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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Well done Wales: 'one step too far'

11 replies

anastaisia · 17/06/2010 16:49

Great ad campaign hope they roll it out to England too!

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MillyR · 17/06/2010 17:04

The statement at the end of the hidden camera video is really shocking;

domestic violence worldwide accounts for more death and disability of women than all war, cancer, malaria and road traffic accidents combined.

anastaisia · 17/06/2010 17:21

I know, isn't that a shocking figure!

The comments are really interesting too; just had a read through them. Nice to see that the majority support the concept of the ad and are glad to see the less dramatic behaviours linked to abuse/violence as something women shouldn't have to accept, with only a few excusing the behaviour. And some really good points made by men who 'get it' talking about not behaving that way because they respect women and don't see them as a homogenous group but as individuals.

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dittany · 17/06/2010 17:33

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anastaisia · 17/06/2010 17:34

(well, not figure because they don't give a number. but fact)

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dittany · 17/06/2010 17:42

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withorwithoutyou · 17/06/2010 17:53

The hidden camera video reminds me exactly of what it was like being 26, fit (phyiscally I mean) and I guess fairly attractive. Beeping horns and all the rest of it.

I'm 31 now and 37 weeks pregnant so haven't experienced that kind of thing for a while. I remember when DD was 1 week old though, walking down the street and getting beeped at - probably my own fault for having big breasts as a result of b/fing. It was a big reminder of the kind of crap you have to put up with after no longer being invisible to most men when pregnant.

dittany · 17/06/2010 17:58

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Prolesworth · 17/06/2010 18:02

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Sakura · 18/06/2010 02:19

That is excellent.

ElephantsAndMiasmas · 22/06/2010 13:13

God, it does make you almost want to cry, to see such a clever and sensitive campaign. We need to have this in England - I see it's a welsh assemby thing. Can we lobby Theresa May?

anastaisia · 23/06/2010 21:40

I tweeted it at Lynne Featherstone when I first saw it.

But lobbying sounds good - perhaps we can mention the ASA response to the pepsi max ad.

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