical College with her Associate in Pre Nursing degree with the goal of starting nursing school this Fall.

Silvia became interested in nursing while being her grandmother’s caregiver. At one point her grandmother was hospitalized. Silvia shared: “I was there with the nurses, and I asked how many people they take care of in a day, and one of them was like you can take a walk with me, and I can show you around. And that really sparked my interest so much, and I was like how do I learn how to do this, and they said I could join nursing school.”

With that dream in mind, Silvia came to the US from Kenya after finishing high school there with the hopes of becoming a nurse, but the cost of getting an education became a challenge. She shared, “My first quarter I was able to work overtime shifts and cover that, but in my second quarter I could only take one class, which was a bit slow for me. When NWEdA came into the picture, I could take three classes a quarter, which was better.”

Silvia, who currently works with Education Advocate Haley, said, “Haley ensures that my education goals are met and on time. She sends me resources, she helps me apply for financial aid, and she even got me a laptop.”

In the future, Silvia not only wants to be a nurse but also give back to NWEdA and let other students know that “there is hope for them, becoming a light when they are in their darkest moments.”

Everyone has their own education plans— NWEdA has your back in getting there.
— Silvia

She shared, “the organization came through in my darkest moment. I was almost giving up on my career, and I was like I can't do this, I can't afford this, there’s no light for me, and then the organization shed more light.”

Silvia concluded, “I can see myself graduating in the spring, and I’m excited to get an acceptance letter.”

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Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

meet mahder

Mahder immigrated from Ethiopia to the US in 2020. She wanted to start college but needed her green card before enrolling. At that time, immigration offices were closed due to Covid, and the green card process was taking longer than anticipated.

Additionally, Mahder found it hard to navigate the US education system, which was substantially different from the one she was used to in Ethiopia. 

She started her education journey with ESL classes. That’s where she met one of our Program Managers, Hans, who was giving a workshop about FASFA. Unfortunately, she wasn’t eligible for FASFA at that time since her green card wasn’t processed yet. Without her green card, she was considered an international student, and tuition was too expensive. 

However, Hans helped her navigate the system and connected Mahder with YearUp, a job training program that didn’t require her to have a green card. Through YearUp, she had the opportunity to intern at the Port of Seattle, where she learned more about AI and Machine Learning and realized that was the career path she wanted to take.

After that experience, and once her green card was processed, Mahder enrolled at Seattle Central College to pursue an associate's degree in Computer Science.

During her time at Central, NWEdA continued supporting Mahder in different ways. She received bus tickets and a Chromebook, as she didn’t have a laptop when she started. NWEdA also connected her with a math tutor and later with students in Computer Science and people who work as Software Engineers. Mahder also shared that during this time, Hans gave her the confidence to enroll in 400 classes, helped her apply and receive financial aid, and get scholarships.

Mahder will receive her Associate Degree at the end of this Spring quarter. After that, she plans to transfer to a 4-year university and get a Bachelor's in Machine Learning or Data Science. She has already been accepted to Seattle U and Western Washington University, and is waiting for a response from UW Bothell. 

In the future, Mahder wants to work in a government office helping the community through AI, similar to her internship at the Port of Seattle. 

When asked about her biggest accomplishment, Mahder shared: “Getting my associates would be good. It was teamwork, but I'm proud to have people around me helping me to actually be the person that I want to be.”

I remember meeting Mahder during my drop in hours at my partnersite Seattle Central. In my time as her Education Advocate, I have seen the resilience and growth mindset that Mahder has adopted in her education journey. There were many times where barriers stood in the way of accessing education but Mahder knew that we would find a way. After two years working together and modeling how to navigate these systems, Mahder applied as a work study at the transition center at SCC where she started to help other students on financial aid applications. Mahder truly represents the journey many of our students go through. I am so happy I have been able to witness her journey from ESL to AS and now a Bachelor’s degree!
— Hans, Program Manager
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Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

Carlos Dreams big

Carlos in front of Bellevue College

Carlos received his Transfer Degree in Arts & Science at Bellevue College in January and will walk across the stage at the ceremony this June.

 “I never give up,” Carlos shared. “There were times I didn't want to continue. I wanted to drop the towel, you know. But I kept going forward and forward.”

Carlos, who has worked with two different Education Advocates, including Erra, his current one, said, “It was nice to have someone who helped me see the way of doing things. I swear if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here right now.

Born in Mexico, Carlos didn’t have the easiest—or the most stable—educational journey, moving between schools often and even having to repeat 5th grade due to struggles in math. “I'm horrible at math. So because of that, I was getting in trouble with the homework and the exams and all that stuff.”

When Carlos was in middle school, his family moved to Canada. He had to restart again, but this time with the added challenge of learning a new language: “It was hard because the language and the teachers and even the principal said like, don't worry about the grades or anything, just worry about the English.” So that's what I did. I started learning the language. Took me like a full year for listening and then speaking and then reading it.”

In high school, Carlos moved to the United States, sharing, “It was difficult. I went to many different schools in different countries.” Carlos graduated from high school as a Super Senior—moving so many times meant he needed an extra year—with the hopes of attending college 

After getting connected to Northwest Education Access, Carlos worked with an Education Advocate who helped him get enrolled in Bellevue College and apply for financial aid, and provide continued support throughout his time there. He said, “They always had an answer for me, which I really, really like. And that's something that I appreciate.”

And now, Carlos is waiting to see what the future holds. He’s applied to the University of Washington to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Communication in Design with a Minor in Spanish, and hopes to receive an acceptance letter later this year. 

Carlos is such a wonderful person and it’s been a joy being a part of his education journey thus far! I’m so impressed by his determination and all of the hard work he’s put into earning his associate’s degree. I’ve seen Carlos grow so much over the past few years, not only academically but with his confidence and self-advocacy skills as well. He really can do anything he sets out to do and I’m so happy that he sees that for himself. YOU DID IT, Carlos! Next step, UW Seattle!!
— Education Advocate Erra
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Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

NWEdA Students are dreaming big

I dream about having a secret library in my forever home. A place for me to have me-time.
— Natalie
I would like to become a professional Cyber Security consultant.
— Alejandro
I want to find a boyfriend and I want to finish a Bachelors degree here in Washington.
— Ricardo
I’m dreaming big about opening a pen factory in my country after completing my bachelor’s degree.
— Youhani
I’m passionate about doing research in the field of Psychology to potentially change how mental health is viewed. The current treatment model incentivizes providers to look at a person’s symptoms, label them with a disorder, and prescribe general treatments to fix that specific disorder. I disagree with this approach because it reduces a person down to a broad diagnosis given to millions of other people, and believe that a more holistic approach should be taken.
— NWEdA Student
My dreaming big is that one day I work for Artificial intelligence and make a lot of money in my family. Coding is daunting but I think I can do this.
— Yar
I am dreaming that one day I can graduate college, start a career, and finally be able to afford a home so I do not fear homelessness anymore.
— NWEdA Student
I am dreaming big about my career in marketing and real estate and the positive impacts on society that my work will have once I am finished with college.
— JP
My current achievable goal is to finish my prerequisites and apply for my intended major! Then my big dream in the future is to implement my studies into opening my own practice.
— Tracy
I would like to open my own Infusion center and hopefully pretty soon. I’ve worked hard obtaining my credentials. I would like to hit the ground running to ensure my goals and dreams are met.
— Jaquala
A big dream of mine is to be financially stable and have the ability to spoil my family. I want to graduate with a 4.0 and gain respect in my field of work. I hope to start a nonprofit one day that can give back to my community and help young people of color like myself.
— Alissa
I definitely have a passion that am probably working very hard to achieve it, in which I study hard to achieve it. I have always dream of being a teacher so I can create impact in my generation and help to develop the knowledge of our young generation
— Jane
I am dreaming big about right now is starting my empowered inclusive learning center. I am in the works of starting a center for children who are hard of hearing, deaf, and who learn differently. For many years inclusive learning has been trying to incorporate in mainstream classes.
— Dayzhonna
I am dreaming big about getting a full time job on wall street. I’m graduating this quarter, and after a 1-year master’s degree, this is my goal.
— NWEdA Student
Everyone wants to be successful and rich. I also dream of becoming successful although I’m still indecisive about the career path I will choose but I know whatever I choose I will work hard.
— Maty
I am currently dreaming big about my future and the impact I can make in the field of criminal justice. My first step towards achieving this dream is to complete my criminal justice degree and pursue a master’s degree in the same field. By furthering my education, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of the criminal justice system and equip myself with the necessary knowledge and skills to make a difference.
— NWEdA Student
I am dreaming of graduating with a degree in Healthcare IT and learn new skills in the healthcare IT field to be able to bring back into the community and help underserved population who don’t have accessible and affordable healthcare.
— Alexandra
I probably have a very big dream ahead of me in which I definitely want to be one of the best business men in the world.In other to achieve this I basically need to work hard on my academics, study hard so I can definitely achieve my dreams
— Declan
My biggest dream right now is to achieve stable and good economic stability. I have a few options available to me to make that happen, and I plan to try out the ones that are necessary. I worry a lot about my future, and I would love to not have to worry about money anymore.
— Ali
My goals in life is to be one of the successful women in the world in which I can inspire the next generation. But to achieve this I basically need to work hard,study hard and definitely, I need people who can motivate me, and always advising and teach me on how to achieve this goals together
— Jennifer
I want to go out of state to a university and finish my computer science bachelors degree and get a job as a software engineer at a tech company.
— NWEdA Student
I am dreaming about getting into nursing school hopefully by fall of this year at university of Washington which has been my dream university ever since I moved to this country,
— Silvia
My dream is to give back to my mother in full and double, to make good on and bear the fruit of her sacrifices. I ever endeavour to make sure she and my sister prosper.
— NWEdA Student
My big dreaming is to continue with the school for get a the job that always want
— Guadalupe
I had my daughter a year ago. As a First Generation Graduate student, I really thought that all the goals I had for my education were over. As a daughter of a Mexican Immigrant, it was truly hard to believe that my dreams, which were also my single mother’s dreams, were still obtainable. What I have realized this past year is, as long as you still have that burning fire in your soul to keep persevering on, you will still reach them. I now have another reason to keep going. I do it for my daughter
— NWEdA Student
I’m dreaming big on working two jobs while being a full time student to pay of my car that I bought and my student loan debts. Other than school, I dream to be able to move out on my own, provide for my own, and to build a safe and secure home for myself to focus on my mental health and happiness.
— Mizpa
“Right now I dreaming about be one of the best mechanic in Seattle W.A to fix and custom my own car. I been dreaming about be mechanic since the first time I see the Toyota supra 2jz and 4jz which are both the best creations in the world made it by the men. I will like to have a supra some day in the future. My dream is be a mechanic to fix my supra when I get it.”
— Juan
I currently am dreaming of building a STEM based school back in mom home country once I graduate from college and establish myself in the tech industry. I would like to pass along the knowledge I acquired in America back to my community in Kenya. With this school, I hope to provide a more attainable access to a field in Kenya that would’ve otherwise been difficult to get.
— Audrey
I’m dreaming big about being rated Seattle BEST top Chef. Also starting my own Private Chef Business.
— Falena
I am dreaming of getting a high position making $90K a year and finishing my degree in May.
— NWEdA Student
I want to be happy and find a career and lifestyle that will make me think back on my life with pride.
— NWEdA Student
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Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

Northwest Education Access Receives $2 Million Gift From the Yield Giving Open Call

MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving announced Northwest Education Access as one of the Yield Giving Open Call’s awardees working with people and in places experiencing the greatest need in the United States. Northwest Education Access was among those to receive the highest award amount of $2 million, and one of only 10 organizations in Washington to receive the award.  

In March 2023, Yield Giving launched an Open Call for community-led, community-focused organizations whose explicit purpose is to enable individuals and families to achieve substantive improvement in their well-being through foundational resources.

“We are so thrilled to receive this incredible news,” said Jeff Corey, Interim Executive Director of Northwest Education Access. “To be included on a list with so many other organizations doing such important work is an honor. The generous award is truly a reflection of the amazing work our staff, students, and volunteers have been doing for years, and we are so excited to see how it helps us expand and grow these efforts.”

The Open Call received 6,353 applications and initially planned for 250 awards of $1 million each. In the Fall of 2023, organizations top-rated by their peers advanced to a second round of review by an external Evaluation Panel recruited for experience relevant to this cause, and underwent a final round of due diligence. In light of the incredible work of these organizations, as judged by their peers and external panelists, the donor team decided to expand the awardee pool and the award amount.  ."

What’s next? Our Finance Committee will meet to decide our spending, savings, and investment strategies for this incredible gift so we can best put it to use to support low-income young people, ages 16-29, build their own path to higher education and beyond.

In the meantime, we hope that you will join us in basking in the happy news!

More information on the Yield Giving Open Call and other initiatives can be found at

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Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

Dr. Anil K. Mody Fund

The Dr. Anil K. Mody Scholarship provides college scholarships to Northwest Education Access enrolled women of color in the King County region. Since 2015, the Dr. Anil K. Mody Fund has supported 46 women of color on their postsecondary journey! Each Mody Scholarship recipient receives free academic advising, career counseling, tutoring, books, technology access, and mentoring. In addition, each student is paired with an Education Advocate who is physically located on the student’s college campus. These Advocates work with students to identify potential barriers to their academic success, address those barriers, and achieve their goal of higher education and overcoming poverty and adversity.

Dr. Anil K. Mody, the father of board member Simmone Misra, believed in the transformative power of education. He grew up at the time when conditions in his home country of India were not conducive for higher education, so he studied and lived in Germany for over eight years to pursue a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Stuttgart and followed with some work experience at German pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Mody then returned to his home country, where he set up the first manufacturing facility for industrial strength adhesives in India. 

Even though he returned to India, his global perspective and passion for education was one of Simmone’s favorite  memories of her father. He instilled the value of education, the importance of curiosity and joy of learning in Simmone, always ensuring there were enough books to read, including books from the US and Europe. Rare at the time and place, especially for a father, Dr. Mody always reminded his daughters they could be whatever they wanted.

Unfortunately, Dr. Mody passed away at the very young age of 42. His wife and two daughters survived him. He had the foresight to invest in a fund for education for his daughters. With the loss of the main earning member of the household, the family faced some difficult times. However, his daughter, Simmone, was able to complete her higher education thanks to the investment her parents had made and on her own fortitude. 

When Simmone celebrated her 50th birthday - recognizing 8 additional years of life than her father - she and her husband, Ashok, wanted to give back to other young women what her father had inspired in her. While Simmone’s journey was long and winding, she & Ashok wanted a much shorter journey for other women. On her path to higher education, Simmone faced many, many hurdles navigating the convoluted steps to and through the higher education system. For the Misras, getting scholarship funding for school is not enough—it's just the beginning, so partnering with NWEdA so students get additional navigation support felt right.

The joy of learning and opportunity for financial stability is what drove Simmone & Ashok to create the Anil K. Mody Scholarship Fund for young women of color, hoping to help others like Simmone who are driven to improve their lives and circumstances through education. As Simmone shared, "I have an incredible husband with similar values and for us to combine forces to do our tiny part in making gigantic changes in the lives of a few other women feels absolutely phenomenal." 

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Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

Meet Volunteer Raj

Meet our volunteer, Raj

“I am passionate to help [students] get their high school or GED and help them start their careers. I completely understand their situation as they have lived through a very difficult childhood, and they are looking to get out of the “spiral of helplessness,” and they are trying to turn their lives around.

I feel their pain as I came to this country over 40 years ago, and I had no money or any contacts, and I went to school while working through numerous menial jobs, and I worked hard to graduate and develop a successful career.

My wife and I have raised two outstanding young men who are enjoying their excellent careers. As I work with these students, I try to use all that practical experience and knowledge to genuinely help them. I try my best to be flexible when I set up tutoring sessions because they students have a number of other needs, including taking care of families.

I am seriously committed, and I sincerely hope to help many students, but I will consider my great fortune even if I can help just one student. I feel very blessed, and I would love to return back to the society because I received a lot of help from many good people when I was going through similar challenging situations in my earlier life.”

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Kerry Dirk Kerry Dirk

Hats in the Air: A Time to Celebrate

Recent UW Graduate Dafne shares her educational journey.

From Northwest Education Student Dafne:

Last month, I received my Bachelors in sociology with a minor in gender studies at UW as a first-generation college graduate.

My 7 year journey to get here was not easy. In 2016 I graduated high school, knowing community college was my best option. Without any guidance to navigate this new system, I struggled. At this time, a student at Bellevue College overheard my situation and connected me to a Northwest Education Access Advocate partner with the college.

I had many advocates over the years, but they each welcomed me with open arms. With immense support from my advocate, I got enrolled at Bellevue College, and during my second year, one of my Sociology professors asked me to be a tutor for the department. I was just discovering my passion for sociology. After a year of tutoring, I learned that helping and advocating for others was what lit the fire inside me that I didn’t even know I had. 

By 2020 I was ready to transfer to my dream school, the University of Washington. My advocate held my hand throughout the whole process—and I got in! But the joy didn’t last too long because covid hit and the transition from a community college to university was rough to say the least. My first quarter at UW was probably the hardest of all my journeys. I had the biggest imposter syndrome during this time, I felt like I wasn’t on the same level as the rest of my peers and that me getting in and even applying was a mistake. 

During this time I was also diagnosed with major depressive disorder as well as anxiety. I contemplated giving up and just dropping out of school completely. The only person other than my therapist who I could talk to about this was my advocate, who supported me and helped me with the paperwork to take some time off school and told me to take care of myself and continued to check in on me.

By fall of 2021, I was back in school and ready to finish and slowly build a community again at UW, and my advocate was there through every step of the way. They helped me connect with people that were NEA students who were also attending UW, and they suggested that I apply to join the Student Advisory Board.

Being part of the Student Advisory Board here at NEA has been one of the most fun and rewarding experiences, as I can help the organization to better serve students. This year, we created a scholarship for students, and we participated in advocacy day to advocate for the right to education for everyone. 

And I really could not have done it without all my education advocates. Here at NEA we have a saying that students are the ones in the driver seat and that NEA is just here to help with extra support, but in reality they are much more. Yes, we might be in the driver seat, but they are our navigation system that always has our back in case we need redirection. 

Now that I’ve graduated, I’ve decided to take a small break to recharge before the fall when I will be looking for a job. In the meantime, NEA is still helping me prepare with my transition from school to work life. The job prep bootcamp that was put together by the organization prepared me and is helping me with my resume and interviewing process, and my advocate is still actively keeping in touch to further assist me when I finally start applying to jobs. The future is bright!

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