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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Rape defendants to be granted anonymity

11 replies

hotCheeseBURNS · 07/06/2010 14:04

I couldn't believe what I was hearing this morning on the radio! (this story)
Are we going back in time? Not only does this prevent other victims from being able to come forward but it sends a message that accused rapists are generally victims, not perpetrators and that the proportion of false allegations is considerable higher than in other cases of crime committed against a person. It's saying that rape is not a "real" crime but a sensitive, personal issue to be kept behind closed doors, in the same way people used to view domestic violence, not as a crime but as a disagreement or misunderstanding. It looks to me like a big green light to rapists

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OldLadyKnowsNothing · 07/06/2010 14:12

How does it "prevent" others coming forward? I understand the argument that, once accused by one victim, others may come forward, but I don't see that this actually stops victims going to the police.

hotCheeseBURNS · 07/06/2010 14:49

That's what I meant - further victims won't come forward.

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StewieGriffinsMom · 07/06/2010 15:04

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Prolesworth · 07/06/2010 15:10

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Fruitysunshine · 07/06/2010 15:18

Our legal system is based on innocent until proven guilty. Many people have been wrongly tarnished as rapists as well as many people being proven guilty.

This whole subject has issues that don't help it, even this morning I was reading about a woman who make up a brutal rape in order to escape a motoring charge - so men have to be protected from those type of women as much as women being taken seriously when they have really been assaulted.

Until some women stop making up false claims it will always be difficult for other women who genuinely need the legal system to get justice. Hence the protection required for people who may be innocent!

StewieGriffinsMom · 07/06/2010 15:21

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Prolesworth · 07/06/2010 15:24

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hotCheeseBURNS · 07/06/2010 17:18

Oops sorry I did do a search and couldn't find anything!

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Prolesworth · 07/06/2010 17:35

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Prolesworth · 07/06/2010 17:36

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hotCheeseBURNS · 08/06/2010 18:14

Thanks! Have signed the petition and now ploughing
through the thread!

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