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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Can we do anything about this?

157 replies

tethersend · 10/05/2010 16:24

Knowing the power of MN, I am sick of walking past this poster every day, and wonder if there is anything we can do about it?

Or is it just me?

OP posts:
deaddei · 10/05/2010 16:27

I actually think it's effective. Hard hitting and uncomfortable, but it doesn't offend me.

minipie · 10/05/2010 16:34

I find it quite distressing too, but it gets the point across.

What's your issue with it? I agree there is a(faint) suggestion that if you get an unlicensed minicab and get raped then it's your fault - which of course is unwelcome - but then most advisory "how to avoid getting raped" posters would have that faint suggestion and I'm not sure how to get rid of it.

tethersend · 10/05/2010 16:46

I don't find it distressing, it makes me angry.

Using a rape victim's cries and image to place the responsibility of said rape onto women's shoulders by giving women instructions is more than a faint suggestion that it is her fault, IMO.

Substitute the words 'taking unlicensed minicabs' for 'wearing short skirts' or 'walking alone at night' or 'drinking too much' and perhaps what angers me about it will be clearer...

Then again, perhaps it is just me.

I'm not sure we should be producing any 'how to avoid getting raped' posters, TBH.

OP posts:
DuelingFanjo · 10/05/2010 16:47

I think it's awful. I t seems to put the blame on the women for taking the cabs.

Am sure there was a thread about this before and there a link to a defaced poster.

tethersend · 10/05/2010 16:50

I think there was, DF.

I just fancied putting a bit of MN pressure onto TFL in order for them to question their thinking on this one.

OP posts:
DuelingFanjo · 10/05/2010 16:53

here's the thing I was thinking of clicky

HellBent · 10/05/2010 16:55

I have never seen this before. Distressing picture, but I think it is no worse than the firework or knife posters that are around too. It doesn't seem to be an anti-rape poster but a pro-licensed cab poster. She could be getting threatened to extort extra cab fare or something else? Do they have the same poster with a male face on it too?

gorionine · 10/05/2010 16:58

I can see your point Tethersend, but I think what they are trying to achieve is making women aware that they are potentially more at risk, not "guiltier" if they take an unbooked cab.

IMHO, It is more about being able to trace the driver back than a 'how to avoid getting raped' advice.

tabouleh · 10/05/2010 17:03

Tethersend - I know the arguments that giving certain types of safety info/message to women can lead to a - "you didn't follow the advice" - "tough/you were asking for it" mentality.

However, I really think that it is important for people (women and men) to not use unlicenced "vehicles".

DuelingFanjo - "It seems to put the blame on the women for taking the cabs."
They. Are. Not. Cabs.!

DuelingFanjo · 10/05/2010 17:13

ok, sorry..

the poster used minicabs, I thought they meant cabs.

I think the words 'stop, no. Stop please. no Please' followed by 'Please stop taking unbooked minicabs' is really badly worded and does slightly suggest that women can stop rape by not being stupid.

minipie · 10/05/2010 17:24

Hmmm. Yes, on the one hand, any advice as to how to avoid rape does slightly suggest that it's the woman's fault if she doesn't follow it and then gets raped.

But then, if there was no such advice, and more women took unlicenced cabs and got raped, then more women will have been raped than without the advice.

Surely fewer women getting raped is the lesser of two evils here.

Perhaps some better phrasing could have been used (eg I really don't like the words "you're putting yourself in danger") but in general I agree with these campaigns.

dittany · 10/05/2010 17:38

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Bonsoir · 10/05/2010 17:45

I think it is an effective way of pointing out a risk to women. What on earth is wrong with that?

HerBeatitude · 10/05/2010 17:46

If it's just about not taking unlicensed cabs, why isn't there a male victim in the back?

I know someone (male) who was attacked by one of these dodgy mini cab drivers - he'd taken an unlicensed cab and when he got out at the other end, two blokes jumped out of a car behind (which had obviously been following them) and along with the cab driver, beat him up and took his wallet. Taking an unlicensed cab is not a gendered issue, so why are TfL making it one?

Tortington · 10/05/2010 17:46

i think it s a good poster sorry

Jux · 10/05/2010 17:48

It's disturbing but so it should be. It's not offensive, more effective.

Mind you, I wouldn't want to walk past it every day either. You'll just have to turn you head, I'm afraid.

Ryoko · 10/05/2010 17:50

Well I understand the point that they are unsafe because you don't know who they are and licensed ones are safer because they can be tracked down after but you can get raped in a black cab as well what about that guy who drugged and raped all those idiots (yes I will call them that, accepting drinks from the driver).

ilovemydogandMrBrown · 10/05/2010 17:51

i didn't know until recently that there was a difference between mini cabs and licensed taxis. I didn't get the it was blaming the victim.

HerBeatitude · 10/05/2010 17:51

I think it's OK as part of a series of posters with other circumstances and other victims.

Otherwise it's not OK - it's just another promotion of the rape myths (women being able to stop rape by not going to places where rapists are).

Bonsoir · 10/05/2010 17:53

HerBeatitude - well of course women can help themselves by not putting themselves in risky situations. What are you fighting for? A crime free totally safe world?

dittany · 10/05/2010 17:55

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Bonsoir · 10/05/2010 17:57

Right, dittany, so in fact it is completely wrong to ever talk to women about the remote possibility that they may get raped by a stranger?

HerBeatitude · 10/05/2010 17:59

Bonsoir, having a relationship with a man is the most risky situation of all.

Do you really propose that I tell my daughter never to have male friends?

Don't be silly.


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dittany · 10/05/2010 18:01

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Bonsoir · 10/05/2010 18:01
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