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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Penny Mordaunt loses seat

46 replies

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 05/07/2024 06:37

Maybe Stonewall will offer her a job?

OP posts:
JudasButler1 · 05/07/2024 06:37

Oh this is good news

Rebusmyfire · 05/07/2024 06:38

I think Penny Mordaunt is one of better Tories. Was expecting her to be part of rebuilding team of the ruins.

Stripesandchecks543 · 05/07/2024 06:41

Glad to see that "carrying the sword" didn't save her!

Type2whattodo · 05/07/2024 06:48

Kemi Badenoch has retained hers though! Yay

bferkoff · 05/07/2024 07:25

Sad that Joanna Cherry lost hers

LonginesPrime · 05/07/2024 07:54

Miriam Cates is out.

misscockerspaniel · 05/07/2024 07:58


Sorry for shouting

Welshphoenix · 05/07/2024 08:08

Delighted to see the back of Penny Mordaunt, so sad that Kemi Badenoch kept her seat. But we can't have everything my own constituency went red as did the majority of Wales and I will celebrate an incredible night for labour .

AutumnCrow · 05/07/2024 08:27

I’ve seen on MN somewhere (ages ago) that Mordaunt’s Labour successor is keen on excluding non-gender-woo Labour women from discussions.

Frying pan, 🔥 for that constituency.

Valeriekat · 05/07/2024 09:01

Rebusmyfire · 05/07/2024 06:38

I think Penny Mordaunt is one of better Tories. Was expecting her to be part of rebuilding team of the ruins.

Despite TWAW?
Looked gorgeous at the coronation though.

DeeplyMovingExperience · 05/07/2024 09:04

Regardless of politics, it will be up to all of us women to stand up and defend our same-sex spaces and rights.

I for one will be calling it out every single time.

WomensRightsRenegade · 05/07/2024 09:07

Rebusmyfire · 05/07/2024 06:38

I think Penny Mordaunt is one of better Tories. Was expecting her to be part of rebuilding team of the ruins.

She is a very hardcore TRA, and all women should breathe a sigh of relief that she’s gone. What’s really upsetting is that the even more dead-eyed transbot Caroline Nokes won last night

WomensRightsRenegade · 05/07/2024 09:07

Welshphoenix · 05/07/2024 08:08

Delighted to see the back of Penny Mordaunt, so sad that Kemi Badenoch kept her seat. But we can't have everything my own constituency went red as did the majority of Wales and I will celebrate an incredible night for labour .

Labour have turned Wales to utter shit. And their trans lunacy there is off every scale

CormorantStrikesBack · 05/07/2024 09:09

Good, she deserves to after that stupid speech she did in parliament for a bet

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 09:09

Victoria Atkins kept her seat and is one to look out for when it comes to the Tories. She comes across very well and is very measured; and she certainly knows her stuff when it comes to genderism. Her delivery of the findings of the Cass Review was excellent, and the way she dealt with the recalcitrants in the Labour ranks too.

She is being talked of as a leadership candidate.

Did Caroline Nokes keep her seat.....Maria Miller lost hers......

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 09:11

WomensRightsRenegade · 05/07/2024 09:07

She is a very hardcore TRA, and all women should breathe a sigh of relief that she’s gone. What’s really upsetting is that the even more dead-eyed transbot Caroline Nokes won last night

You've answered my question.....I 've alway thought Nokes was a natureal LIb Dem and thought she might defect.

AstonScrapingsNameChange · 05/07/2024 09:12

Penny Nothought was dreadful on women's rights - I have an email from her somewhere back when she was Minister for Women (in name only) and "Equalities". I had politely raised the issue of self ID/ single sex spaces and she told me off for not being kind.

Good riddance, she is no friend of women anywhere.

WickedSerious · 05/07/2024 09:15

WomensRightsRenegade · 05/07/2024 09:07

Labour have turned Wales to utter shit. And their trans lunacy there is off every scale

Yep,anything Scotland can do...

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 05/07/2024 09:26

misscockerspaniel · 05/07/2024 07:58


Sorry for shouting

Shout away! It’s fantastic news.

OP posts:
ZoomDoomZoom · 05/07/2024 09:31

The hardcore, rightwing nutjob that is Suella Braverman has kept her seat. I was hoping she'd be kicked out the stupid twit.

Shennie100 · 05/07/2024 10:00

misscockerspaniel · 05/07/2024 07:58


Sorry for shouting

Shout away 🤣. Was so pleased to see that.

Brefugee · 05/07/2024 13:57

LonginesPrime · 05/07/2024 07:54

Miriam Cates is out.

you're welcome 😜

SinnerBoy · 05/07/2024 14:04

Cruella kept hers, but Greased Bog lost his. Ups and downs, swings and roundabouts.


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Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 16:43

ZoomDoomZoom · 05/07/2024 09:31

The hardcore, rightwing nutjob that is Suella Braverman has kept her seat. I was hoping she'd be kicked out the stupid twit.


Regardless of your personal feelings on her views about uncontrolled migration, she is a very intelligent person, with a strong ethic. Her comments in the aftermath of the Yorkshire teacher who had to go into hiding on account of him having used teaching materials which referenced Allah and subsequently being subject to a fatwah - were spot on and incisive.

Butchyrestingface · 05/07/2024 19:32

Gutted that Joanna Cherry lost hers. One of my achingly woke colleagues was celebrating on social media today.

She should herewith sleep with one eye open. 🔫

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