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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

R Kelly performance opens the world cup

8 replies

antoinettechigur · 11/06/2010 13:46

What a great message.

He is known to be fond of both photos and video after all.

OP posts:
pagwatch · 11/06/2010 13:48

Goodness really?

Still, look at the previous for most of the players competing.. It is a pretty low brow gathering, except for Desmond Tutu

Meglet · 11/06/2010 13:51

I don't understand how he was allowed on there. He's v.dodgy.

antoinettechigur · 11/06/2010 13:54

I suppose no criminal convictions= nothing happened. Even with video. Photos. Illegal marriage certificate. Multiple separate allegations. So it seems he is a very nice man and very suited to association with a popular event.

OP posts:
HerBeatitude · 11/06/2010 16:52

I don't know who he is.

Sometimes, it's nice to be blissfully unaware of popular entertainers...

StewieGriffinsMom · 11/06/2010 21:19

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frikonastick · 12/06/2010 11:03

yes. i was not amused. especially as he was performing in a counrty where 1 in 4 men ADMIT to raping women and 46% of them admit to having raped more than once.

frikonastick · 12/06/2010 11:12

in fact, in 2007 36,190 yes thirty six THOUSAND rapes were reported, not for the whole year, no no, for the period between April and November. and those account for only estimated one in nine actual rapes.

so doing the math.............325,710 women were raped in 6 months in south africa.

thats 58,254 women a month..........13,571 a week...........9,138 women a day

ElephantsAndMiasmas · 12/06/2010 14:19

Well is it surprising when the president of SA was tried for rape and acquitted, while his accuser, a family friend who is a lesbian and called Zuma "Uncle", has had to go into exile?

I had forgotten these two when compiling the lists on the other thread of men whose lives have distinctly NOT been ruined by rape allegations.

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