Extended Data Fig. 3: From assembly to curated vOTUs in numbers. | Nature Microbiology

Extended Data Fig. 3: From assembly to curated vOTUs in numbers.

From: Expanding known viral diversity in the healthy infant gut

Extended Data Fig. 3

After assembly, species-level deduplication and manual decontamination, most sequence clusters were inferred to be non-viral and had small sizes while viral OTUs were much fewer but longer (A). After mapping, vOTUs accounted for roughly half of the reads (B). 97% of the reads originally comprised “dark matter” but only 7% was left after resolution (C). The 10,021 curated vOTUs fell within five viral classes (caudoviruses [dsDNA], microviruses [ssDNA], anelloviruses [ssDNA], inoviruses [ssDNA] and adenoviruses [dsDNA]). Distributions of the viral classes by: mapped reads (D), MRAs, after normalising read counts for sequencing depth and genome size (E) and species richness, that is number of vOTUs (F) are shown. G) Same as F but at viral order-level, with orders colored as in Fig. 2.

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