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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

To point people who might be interested towards a thread about "boys" exams and "girls" exams

11 replies

ImSoNotTelling · 19/06/2010 18:50


Apparently one of the examining boards is thinking of separate examining methods, one for girls with coursework and one for boys with exams.

i am and thought it worthwhile posting a link from this section.

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dittany · 19/06/2010 18:56

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secunda · 19/06/2010 18:59

I'm rubbish at coursework, don't do very well at working for sustained periods of time on a project. Quite good at exams, have been known to pull 100% out of my arse. So would not have done well if I'd had to do coursework just 'cos I'm a girl.

ImSoNotTelling · 19/06/2010 19:28

What sort of subjects have you been studying secunda

Dittany there is a "where's dittany when you need her" on the thread. I like the succinctness of your response here. On the other thread I went on a bit

OP posts:
Habbibu · 19/06/2010 19:30

Indeed - why couldn't they just say "a flexible approach to assessment". I was a v good last minute crammer - hated coursework.

dittany · 19/06/2010 19:40

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BoneyBackJefferson · 19/06/2010 21:37

from a different paper (yes its DM)
Bill Alexander, AQA's director of curriculum and assessment, said

"AQA would not restrict who could enter which type of course."
So both genders would get to choose which type of assessment they wanted.

Very poor reporting.

ImSoNotTelling · 19/06/2010 21:50


You cannot have different exams for teh same qualification. It is utterly unfair.

Why don't they just make it 50/50 and then all this nonsense will stop.

OP posts:
ImSoNotTelling · 19/06/2010 21:51

The argument is happening on the other thread though

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BoneyBackJefferson · 19/06/2010 21:56


may go across and have a look.

but different exam boards do different exams for the same qualification, different percentages, grade boundries etc.

TBH. I don't see how it could work when it came to college/uni/job interviews as you would be measuring different skills.

sorry gone off on one.

ImSoNotTelling · 19/06/2010 22:05

Exactly. It's a load of old shite.

50/50 is the only way to do it. But how you measure understanding of maths based on coursework is anyone's guess (reveals own prejudice).

Mind you teh top schools are already moving away from teh standard qualifications. so who knows where any of this will end up.

maybe universities will start setting their own entrance exams as they won't be able to tell what anyone's qualificationsactually mean.

OP posts:
ElephantsAndMiasmas · 21/06/2010 11:36

Have joined in to agree this is pernicious bollocks

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