The cover image depicts a colored scanning electron microscopy image of a network of cortical neurons grown on a microelectrode array used for combined force and electrophysiological measurements.

In our June 2024 issue

Controlling phototautomerization, nanoparticles with immiscible elements, electrocatalyst engineering for Li-S batteries, photothermal therapy for tuberculosis, neuronal nano-biomechanics, and more.


  • Louis Brus

    Professor Louis Brus of Columbia University tells Nature Nanotechnology about his first encounter with the world of colloidal quantum dots, the beginning of a journey that has earned him this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry (together with Aleksey Yekimov and Moungi Bawendi). He also offers insightful advice to young scientists along the way.

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    In 2020 and 2021, Nature Nanotechnology hosted several panel discussions on exciting topics in nanotechnology. See the recordings here.

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