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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Amazing amount of anti feminists about, how do we deal with them????

23 replies

MrClaireKhaw · 15/06/2010 17:19

I have name changed so that my fb profile and MN profile cannot be linked.

"There's a societal shift going on, with freedoms women have gained, along with much of the civil rights stuff and all the pc crap that has completely distracted us from logic. Societal shifts create a lot of problems and that's what we're in the middle of. There is no going back, and I would not want to go back to the days where women wouldn't have the right to write on these walls, where we were just babymakers. What is too much power? You know that men still have most of the power. I sound like a feminist but I am not, but I have to say I do appreciate the fact that I am able to express my mind and aspire to goals at will. Feminism is a double-edged sword...freedoms, but then has played a large part in the breaking down of marriage...breaking down of the family, big hand of the government happily reaching into broken families, becoming parents for our children and the taxpayer funding it all. It's a mess...but we're in the middle of a shift.

I believe there are people who genuinely need's those able bodies who ride on welfare and we do nothing about...they teach their children to live as they do and create more bloodsuckers dependent on the government, which is growing and becoming the mother to all of them. Liberals want this because the more dependent the people become, the bigger government gets and then one day everybody is wearing the same shoes, eating what we're told, and no longer need to think for ourselves...
oh, and government loves this pc stuff. We all sit back and watch the ridiculous antics of our politicians and lawmakers allow genuine crimes to go unchecked just to be pc. It's all a part of the societal shift, and both men and women are the problem. PC is part of the problem. Not taking responsibility for our own is part of the problem.
I like having my freedom and don't want to give it up...not sure if the trade-off is worth it. But I think we can still have a decent society, happy marriages, etc...but men also need to use their logic as well, which is something I believe they need to work on. The wussification of society is partly their fault, too...
I know I've been preaching to the choir, here...and it's not very well composed, I've been all over the place with it...but I've gotta go to work. Hey, do you think that it could simply be that biology (hormones) is the problem?

What does one say to this sort of idiocy.

OP posts:
sarah293 · 15/06/2010 17:21

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MrClaireKhaw · 15/06/2010 17:22

Yes, quoting one of 'that vile woman' TVW sycophants.

OP posts:
ImSoNotTelling · 15/06/2010 17:32

what's TVW?

Prolesworth · 15/06/2010 17:35

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kittywise · 15/06/2010 18:00

Deal with them?...........

MrClaireKhaw · 15/06/2010 18:10

Well, answer them.

OP posts:
HerBeatitude · 15/06/2010 18:30

I think you ignore them as well.

They're too stupid to deal with and too closed minded to listen.

You will always get the v. convinced and those who can never be persuaded. The ones in the middle are always the biggest group.

antoinettechigur · 15/06/2010 19:44

Agree, ignore. What else are they doing on a feminism thread other than trying to stir things up?

Ronaldinhio · 15/06/2010 19:45

death squad?

kittywise · 15/06/2010 19:55

Why do they need dealing with? I don't understand? Why can't they say things you disagree with with?

Prolesworth · 15/06/2010 22:14

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tabouleh · 15/06/2010 22:37

OP - why have you namechanged to something so controversial?

For others not aware - see here, here and here.

AnyFucker · 15/06/2010 22:40

Listen to tabouleh, people

You are being shafted

Prolesworth · 15/06/2010 23:44

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booyhoo · 15/06/2010 23:47

i am assuming the OP is claire khaw so am hiding the thread.

hmc · 15/06/2010 23:51

"Liberals want this because the more dependent the people become, the bigger government gets and then one day everybody is wearing the same shoes, eating what we're told, and no longer need to think for ourselves..."

Are you confusing liberalism with totalitarianism/ facism / state communism lovey? Opposite ends of the political spectrum. It's a bit late to educate you in politics and history...

Prolesworth · 15/06/2010 23:57

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hmc · 16/06/2010 00:01

Yes, me too!

MrClaireKhaw · 16/06/2010 07:59

I am not Claire Khaw, the post is from her page and so I wanted to name change just in case she has got back on MN....which she has vowed....and would recognise me. I was hoping for ammunition.

OP posts:
sethstarkaddersmum · 16/06/2010 09:39

OP - you have to keep yourself calm by thinking of them as hopeless dupes of the patriarchy/despising them slightly for the way they try to curry favour with men by being anti-feminist.

and then you either ignore or attempt to persuade, as the mood takes you.

MrClaireKhaw · 16/06/2010 11:17

You're right!!

OP posts:
Sakura · 17/06/2010 02:30

Just ignore it and don't copy and paste it around t'internet.
Muslims always despair of the incoherent ramblings of the fanatical few, which bizzarely always manage to hit the news, inciting anti-muslim sentiments.
It's funny how anti-feminist BS always gets so much attention, when real feminist issues get so little attention.

Andromeda07734 · 27/06/2010 10:24

"Mr Claire Khaw", why are you afraid to use your own nickname?


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