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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Who are you hoping isn't an MP on Friday?

148 replies

GCITC · 02/07/2024 20:14

Lloyd Russell-Moyle has already gone. Hopefully no other women will have to suffer his tirades again.

There are a few SNP MPs I wouldn't mind never hearing of again.

Kate Osborne and Dawn 'a child is born without sex' Butler are in safe seats but one can dream.

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Noseybookworm · 04/07/2024 01:34

Every. Single. Tory.

Nat6999 · 04/07/2024 02:40

Jacob Rees Mogg
Jeremy Hunt
Esther McVay
Suella Braverman
Pritti Patel
Robert Jenrick
Lee Anderson
Ben Bradley
Rishi Sunak

& probably the rest of the Conservatives.

Nat6999 · 04/07/2024 02:53

OSU · 02/07/2024 22:54

In no particular order and apologies if I have missed that these people are standing down:

Priti Patel
Suella Braverman
Keir Starmer
Ed Davey
Stella Creasey
Dawn Butler
Jeremy Corbyn
Christopher Chope
Grant Shapps
Jonathan Ashworth
Annaleise (sp) Dodds
Rachel Reeves
Angela Raynor (please!!)
Bridget Phillipson
Wes Streeting
All of the SNP MPs
George Galloway
Lee Anderson

No, Labour need the left leaning MP's to balance the party.

PenelopeMordaunt · 04/07/2024 05:38

pandasorous · 03/07/2024 21:58

hi penny, do you think we should all stand up and fight?

To be perfectly honest, that was my early pitch for sliding into a cushy little public appointment after tomorrow.

I was thinking maybe some jolly military role or pugnacious posturing might suit, as long as it doesn’t involve any actual work. I’m more of a costume person than a worker, if you see what I mean.

SinnerBoy · 04/07/2024 06:14

Littlepinkstarsbyradish · Today 00:59

raw sewage into the sea is a lesser issue than who visits a public toilet cubicle? Really?

It's a bit more than that, isn't it? They've basically promised a pervert in every toilet, changing room, prison and domestic violence shelter and cheats in every women and girls' sports event.

And woe betide anyone who dares to complain.

PenelopeMordaunt · 04/07/2024 06:25

SinnerBoy · 04/07/2024 06:14

Littlepinkstarsbyradish · Today 00:59

raw sewage into the sea is a lesser issue than who visits a public toilet cubicle? Really?

It's a bit more than that, isn't it? They've basically promised a pervert in every toilet, changing room, prison and domestic violence shelter and cheats in every women and girls' sports event.

And woe betide anyone who dares to complain.

Indeed, that was some of my finest work.

I honestly don’t know how I get away with it.

Ereyraa · 04/07/2024 06:27

PenelopeMordaunt · 04/07/2024 06:25

Indeed, that was some of my finest work.

I honestly don’t know how I get away with it.

These are so tiresome.

FrancescaContini · 04/07/2024 08:52

JRM. Loathsome.
(Although he’ll probably still have a smug smirk on his face)

PeppercornMill · 04/07/2024 08:57

Jamie Wallis.

SirChenjins · 04/07/2024 09:02

All of the SNP and loony Green ones

kiterunning · 04/07/2024 09:21

Mordaunt and Nokes

ScrollingLeaves · 04/07/2024 11:25

SinnerBoy · 04/07/2024 06:14

Littlepinkstarsbyradish · Today 00:59

raw sewage into the sea is a lesser issue than who visits a public toilet cubicle? Really?

It's a bit more than that, isn't it? They've basically promised a pervert in every toilet, changing room, prison and domestic violence shelter and cheats in every women and girls' sports event.

And woe betide anyone who dares to complain.

And wanting to actively teach children in schools that either they or some of their classmates will have been born in the wrong body.

MarkWithaC · 04/07/2024 11:49

David Lammy's a straight-up cunt. He won't lose his seat, but I think he'll get reshuffled to somewhere where (hopefully) he can't do much harm).
I just voted. Went for Labour, but not with any excitement/pride, just that I could not vote Tory, even less Reform, and, while Labour aren't great on sex-based rights, they're not as flat-out loony as the Greens and Lib Dems and already seem to be rowing back a bit. Which I think they'll continue to do if/once in power. Starmer is nothing if not a pragmatist, and the wind is changing.

Lammysaurus · 04/07/2024 11:59

David Lammy's a straight-up cunt. I think you'll find that's a "cervix".

... is one issue enough to dismiss an entire party of fantastic MPs? You misspelled "fanatic". But yeah, we dismiss whole parties all the time for racism, misogyny, Brexit - why is it surprising to do so for misogyny? Some of these creeps are full on cheerleading rape apologism and rape culture re the treatment of dissenting women. If it were any other marginalized group they were sacrificing, it would be scandalous.

Pete Wishart. Complacent rat. Pete will be the last SNP MP sitting at Westminster - maybe the last MP of any party. He'll outlast the rats and maybe even the cockroaches.

pandasorous · 04/07/2024 12:01

PenelopeMordaunt · 04/07/2024 05:38

To be perfectly honest, that was my early pitch for sliding into a cushy little public appointment after tomorrow.

I was thinking maybe some jolly military role or pugnacious posturing might suit, as long as it doesn’t involve any actual work. I’m more of a costume person than a worker, if you see what I mean.

our great leaders shouldn't have to work! that would bring dishonour on us all

Ereshkigalangcleg · 04/07/2024 12:04

It's a bit more than that, isn't it? They've basically promised a pervert in every toilet, changing room, prison and domestic violence shelter and cheats in every women and girls' sports event.

These people know it's about more than that, but they like to disingenuously pretend it's just about toilets.

SinnerBoy · 05/07/2024 09:17

Yes, they make it seem simple and minor, to try to pooh-pooh any objections.

InvisibleBuffy · 05/07/2024 10:03

Starmer is nothing if not a pragmatist, and the wind is changing.
I really hope so. I suppose we'll find out.

WearyAuldWumman · 05/07/2024 14:41

Not surprised that SNP lost in Glenrothes, given Paris Green(G’rothes), Tiffany Scott (Kinglassie) and Dolatowski from neighbouring Kirkcaldy.

DisforDarkChocolate · 05/07/2024 17:08

First Labour MP in 100 years in my constituency!!!

I didn't vote for him but he's a local lad. I'm going to let him know there is no support from me unless he supports the right of women to single-sex places.

Holeinamole · 06/07/2024 15:22

Coming back to this thread cap in hand as Jeremy Corbyn (he/him) is still in Parliament. Got to hand it to him, he is good at politics, even if he is deeply unimpressive in many other ways.

MissScarletInTheBallroom · 06/07/2024 17:59

Holeinamole · 06/07/2024 15:22

Coming back to this thread cap in hand as Jeremy Corbyn (he/him) is still in Parliament. Got to hand it to him, he is good at politics, even if he is deeply unimpressive in many other ways.

He's represented his constituency for over 40 years. He wouldn't have been re-elected so many times if he wasn't liked and respected by his constituents. I reckon he must be a very good constituency MP.

Luddite26 · 07/07/2024 16:16

JC is very nearly Father of the House beaten narrowly by Sir Edward Leigh.
But Diane Abbott is now Mother of the House.
I have took great delight in Jeremy's win and the backstabber Jonathan Ashworth's loss.


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