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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Women's presence in films - the Bechdel Test

9 replies

Quodlibet · 07/06/2010 14:21

I just wondered how many of you had come across the Bechdel test before? It's a measure of checking whether the female presence in a film is actually notable or not.

Link here

I found it quite scary the extent to which I just don't notice that there aren't any significant female characters in a film - and I'd consider myself alert to this kind of thing!


OP posts:
ChocolateMoose · 07/06/2010 15:25

It's been covered in the Guardian - see here and here

pagwatch · 07/06/2010 15:30

I tend to get excited if I see a film where they don't refer to the main female as 'the girl' as in
' you arm the explosive device and I will save this small child from certain death... where is the girl? Oh , she has tripped over something invisible and has hurt her ankle...

southeastastra · 07/06/2010 15:31

ooh was a thread on here about this before will look

SweetDreamerGirl · 07/06/2010 21:23

A good website for this is

ElephantsAndMiasmas · 08/06/2010 15:45

Was it this thread southeastastra? Quite a few suggestions for ones to watch on there.

I watched "Waitress" last week and loved the way that the women worked together and had real feelings that didn't fit into the cliche. Not necessarily overjoyed about being pregnant/engaged etc.

blackcurrants · 08/06/2010 16:23

Elephants: I loved "Waitress" for that, too!

Of course, sometimes the films that pass the test aren't necessarily feminist in message - but it's shocking enough that there should be so few of them, that it's worth further analysis!

ElephantsAndMiasmas · 08/06/2010 17:22

Yeah, that's true blackcurrants, but the thing is I'm interested in hearing about men and women in all kinds of situations. Hearing from women in film at all is the first necessary step.

Ryoko · 09/06/2010 11:39

Hollywood films are rubbish anyway, should just watch films from the far east they are better anyway and have more and better female roles.

blackcurrants · 09/06/2010 12:00

Really Ryoko? Cool, I love good film recommendations: any titles, any particular directors to watch out for?

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