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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Harriet Harman and Fawcett Society

55 replies

Imnobody4 · 05/07/2024 15:46

Now record 264 women MPs!
Chance to work cross party on women’s priorities.@fawcettsociety will convene meeting for all women MPs enabling them to embark on process of setting up powerful Women’s Caucus. Childcare, violence against women, *equal pay. Now is the time for change!

The Fawcett Society is transwomen inclusive isn't it. Other organisations must be involved, like Sex Matters etc.

Time for a women's caucus

Drawing on inspiration from the Northern Ireland Assembly, the Senedd and the Scottish Parliament, the Fawcett Society will shortly convene all women MPs to facilitate the launching of a powerful women’s caucus.

OP posts:
Imnobody4 · 05/07/2024 15:51

However, we have some concerns with the guidance. We believe some of the examples that are given to wider service providers as they consider their approaches to the inclusion of trans people are confusing and lack detail. In some cases, we believe the examples used suggest a threshold for the exclusion of trans people that is too low. We are worried that this will have a disproportionate impact on trans people.

OP posts:
Sausagenbacon · 05/07/2024 15:53

You know, I just can't be bothered to check out how they'll choose these groups. I've seen it happen in Bristol. Nice Liberal head girls patting themselves on their backs when they've been ignoring women for so long.
I bet in their patrician minds they think this will settle us all down.

TheywontletmehavethenameIwant · 05/07/2024 16:16

They're 'Drawing on inspiration from the Northern Ireland Assembly, the Senedd and the Scottish Parliament', I can't speak to the other's but the Senedd have sold women down the river completely, so I dread to think what this initiative would produce.

ScrapeMyArse · 05/07/2024 16:18

I think this is why I get especially angry when women force us to accept men in single sex spaces. We expect men not to understand and we have a movement for that - feminism. But other women speaking for us feels too much because as well as consenting on our behalf (essentially "I'm alright Jack") they also take the platform feminism has and bend it towards their own aims. So no autonomy, no voice and no movement. It hurts.

Hoosemover · 05/07/2024 16:25

this sounds like “let all get together with people who agree with us’ to how we can screw over women.

mirax · 05/07/2024 16:26

With Harriet Harman in charge of the 'laydies', you can kiss your hardwon rights goodbye. She has a history of favouring blokes, especially the ones who want to break safeguards against women and children.

Hoosemover · 05/07/2024 16:49


it worked out so well for the SNP in the Scottish Parliament.

Theeyeballsinthesky · 05/07/2024 16:49

The fawcett society are complete quislings

TheywontletmehavethenameIwant · 05/07/2024 16:56

The SNP's downfall is more to do with the fact that they're not campaigning for independence any more. The Troughers down the Bay don't have the same Achilles heel.

Imnobody4 · 05/07/2024 16:57

I hope Rosie Duffield is welcome.

OP posts:
TheywontletmehavethenameIwant · 05/07/2024 16:58

The last one was In answer to Hoosemover.

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 16:58

Let's think all about women..... by first worrying about have we sufficiently worried about and prioritised men.

I have no energy left for this kind of nonsense, I just walk away from it.

Hoosemover · 05/07/2024 17:00

TheywontletmehavethenameIwant · 05/07/2024 16:56

The SNP's downfall is more to do with the fact that they're not campaigning for independence any more. The Troughers down the Bay don't have the same Achilles heel.

Another factor was the SNP was marred by sleaze,

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 18:13

Fawcett Society will shortly convene all women MPs to facilitate the launching of a powerful women’s caucus

Well let's see how long the HoC sisterhood lasts.

I think many Labour women will make this impossible, particularly in they are Ministers.

And as HH is no longer in the HoC she want hold much sway even if she (unsurprisingly) ends up in the HoL.

Although for Fawcett having got HH to be their Chair a few months ago were obviously hoping they would get niche position as "feminist" adviser to Labour Government.

WickedSerious · 05/07/2024 18:24

TheywontletmehavethenameIwant · 05/07/2024 16:16

They're 'Drawing on inspiration from the Northern Ireland Assembly, the Senedd and the Scottish Parliament', I can't speak to the other's but the Senedd have sold women down the river completely, so I dread to think what this initiative would produce.

Anyone 'drawing in inspiration from the Senedd'should pull their head out of their arse and get their bumps felt.

UtopiaPlanitia · 05/07/2024 19:06

WickedSerious · 05/07/2024 18:24

Anyone 'drawing in inspiration from the Senedd'should pull their head out of their arse and get their bumps felt.

Same if they're using NI Assembly as an example - as well as being regularly dysfunctional (because the various parties can't get on with each other on fundamental issues of government) the first number of years of the Assembly involved male MLAs being incredibly rude, dismissive and sexist towards female MLAs especially towards those Members from the NI Women's Coalition.

To be honest, in recent years the male MLAs have also been incredibly rude and sexist towards Michelle O'Neill and Arlene Foster. It's obvious that some male politicians here have definite issues with women 'getting above their station'.

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 19:16

Lets be honest.

This wont amount to anything.

This is Fawcett still trying to be relevant.

Not to women, but to political parties.

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 05/07/2024 19:26

With her background at Liberty, and the Paedophile Information Exchange scandal for which she has never apologised, the very fact this woman was elevated to the Lords should be of grave concern.

Of course she's a Labour peer, not a crossbencher.

EwwSprouts · 07/07/2024 12:32

Should Harriet Harman step down as Chair of the Fawcett Society as the role is a conflict of interest with her ministerial role? Consulting with a group she leads? I feel it is definitely counter to Nolan Principles.

MrsOvertonsWindow · 07/07/2024 20:59

Great comments from all those women. The entitlement of wealthy powerful women who've been busy giving away women's rights to now suddenly decide that they'll get women politicians organised.

While they've been busy wining and dining, ordinary women have been organising and fostering the resurgence of an amazing multi faceted women's movement. Flowers

IwantToRetire · 07/07/2024 22:50

EwwSprouts · 07/07/2024 12:32

Should Harriet Harman step down as Chair of the Fawcett Society as the role is a conflict of interest with her ministerial role? Consulting with a group she leads? I feel it is definitely counter to Nolan Principles.

What Ministerial role does she have.

Cant find anything mentioned.


JanesLittleGirl · 07/07/2024 23:06

Harriet Harmon
Retired from the House of Commons
Enobled into the House of Lords
Chair of the Fawcett Society
Putative Head of the EHRC

Somebody is having a serious giraffe.


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Imnobody4 · Yesterday 10:08

MrsOvertonsWindow · 07/07/2024 20:59

Great comments from all those women. The entitlement of wealthy powerful women who've been busy giving away women's rights to now suddenly decide that they'll get women politicians organised.

While they've been busy wining and dining, ordinary women have been organising and fostering the resurgence of an amazing multi faceted women's movement. Flowers

It's really quite shocking. It's lobby groups getting above their station.There are already APPG in parliament. Harriet Harman is showing a complete lack of judgement.

OP posts:
quantumbutterfly · Yesterday 10:11

Sausagenbacon · 05/07/2024 15:53

You know, I just can't be bothered to check out how they'll choose these groups. I've seen it happen in Bristol. Nice Liberal head girls patting themselves on their backs when they've been ignoring women for so long.
I bet in their patrician minds they think this will settle us all down.

In the words of the fabulous Elaine Miller, 'Oh do ya bloody think so?'

Definitely a non-wheeshting woman.

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