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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Great article on feminism in Red Magazine this month

3 replies

nikki1978 · 16/06/2010 13:26

It is called 'I am not a feminist but...'. Thought it was a great article on how feminists are not "hairy-legged killjoys and man haters" and also why sexism is still a big problem for women.

The mag is a bit expensive and I can't find the article on-line but thought I would mention it

OP posts:
sethstarkaddersmum · 16/06/2010 16:08

I am v happy about all these positive articles on feminism in the mainstream media... though I am dreading the day when the Sunday Times puts it in its 'Going Up/Going Down' section - probably some time next year - 'Going Down: feminism - it's so 2010!'

dittany · 16/06/2010 17:32

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Prolesworth · 16/06/2010 21:09

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