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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

MrsOvertonsWindow · 06/07/2024 11:40

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 06/07/2024 11:06

A group called Equality Amplified (currently run by 3 white men) have started a petition to get Hilary Cass stripped of her peerage.

3 white men (one in California it seems). A look at the twix profiles of those men displays a massive dislike of women - what a surprise! 😂
When someone shows you who they really are and all that.......

FigRollsAlly · 06/07/2024 12:23

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 06/07/2024 11:06

A group called Equality Amplified (currently run by 3 white men) have started a petition to get Hilary Cass stripped of her peerage.

Pathetic. What idiots.

dunBle · 07/07/2024 03:23

BonfireLady · 06/07/2024 11:08


It's going to be tricky though, because both Cass and conversion therapy are in the manifesto and, as I understand it, the Lords only gets a maximum of two hearings to reject or push back on a manifesto promise. So, in theory, she could request an amendment to a conversion therapy Bill and it could come back completely unamended for its second hearing. Even if it's at odds with the Cass Report recommendations 🤦‍♀️ The influence of Stonewall etc, the Labour majority and the whip are all going to play a big part in how this goes.

Manifesto wording on Cass Report:

We will work to implement the expert recommendations of the Cass Review to ensure that young people presenting to the NHS with gender dysphoria are receiving appropriate and high-quality care

And on conversion therapy:

So-called conversion therapy is abuse – there is no other word for it – so Labour will finally deliver a full trans-inclusive ban on conversion practices, while protecting the freedom for people to explore their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Hopefully they'll see sense and stall the conversion therapy work in the same way that the Tories did, when they realise that a) it's more complicated than they thought and b) thankfully we've not got religion dominating this like in the US, and gay conversion therapy is rare here.

Oh, I agree it's not foolproof by any means, but it is going to make for some awkward moments in the Commons for Labour if they try to strike down amendments on this topic that have been proposed by Baroness Cass.

ZoomDoomZoom · 07/07/2024 03:40

It's the only thing the conservatives have done right in their 14 years in office. Someone sensible is required to counter balance the Labour/Stonewall TWAW indoctrination regime.

RayonSunrise · 07/07/2024 06:09

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 06/07/2024 11:06

A group called Equality Amplified (currently run by 3 white men) have started a petition to get Hilary Cass stripped of her peerage.

If respected political figures couldn't stop Boris Johnson from giving a junior SpAd a peerage, I doubt a few internet ransoms are going to stop this one.

FrancescaContini · 08/07/2024 17:04

I’ve only just seen this - it’s great news, so well deserved.

Is it just a coincidence that this was released on the day of the general election?

Chersfrozenface · 08/07/2024 17:11

How old is Hilary Cass? I can't find s date of birth online.

ImPunbelievable · 08/07/2024 22:39

FrancescaContini · 08/07/2024 17:04

I’ve only just seen this - it’s great news, so well deserved.

Is it just a coincidence that this was released on the day of the general election?

Not a coincidence, it was in the dissolution peerages that happen with a change in government

OP posts:
Thingybob · 08/07/2024 23:20

Chersfrozenface · 08/07/2024 17:11

How old is Hilary Cass? I can't find s date of birth online.


Slothtoes · 08/07/2024 23:24

This is brilliant, congratulations to Hilary Cass, so well deserved. Thank you Sunak!

FrancescaContini · 08/07/2024 23:26

ImPunbelievable · 08/07/2024 22:39

Not a coincidence, it was in the dissolution peerages that happen with a change in government

Thank you!

Slothtoes · 08/07/2024 23:26

Minette Batters also very good shout for the Lords.

Calling · 08/07/2024 23:35

Congratulations to Baroness Cass!

EdithStourton · 09/07/2024 06:18

Slothtoes · 08/07/2024 23:26

Minette Batters also very good shout for the Lords.

Is she in? I've got a lot of time for her.

Chersfrozenface · 09/07/2024 07:44

Thingybob · 08/07/2024 23:20


So Labour won't be able to get rid of her with their proposed "no over 80s" rule.


ArabellaScott · 09/07/2024 07:46

Chersfrozenface · 09/07/2024 07:44

So Labour won't be able to get rid of her with their proposed "no over 80s" rule.


They've actually proposed that?!

Chersfrozenface · 09/07/2024 07:53

ArabellaScott · 09/07/2024 07:46

They've actually proposed that?!

From the BBC and Labour's own website. So it can't be dismissed as "right wing propaganda".
"A retirement age of 80 will be imposed on House of Lords members if Labour wins the general election, the party has said."
"Labour will also introduce a mandatory retirement age. At the end of the Parliament in which a member reaches 80 years of age, they will be required to retire from the House of Lords."

DrSoupDragonsFriend · 09/07/2024 10:30

I missed that info in the pre-election stuff. In my opinion, removing hereditary peers makes sense - that's a system that's archaic, sexist and privileged. Removing responsible, weighty, knowledgeable, mentally sharp, nominated peers, especially cross-bench ones, purely because of age seems wrong and ageist. It would seem more useful to review the process where prime-ministers can unrestrictedly nominate people to the peerage and other ways peers get nominated.

If they are wanting to cull numbers in the House of Lords, surely it would make sense to have a process to remove people based on lack of commitment to the role, lack of expertise, poor health and bringing the job into disrepute (this would deal with the Ruth Hunt problem - btw I think that petition is still active).

Whatever changes to the House of Lords that happen, need to be done in a very measured and staged way. The second house provides a ballast to our legal system and sometimes a voice of sanity when the HoC is behaving stupidly, all the more important if there isn't a strong opposition to the party in power like now.

FrancescaContini · 09/07/2024 10:44

Really interesting post @DrSoupDragonsFriend . I don’t know much about how the Lords work but what you say sounds like good sense.

ArabellaScott · 09/07/2024 10:45

Agree. Pure age discrimination, and I don't see how that would get by the EA.

Thingybob · 09/07/2024 10:52

Chersfrozenface · 09/07/2024 07:44

So Labour won't be able to get rid of her with their proposed "no over 80s" rule.


No Michael Cashman will be gone first, he's only 6 years off 80

UtilitarianNameChange · 09/07/2024 11:05

Kick out all the lords that don’t turn up for years on end (looking at you, Baron Lloyd Webber, although at least you did voluntarily retire from the lords eventually) and phase out the hereditary stuff (or at the very least modernise it so eldest daughters can inherit, if it’s good enough for the Royals it’s good enough for the other toffs too).

Appointments should involve expertise AND some sort of prior commitment to the public good.
it’s daft to make them retire from the lords at 80 when lots of them will still be doing their day jobs at 70 (and beyond).

Make lords retirement attendance based and that will sort out those who are no longer capable due to old age (obvs exceptions if you have a sick note while undergoing something temporary, eg cancer treatment).

ImPunbelievable · 09/07/2024 11:22

ArabellaScott · 09/07/2024 10:45

Agree. Pure age discrimination, and I don't see how that would get by the EA.

I don't know, other professions have retirement ages - professors from Cambridge have to go at 67

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Tinysoxxx · 09/07/2024 14:11

I would also get rid of religion lords. There are 26 of them I think.

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