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Penny Mordaunt loses seat

47 replies

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 05/07/2024 06:37

Maybe Stonewall will offer her a job?

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misscockerspaniel · 05/07/2024 20:12

Shout out to Shabana Mahmood for retaining her seat and for being made Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice.

IHaveNeverLivedintheCastle · 05/07/2024 20:25

Penny Mordant was a joy to behold at the weekly skewering of whatever SNP bot was put up for the weekly Scottish questions. However it's no longer needed.

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 21:52

Type2whattodo · 05/07/2024 06:48

Kemi Badenoch has retained hers though! Yay

So pleased.

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 21:54

misscockerspaniel · 05/07/2024 07:58


Sorry for shouting

Bloody brilliant!

Ereshkigalangcleg · 05/07/2024 22:05

What’s really upsetting is that the even more dead-eyed transbot Caroline Nokes won last night

Maria Miller lost hers though, which was excellent.

AutumnCrow · 05/07/2024 22:16

Ereshkigalangcleg · 05/07/2024 22:05

What’s really upsetting is that the even more dead-eyed transbot Caroline Nokes won last night

Maria Miller lost hers though, which was excellent.

I hoping the Chair(wo)manship of the Women & Equalities Select Committee will now be removed from Nokes, given that Labour has the majority it does. And it can't go back to the ex-MP Miller or to ex-MP Mordaunt.

I wonder if Jess Phillips might get that if she is not made a minister.

Welshphoenix · 05/07/2024 22:58

ZoomDoomZoom · 05/07/2024 09:31

The hardcore, rightwing nutjob that is Suella Braverman has kept her seat. I was hoping she'd be kicked out the stupid twit.


I was hoping she would lose too, she will be in the running for leader as the Tories try to bring back the reform voters by retiring to "real conservatism,"

Needmoresleep · 05/07/2024 23:55

As someone who has been hanging round these parts awhile, I am sad to see that David TC Davies lost his seat in Monmouth.

A decent man. After the no balls Millwall debacle when WPUK were struggling to find a venue, he invited them to hold it in the Commons. He also turned up at the Linda Bellos and Venice Allen court case in 2018. At that point he was the sole MP to raise his head above the parapet, including calling for a (Westminster Hall?) debate where a LibDem woman, Layla Moran, rather bizarrely claimed she could see into people’s souls, so had no problem recognising who was genuinely transgender.

Ereshkigalangcleg · 06/07/2024 00:13

Was telling DP about that earlier @Needmoresleep

Ereshkigalangcleg · 06/07/2024 00:13

It wasn't WPUK though, it was We Need to Talk (Venice Allan)

Slothtoes · 06/07/2024 00:37

Want a night/day. Still processing it all.

I agree very much about David TC Davies
He was the only out GC Westminster MP at the start. He did his bit when other MPs were too scared to, People like him have made this tide slowly turn. (.. but women’s issues will still need constant advocacy whoever is in power…)
I wish him well. I am also so sad to see Joanna Cherry go. She was absolutely amazing supporter of women, such a brave and clever advocate. She’s made a huge difference to this discussion in politics. I hope she continues helping women legally in whatever she does next.

and I’m so delighted that Rosie Duffield stayed in!!

Needmoresleep · 06/07/2024 00:45

Were you there Eresh? I wasn’t but was part of the demonstration outside the Bellos trial. Strange days. Things are still not great, but we have come along way in being able to discuss the issue openly.

Only six years ago, and only one MP brave enough to question the Stonewall lobby.

Pity too about Joanna Cherry.

Glad Rosie got re-elected. And Kemi. I am not sure about the rest of her politics, but think she will make a good opposition MP as she is articulate and is v good on this issue.

RogueFemale · 06/07/2024 00:57

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 16:43

Regardless of your personal feelings on her views about uncontrolled migration, she is a very intelligent person, with a strong ethic. Her comments in the aftermath of the Yorkshire teacher who had to go into hiding on account of him having used teaching materials which referenced Allah and subsequently being subject to a fatwah - were spot on and incisive.


Here's Braverman's voting record.

Voting record - Suella Braverman MP, Fareham and Waterlooville

See how Suella Braverman voted on topics like Employment, Social Issues, Foreign Policy, and more.

Shortshriftandlethal · 06/07/2024 11:23

So, you don't approve of her voting record as you belong to a different tribe. It doesn't mean she is not highly intelligent or without a grasp of her brief.
A lot of people read her piece about the Yorkshire schoolteacher incident ( He's still in hiding btw), without realising she had wriiten it, and proclaimed how 'spot on. she was. When they realised she had written it she reverted back to being the Left's favourite pantomime baddie.

Maireas · 06/07/2024 11:25

LonginesPrime · 05/07/2024 07:54

Miriam Cates is out.

Excellent news.

Aim4Lesscortisol · 07/07/2024 00:45

"stand up and fight - Penny Mordaunt" on YT. High on Fierce and Low on Peace-making diplomacy - snapped the rubber band for me , Id had enough danger from Boris's Churchill complex

KathrynWheel · 07/07/2024 00:54

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 16:43

Regardless of your personal feelings on her views about uncontrolled migration, she is a very intelligent person, with a strong ethic. Her comments in the aftermath of the Yorkshire teacher who had to go into hiding on account of him having used teaching materials which referenced Allah and subsequently being subject to a fatwah - were spot on and incisive.


Suella completely out of touch Braverman. Appeared on a Sunday morning TV politics programmes to discuss current issues including the cost of living crisis wearing a pair of earrings of very large emeralds and diamonds must have cost £££££. Looked ridiculous to be honest.

Needmoresleep · 07/07/2024 06:40

Braverman may be intelligent, but she is not loyal. During the last term, like Penny Mordaunt, she was clearly positioning herself as a future leader, rushing round the country eating rubber chicken dinners with local Associations and giving credibility to the CDO (a right wing lobby within the Conservative Party.)

Very much part of the problem, not the solution. The Tories will only win if they are able to gain votes from the centre.

SammyScrounge · 08/07/2024 01:36

Valeriekat · 05/07/2024 09:01

Despite TWAW?
Looked gorgeous at the coronation though.

I shall miss her regular trouncing of her SNP opposite number in Parliament..She is devastatingly witty, drily humorous and impeccably poised.
For those who haven't heard her the skirmishes are on You Tube.

AutumnCrow · 08/07/2024 10:04

I found Mordaunt‘s ‘skirmishes’ in the Commons very scripted and immature. She couldn’t debate at high level.

i get the impression she’d sell her political soul (and lie) for power. I mean, she lied on the James Marr politics show about Turkey joining the EU. Even David Cameron wasn’t impressed.

IHaveNeverLivedintheCastle · 08/07/2024 11:46

AutumnCrow · 08/07/2024 10:04

I found Mordaunt‘s ‘skirmishes’ in the Commons very scripted and immature. She couldn’t debate at high level.

i get the impression she’d sell her political soul (and lie) for power. I mean, she lied on the James Marr politics show about Turkey joining the EU. Even David Cameron wasn’t impressed.

I thought the skewering of the SNP was brilliant. And they were never prepared.

SammyScrounge · 09/07/2024 03:30

IHaveNeverLivedintheCastle · 08/07/2024 11:46

I thought the skewering of the SNP was brilliant. And they were never prepared.

SNP. needs skewering as often as possible and Penny does it so well. My favourite
skewering was when she suggested that the.infamous luxury campervan parked in her mother-in-law's garden might be used as a travelling embassy for Scotland. Her one error was to omit mention of the plastic gazebo decoratively placed beside the embassyvan. They could attach it with tow ropes.
Thr SNP 12 Days of Christmas was another classic.
@IHaveNeverLivedintheCastle Have you a favourite?😁

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