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Did we actually decide a date for the Andrea Dworkin book club?

16 replies

sethstarkaddersmum · 28/06/2010 10:59

cos I have read 'Hearbreak' and can't wait!

OP posts:
SweetDreamerGirl · 28/06/2010 12:00

I've been working through the texts on the basis of starting the discussion of the evening of Wed 30th June presunably at 9pm. How about you? That date was mentioned in the original bookclub 4 thread and nobody objected. Makes sense to me - same day of the week and four weeks on from the previous discussion. Such an arrangement would bring some regularity to the book club.

I've almost finished "Heartbreak" and have read the web stuff too. Very thought provoking! I'm really looking forward to the discussion. See you there, whenever we do arrange.

dittany · 28/06/2010 13:59

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SweetDreamerGirl · 28/06/2010 14:15

dittany, what a pity you can't make the 30th! Perhaps all is not lost quite yet, however.

Perhaps a postponement might be sensible if, after finding out what progress others have made with the reading material, it transpires that readers would like more time to finish reading.

I'm comfortable either way with Wed 30th or a postponement, at the moment. Let's hope we can soon agree on a suitable date/time for as many readers as possible.

Have you actually finished all the reading for it?

dittany · 28/06/2010 16:15

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dittany · 28/06/2010 16:25

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Prolesworth · 28/06/2010 16:37

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dittany · 28/06/2010 17:21

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Prolesworth · 28/06/2010 17:26

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dittany · 28/06/2010 17:33

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Ghostlove · 28/06/2010 17:35

I haven't read enough Dworkin - I read Intercourse a year or two ago and have been planning to read the rest. Is this an online or IRL book club? I'd love to join in, if you'll have me?

sethstarkaddersmum · 28/06/2010 17:39

Online, and of COURSE you can join in Ghostlove!

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Prolesworth · 28/06/2010 17:42

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Ghostlove · 28/06/2010 17:43

What's the first book you're reading? I may or may not already have it.

Ghostlove · 28/06/2010 17:44

Ah, doi - I posted before I saw your post, Prolesworth. Thanks!

sethstarkaddersmum · 28/06/2010 20:14

Hope the move goes well Dittany.
Sorry you can't be here for book club but OTOH it will be interesting for you to come along afterwards and see how the conclusions we of the thread differ from/resemble your own.

I am so glad we are doing Dworkin. I am finding her really stunning & surprising.

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dittany · 28/06/2010 21:06

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