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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Is anyone else incensed by this judge's comments?

41 replies

sethstarkaddersmum · 14/06/2010 13:38

judge says woman 'betrayed the sisterhood'

it's another 'false rape allegation' case; I have to say I of course have not got the foggiest idea what the truth of this case is (though I note that if the only evidence she was lying is simply the fact that she sent the guy text messages after she said he'd raped her, that's pretty weak evidence - women do NOT act like textbook victims and I could quite imagine someone doing this if the reality of the rape still hadn't sunk in).

anyway judge Julian Hall said, 'Some people who commit rape are acquitted because people like you make false allegations.
?To put this a little dramatically you have betrayed the sisterhood.'

What right has he got to speak for the sisterhood? How f*cking dare he?

anyway, it turns out he has previous on showing more sympathy for accused than complainant.

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Sammyuni · 14/06/2010 13:55

Well it's difficult to make an opinion on a case when we don't know all the facts, there was probably more information in court that pointed towards a false allegation that we simply don't know the media has a way of leaving important facts out and only giving us interesting or controversial info.

Sparks · 14/06/2010 14:00

It's utter bollocks.

'Some people who commit rape' are acquitted because the justice system is biased. Most men who commit rape don't even get charged or taken to court. Of those who make it to court, the vast majority are acquitted.

What's 'the sisterhood' anyway?

Sammyuni · 14/06/2010 14:05

Actually sparks of those that get to court the majority are convicted like 60%

threelittlepebbles · 14/06/2010 14:54

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EleanorHandbasket · 14/06/2010 14:57

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unfitmother · 14/06/2010 15:08

The victim in this case was the accused, she admitted making it up.

Mingg · 14/06/2010 15:11

It is true what the judge said - false accusations do make it harder for women to report a rape and then secure a conviction.

scaredoflove · 14/06/2010 15:33

Actually, that judge looks like he is pretty switched on

?These people also talk as if false complaints of rape are frequently made but they are able to say this because people like you occasionally do.

His wording there is pretty good

smallwhitecat · 14/06/2010 15:37

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blinder · 14/06/2010 15:53

I wonder if he accuses rapists of 'betraying the brotherhood'.

Mingg · 14/06/2010 16:04

I'd like to think that, if found guilty, they get sent to prison. I'd also suspect that they get called worse that 'betrayer of brotherhood'.

Women making false accusations do make it harder for those who actually have been raped to report the rape and be believed.

threelittlepebbles · 14/06/2010 17:04

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Mingg · 14/06/2010 17:11

I do not mean to say that false accusations are the only reason (nor that they are common place). They do however get a lot of publicity and thereby make it harder for women to report the crime and subsequently secure a conviction imo.

dittany · 14/06/2010 17:22

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Mingg · 14/06/2010 17:24

She did admit she was lying

dittany · 14/06/2010 17:28

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Mingg · 14/06/2010 17:31

Sorry - I don't quite understand that. Why admit to lying if she was not? Why not in that case just take her chances and let the court decide if she was raped or not?

dittany · 14/06/2010 17:44

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dittany · 14/06/2010 17:46

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smallwhitecat · 14/06/2010 17:47

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dittany · 14/06/2010 17:50

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edam · 14/06/2010 17:56

I bet the sentences for people making false accuations are harsher than the average sentence for rape itself. Especially when meted out by this judge - given his record of leniency towards child rapists.

Funny how we never see stories about people who have made false accusations of other crimes, despite all the research saying the number is about the same as for any other offence.

edam · 14/06/2010 17:56

I bet the sentences for people making false accusations are harsher than the average sentence for rape itself. Especially when meted out by this judge - given his record of leniency towards child rapists.

Funny how we never see stories about people who have made false accusations of other crimes, despite all the research saying the number is about the same as for any other offence.

Sammyuni · 14/06/2010 18:03

Why would the case go to court if she admitted she made it up.

It seems dittany that no matter what the evidence shows/proves or even what the accuser says themselves you still see it as though she was telling the truth originally despite the fact she said she was lying.

I mean after the event occurred she sent him a text asking if he wants to meet again and then asked if he was ok.

I really doubt that is a habit of rape victims towards the one that raped them especially since they had only met once in person.

sethstarkaddersmum · 14/06/2010 18:07

we all know that being a complainant in a rape case is particularly traumatic (with your sexual history and character being gone into in court - despite asking about sexual history in theory being no longer allowed) so there would be more motive to withdraw an accusation than with other crimes.
you can also get away with withdrawing a rape accusation in a way you can't with other crimess ('actually I beat myself up'/'I gave this man in the street my handbag Your Honour').

I also find it a bit illogical the way a woman who withdraws a rape accusation is always assumed to be telling the truth at that point and lying before. How come she's not lying now?

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