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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

PronounssheRa · 04/07/2024 22:15

That's brilliant news, she will be a great addition to HoL

LonginesPrime · 04/07/2024 22:20

Great news - although it's a shame Harriet Harman will be joining her.

BonfireLady · 04/07/2024 22:27

Very much needed, given what's about to unfold in the Commons.

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 04/07/2024 22:31

It’s amazing where the money of Ron DeSantis will get you. (Yes some people outside the UK really thought he had funded her.)

On a more serious note, absolutely brilliant.

KohlaParasaurus · 04/07/2024 22:32

That's excellent news. Well deserved.

peanutbuttertoasty · 04/07/2024 22:34

Great! JKR next please!!!

NoBinturongsHereMate · 04/07/2024 22:35

Good to start results night on a high. I fear it's all downhill from here but I'm delighted her work has been recognised this way - and that we'll keep her voice in the debate in future.

PanderingShitwits · 04/07/2024 22:36


DrSoupDragonsFriend · 04/07/2024 22:51

Congratulations Hilary Cass. That's excellent news.

senua · 04/07/2024 22:58

Excellent news and well deserved. Congratulations!

pistachioicecream · 05/07/2024 00:11

Excellent news. Her voice in this debate will be much needed.

UtilitarianNameChange · 05/07/2024 00:33

Delphinium20 · 04/07/2024 22:01

For us non-UK people, does this an honor and more or just an honor?

It’s a posh new name (Baroness) and a vote for life in our second chamber.

She’s going to be a crossbencher (so no party affiliation).,peers%20for%20the%20first%20time.

Lopine · 05/07/2024 00:34


lonelywater · 05/07/2024 00:56

ScrollingLeaves · 04/07/2024 21:20

Congratulations to her. How well deserved for those months of work.

er, it was actually four years work .

Omlettes · 05/07/2024 03:10

I'm so happy for her. Very much deserved reward in this instance and a welcome addition to HOL.

Skyellaskerry · 05/07/2024 09:39

Fantastic news!

24hoursfromtulsa · 05/07/2024 22:17

Wonderful news 🥰

artant · 06/07/2024 00:08

Great news about Hilary Cass, she’ll be a good addition. Ennobling Failing Grayling seems like a bizarre move though!

HereForTheFreeLunch · 06/07/2024 00:47

Wonderful! This is absolutely great!

lonelywater · 06/07/2024 00:51

ArabellaScott · 04/07/2024 21:28

Excellent. Well deserved.

I wonder if it will put a dent in the continuing efforts to undermine and discredit the Review.

Behave-of course not. These nutters are totally impervious to anything like evidence or proof.

dunBle · 06/07/2024 05:06

I'm not keen on Sunak, but I think this might actually be a bit clever of him. Any legislation that the new Government put forward is going to have to be scrutinised by the Lords, so when the conversion therapy bill gets bounced up to them, she'll be able to submit amendments if it's inconsistent with her review.

EdithStourton · 06/07/2024 08:49

Excellent news. Well deserved for the Cass Review alone, never mind the rest of her career.

highame · 06/07/2024 09:02

misscockerspaniel · 04/07/2024 21:22

Yay! (Also note that H Harman is on the list 🙄)

There's a rumour that Harman will replace Baroness Falkner.

It's going to be a bumpy ride


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RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 06/07/2024 11:06

A group called Equality Amplified (currently run by 3 white men) have started a petition to get Hilary Cass stripped of her peerage.

BonfireLady · 06/07/2024 11:08

dunBle · 06/07/2024 05:06

I'm not keen on Sunak, but I think this might actually be a bit clever of him. Any legislation that the new Government put forward is going to have to be scrutinised by the Lords, so when the conversion therapy bill gets bounced up to them, she'll be able to submit amendments if it's inconsistent with her review.


It's going to be tricky though, because both Cass and conversion therapy are in the manifesto and, as I understand it, the Lords only gets a maximum of two hearings to reject or push back on a manifesto promise. So, in theory, she could request an amendment to a conversion therapy Bill and it could come back completely unamended for its second hearing. Even if it's at odds with the Cass Report recommendations 🤦‍♀️ The influence of Stonewall etc, the Labour majority and the whip are all going to play a big part in how this goes.

Manifesto wording on Cass Report:

We will work to implement the expert recommendations of the Cass Review to ensure that young people presenting to the NHS with gender dysphoria are receiving appropriate and high-quality care

And on conversion therapy:

So-called conversion therapy is abuse – there is no other word for it – so Labour will finally deliver a full trans-inclusive ban on conversion practices, while protecting the freedom for people to explore their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Hopefully they'll see sense and stall the conversion therapy work in the same way that the Tories did, when they realise that a) it's more complicated than they thought and b) thankfully we've not got religion dominating this like in the US, and gay conversion therapy is rare here.

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