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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

it's all your fault, feminists.

8 replies

jooseyfruit · 25/06/2010 21:45

Especially the state of Britains public conveniences.

An unbelievable letter in my local paper today

OP posts:
southeastastra · 25/06/2010 21:53

surely they wrote that for a laugh

MsHighwater · 25/06/2010 21:56

Written by a woman, too (I presume, anyway, that Heather is a woman's name).

Hassled · 25/06/2010 21:58

That's us told.

TheHeathenOfSuburbia · 25/06/2010 22:18

You've got to love the letters in the local press... our local rag has had an ongoing debate for several months between some fundamentalist christians and atheists.

But for the top-quality bizarre letter, as here, a Victorian attitude needs to combine with a complete lack of any logic, structure or sense. Exemplary.

DH and I used to seek out the Barking Letter Of The Day on the Daily Telegraph website in slow work moments. It would usually read something like this;


I am 93 and I think they should all be strung up! I remember the glorious summer of '32 when Fufflebottom scored 134 not out for Essex.

Col H.M.D.F. Moustache-Warmer (retd.)

HerBeatitude · 26/06/2010 20:31

That letter's a classic. It's just very funny

ImSoNotTelling · 26/06/2010 20:54

Hahahhahhahhaha that is just brilliant

Prolesworth · 26/06/2010 20:59

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edam · 26/06/2010 21:03

Right... so what, feminists don't do housework and somehow that makes public loos dirty? Odd. I don't recall my Granny ever cleaning public loos, even though she was VERY houseproud. Pursing her lips in disapproval and warning me not to touch the doorhandles, yes, actually whipping out a pot of Vim and a scrubbing brush, no.

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