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Boy babies are not cute

37 replies

Ryoko · 01/06/2010 13:42

Not sure if this is the right place for this but my son is 3 weeks old, when I took him out down the shops wearing a white and black sleepsuit, 4 people stopped to look and said "She" was so cute.

A couple of days later went to the shops again not a single person said anything, he was wearing his blue sleepsuit with a dino on the front.

I can't help thinking that he got no interest from people because he was wearing blue so must be a boy and who cares about boy babies they are not cute

OP posts:
Gigantaur · 01/06/2010 13:45

don't be silly.

Of course he is cute and adorable. Many people find it difficult to determine the sex of young babies if they are wearing neutral colours.

Maybe you just didn't bump into anyone you knew or anyone forward enough to stick their head in and comment.

BessieBoots · 01/06/2010 13:45

No, I don't think so- Maybe you just didn't see the kinds of people who would comment.

You're massively overthinking this tbh- chill out!

smokeybacon · 01/06/2010 13:46

Ah rubbish! Boy babies are super cute. IMO anyway. Well, mine were/are at least and I'm sure your son is too.

StealthPolarBear · 01/06/2010 13:47

my DS used to get cooed at as much as DD does, in fact there was one woman (who worked there) who started to recognise him!
Sometimes you just don't get that though - maybe it was busier second time round? People are stressed / rushed.
Anyway, put a pic on your profile and we'll tell you

izzybiz · 01/06/2010 13:48

Of course they are! I had lots of lovely comments about all three of my Dc's as babies, two boys and one girl!

going · 01/06/2010 13:48

Baby boys are very cute! Sometimes you will get comments other times you won't. I often get comments about my DS, she is very pretty, she has a beautiful smile etc even if he is wearing very much boys cothes so I think most people do't even notice what they are wearing!

ShowOfHands · 01/06/2010 13:49

You're being silly. People always told dd what a beautiful little boy she was.

Imarriedafrog · 01/06/2010 13:52

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minipie · 01/06/2010 13:53

Nah, they probably just preferred the black and white outfit to the blue one.

Or it was colder and they were in a hurry.

Or... well anything really.

StealthPolarBear · 01/06/2010 14:10

yes dd got called a lovely boy today, in her pink flowery top

Ryoko · 01/06/2010 14:15

Well it wasn't anyone I know the first time and I went to the same shops at around the same time of day, it was a brighter day the second time but less hot.

I'm still confused by it

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Imarriedafrog · 01/06/2010 14:17

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notquitenormal · 01/06/2010 14:23

It's more likely that people noticed the black and white suit more than the blue because it is less usual.

DS had a grey sleepsuit that people really seems to comment on, yet he got very little attention when wearing blue. I put it down to blue not really suiting him.

That being said, when he was about 18m a woman asked me what her name was. I told her (they long version, as shortened it's a unisex name) and she said, "Oh, I though he was a girl. He's much too pretty to be a boy!"

I put that one down to being embarrassed about having got it wrong and saying somthing even dafter to explain (I do that all the time.)

Ryoko · 01/06/2010 14:51

I think I will continue the experiment, next time he will be wearing his little bear sleepsuit, then he'll be in the dino one again.

OP posts:
Ledodgy · 01/06/2010 15:06

My 2 ds got as many comments as my dd got when she was a baby.

Ledodgy · 01/06/2010 15:07

Although alot of people did tell me Ds2 was far too beautiful to be a boy.

azazello · 01/06/2010 15:10

DD and DS both get called cute a lot. I've lost count now. I was slightly taken aback to hear DD being called a gorgeous little boy on Saturday. She does have bobbed hair and was wearing trousers but is 3 and a pink obsessive. Her response - I'm not a little boy, I'm Darth Vader .

dittany · 01/06/2010 15:14

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BertieBotts · 01/06/2010 15:14

Maybe it was just that the black and white sleepsuit was more unusual and people thought it was more worth commenting on?

ErnestTheBavarian · 01/06/2010 15:23

well, I'm not so sure. I had 3 ds then 1 dd. I got noticably more cooing comments over dd than I did over the boys, fo sure.

StealthPolarBear · 01/06/2010 17:41

i once went out with a tiny dd in a grey sleepsuit with pink bits on and a huge pink blanket which has her name on
After a lot of cooing i got "what's he called?"
"no, alice"
"funny name for a boy"

elvislives · 01/06/2010 17:55

We have 5 children Girl, boy boy boy, girl.

DD1, DS3 and DD2 basically have the same face. DD1 used to wear blue and red, and I never put her in dresses or girly things. Nobody ever commented that she was cute, pretty or anything else.

DS3 had strawberry blond hair and people always commented at how adorable he was.

DD2 wears pinks, girly frills and pretty clothes. People always comment at how lovely, pretty, cute she is. It is the clothes they are commenting on, not DD2.

LostArtofKeepingASecret · 01/06/2010 18:17

I think elvis is right - people tend to comment on the clothes not the baby. Also, random stangers aren't going to say that you're baby is cute everytime you leave the house.

Having said that DD had a lot more 'cute' comments than DS. It may have been something about his size though!


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CheerfulYank · 01/06/2010 18:30

I think Elvis is right too, it's the outfit that gets the comments.

PigeonsInFlight · 01/06/2010 18:51

Yep Elvis is right. Everyone knows newborn babies all look the same anyway To everyone but the parents anyway.

People are more like to notice an unusually / well dressed baby or one with unusual hair.

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