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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Women leaders in Finland

5 replies

SweetDreamerGirl · 23/06/2010 18:32

I noticed that Finland now has a female president AND prime minister AGAIN. Seems like it is becoming routine there. I realise that it's the policies that count, but putting those aside, it shows that there is at least one country where women can be taken seriously as national policy makers.

Anybody know of similar situations elsewhere?

OP posts:
MillyR · 23/06/2010 20:04

I am working in Iceland at the moment and that is a great place for women. The only financial institution that continued to be profitable during the crisis was set up on and is run on feminist principles. Iceland funds a lot of charities for women in other countries. Being a feminist does not have negative connotations here. It is also the norm for people to have children in their twenties, often while still at University and receive lots of state support. People then go to develop their careers after this, and being held back because you are a mother would be considered unacceptable. Men do a huge amount of childcare as well.

SweetDreamerGirl · 23/06/2010 22:46


I like the sound of the Icelandic bank that is run on feminist principles. I'd be interested to read more about that.

The absence of negative connotations about being a feminist - even better

Men doing huge amounts of childcare ...

I'm off to look for my passport so that I fly over there and join in!

OP posts:
MillyR · 24/06/2010 23:16

Here is the link to the feminist financial company. There is also a link at the top of the webpage to their social responsibility section.

SweetDreamerGirl · 24/06/2010 23:25

Thanks for the link, I'm going to take a look at it right now.

OP posts:
Sakura · 25/06/2010 01:47

That sounds fascinating Milly. What is it about those northern countries, do you think?
DO you think there is a group survival ethos? I noticed that the Welsh assembly has a good representation of women.

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