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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Harriet Harman and Fawcett Society

62 replies

Imnobody4 · 05/07/2024 15:46

Now record 264 women MPs!
Chance to work cross party on women’s priorities.@fawcettsociety will convene meeting for all women MPs enabling them to embark on process of setting up powerful Women’s Caucus. Childcare, violence against women, *equal pay. Now is the time for change!

The Fawcett Society is transwomen inclusive isn't it. Other organisations must be involved, like Sex Matters etc.

Time for a women's caucus

Drawing on inspiration from the Northern Ireland Assembly, the Senedd and the Scottish Parliament, the Fawcett Society will shortly convene all women MPs to facilitate the launching of a powerful women’s caucus.

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OP posts:
Imnobody4 · 08/07/2024 18:39

Please stop the derailing Cassie. This thread is about here and now. It is about the arrogance of pressure groups and the idiocy of 'be kind' politicians who really, really ought to know better.

OP posts:
WickedSerious · 08/07/2024 18:48

Oh dear,has someone been untoward about Harriet Harman?

Windymoore · 08/07/2024 19:11

Imnobody4 · 08/07/2024 10:42

Response to a question asked at their AGM about women being attacked and silenced

That's terrifying in its authoritian overtones:"women who've found themselves on the wrong side"?!?!? Arrogant moron.

duc748 · 08/07/2024 19:30

"You have free speech, but be careful what you say" 🙄

IwantToRetire · 11/07/2024 22:49

Missing in action

The Fawcett Society proposes to convene a cross-party caucus of women MPs. After 42 years in parliament, surely its new chair, Harriet Harman, knows that like-minded Tory and Labour women have always pulled together on issues such as abortion rights. Why do they need a charity to book the room?

In the past decade’s feminist battle, which united Corbynite trade unionists and Tory baronesses, Fawcett and Harman were both MIA. They could have intervened in the gender wars to host debates seeking common ground. Instead, when women in public life were vilified, threatened and sacked for believing in sex-based rights or questioning the medical transition of children, they hid away.

Women had to form new groups — Woman’s Place, Fair Play For Women. Their victories include the Cass review, a rethink on trans prisoners and many fraught legal cases. So it’s pretty rich for Fawcett to claim any right to speak for women now just to bolster its falling membership and reduced funds. “Courage calls to courage,” said its suffragist founding spirit Millicent. Pity that Fawcett and Harman blocked their ears.

Janice Turner - The Times

Omlettes · 11/07/2024 23:34

@Imnobody4 Yes they are, very.
This looks like an out and out powergrab to me.
Starmer will listen to them so its serious.

Omlettes · 11/07/2024 23:36

IwantToRetire · 11/07/2024 22:49

Missing in action

The Fawcett Society proposes to convene a cross-party caucus of women MPs. After 42 years in parliament, surely its new chair, Harriet Harman, knows that like-minded Tory and Labour women have always pulled together on issues such as abortion rights. Why do they need a charity to book the room?

In the past decade’s feminist battle, which united Corbynite trade unionists and Tory baronesses, Fawcett and Harman were both MIA. They could have intervened in the gender wars to host debates seeking common ground. Instead, when women in public life were vilified, threatened and sacked for believing in sex-based rights or questioning the medical transition of children, they hid away.

Women had to form new groups — Woman’s Place, Fair Play For Women. Their victories include the Cass review, a rethink on trans prisoners and many fraught legal cases. So it’s pretty rich for Fawcett to claim any right to speak for women now just to bolster its falling membership and reduced funds. “Courage calls to courage,” said its suffragist founding spirit Millicent. Pity that Fawcett and Harman blocked their ears.

Janice Turner - The Times

Hear hear Janice! They're consilidating power to get Starmers ears. I find it deeply concerning.

IwantToRetire · 12/07/2024 00:19

They're consilidating power to get Starmers ears. I find it deeply concerning.

What is so depressing is that even if they form caucus, and even if it is very tiny, Starmer / Labour will make out if it totally valid and representative.

We always used to hear about the old boys network. Now (thanks to equality - not) we have old girls networks. Although unlike the boys this aren't self forming, they are created by the boys to make it look like the girls totally support the boys.

Omlettes · 12/07/2024 17:56

Well exactly.

Imnobody4 · 12/07/2024 18:37

Interesting thread from Lucy Hunter, who has been doing some digging. I've copied a few tweets, but the whole thread is worth a look.

Taking this as a case study, the People tab shows there are 7 directors: a recent ex-Labour MP (Harriet Harman), her former special adviser pre-2010 (Ayesha Hazarika), and 5 others, in a relatively narrow age range (born 1980, 86, 89, 89, 90)./

Of the other 5, a quick search shows one is a Labour cllr, one was Lab cllr and has just been elected as an MP, two work for not for profit organisations which have a different focus than Fawcett, and one is a civil servant./

In passing, this means the group putting itself forward to organise a cross-party caucus of women MPs has a board of 7, of whom 4 are politically connected - all for the same party. That seems a bit do-as-we-say-not-as-we-do?

They note Fawcett is a membership organisation, with 3,000 members. Looking at previous accounts, last year there were 3,525; the year before 4,120; the year before, 3,946; before that, 3,582, before that 3,282. So membership is currently the lowest it's been in 6 years./

OP posts:
IwantToRetire · 12/07/2024 18:48

They note Fawcett is a membership organisation, with 3,000 members. Looking at previous accounts, last year there were 3,525; the year before 4,120; the year before, 3,946; before that, 3,582, before that 3,282. So membership is currently the lowest it's been in 6 years.

I think quite a few women's groups that had a traditional base, and some newer women's groups, have been struggling to maintain any reason to exist since the transing of culture.

Many groups just accepted it as the "new" direction to go in and are now stuck because in the process have lost the membership that joined because they wanted to campaign for women (ie actual biological females).

Some have amalgamated with "equality" groups, so again have no real focus.

Even if it isn't exactly that, what is obvious is how few of these groups like Fawcett have ever made a simple statement about supporting women's sex based rights.

Sadly I suspect some of it isn't even about strong beliefs or convictions.

It is just about strategic moves to keep the organisation afloat.

So having lots of people who are aligned with the new Government as your committee members must make them feel like they are on to a real winner!

As I said above, more and more these groups are more about people keeping their jobs, not about the purpose and core mission of the group.

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