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Personalisation and Experiential Learning

Our personalisation programme and focus on experiential learning is designed to enable you to create your unique student journey and seize opportunities to gain valuable experience, aligned to your personal interests and ambitions. We help you to untap your potential and succeed academically, personally, and professionally.

Our approach to teaching and learning places value on the application of theory to practice and the importance of reflection. We pride ourselves on equipping you with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to excel in your chosen field.

Your student journey


We recognise that each student is unique and so will have different aspirations and goals, different interests and drivers and differing developmental needs. Our dedication to personalisation and experiential learning is directed at enriching your student experience and ensuring you stand out from the crowd. We support you to develop and to realise your true potential.

Personalisation opportunities

When you join NBS as an undergraduate student you can choose a sandwich degree course with a year-long work placement in your third year, or opt for a full-time, three-year degree. We also offer an accelerated work-based degree where you will spend your second year working for an organisation, whilst studying in blended learning format, enabling you to graduate in 3 years with a year of work experience too!  If a fully work-based degree appeals, our degree apprenticeship courses might be the right route for you. As a postgraduate student you can elect to add a year’s work placement to your degree to give a big boost to your future employability, we also offer a fully online MBA programme and part-time professional courses.

Whichever course and mode of study you choose, the NBS approach to teaching and learning promotes the use of devices such as case studies, business simulations and company visits to bring academic theory to life and provide concrete experiences for you to reflect upon and deepen your understanding.

Most of our undergraduate courses offer unique credit bearing opportunities in the second half of the year, namely the chance to study abroad, the opportunity to secure a 16 to 18-week internship or to undertake an Enterprise Project, whilst optional modules in courses allow you to choose subjects which align with your individual interests.

As a master’s student you can choose from a range of hands-on projects in the third semester of your studies. For example, you can undertake a Global Experience Project, an Internship Experience Project, an individual Business Research Project or you can work in a team on a Consultancy Experience Project, managing a complex project for a real business.

In addition to classroom-based learning, you will also have access to the virtual learning environment, which encourages you to independently select and explore a wide range of digital material including exercises, self-tests, videos and webinars.

Beyond the curriculum you will be exposed to a vibrant digest of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities including the Business Leaders’ Lecture Series, national and international business challenges and competitions, Alumni Fellow talks, workshops and field trips. We also encourage you to get involved in sports, clubs and societies, and to consider other opportunities to enhance your student experience such as volunteering in the community or applying to become a course rep or student ambassador.

Our approach is directed at providing you with a range of opportunities and experiences to ensure you shine in the jobs market and develop in ways that are valuable to you as an individual.

We are invested in your success; we want you to develop academically, personally and professionally and achieve your goals and ambitions. You will be surrounded by a support network which includes an Academic Mentor, your tutors and course team, administrative staff, specialist employability and careers colleagues and other central teams such as Student Finance, the Global Lounge and Student Support Services. Our Alumni Fellowship Scheme is also highly instrumental to the guidance and support you will receive.

Course Tutors and Academic Mentors

When you join NBS you'll be assigned a Course Tutor or an Academic Mentor. They will support you to understand your key strengths and areas for development and help you to tailor your student experience so that you're in pole position to accomplish your academic, career and life goals.

Amanda Thompson and Shelley Clark are the Heads of Personalisation and Experiential Learning at Nottingham Business School. They are responsible for ensuring that all NBS students optimise their academic, personal and professional development and benefit from a personalised university experience.

Amanda Thompson

Amanda Thompson is a member of the senior leadership team at Nottingham Business School (NBS). She is responsible for leading innovations in personalisation and experiential learning across the School. Amanda's work is central to the Business School's vision, mission, and values and integral to the University’s Strategic Plan. Her current role works to advance the personalisation programme and focus on experiential learning for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education students.

Dr Shelley Clark

Dr Shelley Clark is a member of the leadership team at Nottingham Business School (NBS). Shelley is responsible for leading the personalisation and experiential learning initiative within NBS. This initiative gives each of the School’s undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education students a personalised learning experience aimed at achieving greater outcomes. Shelley supports students in developing and enhancing the qualities and transferable skills necessary for their studies, career progression, professional and personal development.

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