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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Cornell research on reducing clitoral size on American girls/ babies

3 replies

SkaterGrrrrl · 18/06/2010 15:59

This very interesting thread was tucked away in 'other subjects' so linking to it here for the feminists to see!

OP posts:
cyteen · 18/06/2010 16:03

I'm impressed that you managed to restrain yourself from titling this as 'research'. Because really, there are some flimsy fucking motives going on here I am actually dumbstruck that this is happening.

BingumyAndThob · 18/06/2010 16:07

There's a thread already over here...

SkaterGrrrrl · 18/06/2010 16:16

Thanks Bing, yes I know, I just wanted the posters in this folder to see it.

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