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Who are you hoping isn't an MP on Friday?

148 replies

GCITC · 02/07/2024 20:14

Lloyd Russell-Moyle has already gone. Hopefully no other women will have to suffer his tirades again.

There are a few SNP MPs I wouldn't mind never hearing of again.

Kate Osborne and Dawn 'a child is born without sex' Butler are in safe seats but one can dream.

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MrsSkylerWhite · 02/07/2024 23:38

Oh bless you, Penny. Hang on in there. There must be vacancies for someone’s orwho can hold a sword up for quite a long time

MrsSkylerWhite · 02/07/2024 23:38

MrsSkylerWhite · Today 23:38
Oh bless you, Penny. Hang on in there. There must be vacancies for someone who can hold a sword up for quite a long time.

Omlettes · 03/07/2024 01:00

Carla Denyer and Sian Berry
Angela Raynor Stella Creasy David Lammy
Reese Mogg and too many others to mention
Most of the SNP and all Scottish Greens

Ereshkigalangcleg · 03/07/2024 01:01

Holeinamole · 02/07/2024 21:48

All the TRAs … that female Tory MP who is so keen on a conversion therapy ban but also lots of Labour, Lib Dem and SNP MPs. And it will be a pleasure to see the back of Jeremy Corbyn, this by Brendan O’Neill expresses my feelings on the matter quite well:

Wishing Jezza much contentment tending to his allotment.

That article is the best thing I've read all week.

Boltonb · 03/07/2024 01:03

Jacob Rees Mogg
Suella Braverman
Penny Mordant


TooBigForMyBoots · 03/07/2024 01:13

Robert Jenrick.

What sort of fucked up person spends taxpayer money to paint over existing art, commissioned to help calm traumatised children? He's the Tory party's very own Minister For Petty Cruelty To Children.HmmAngry

ilovesooty · 03/07/2024 01:18

Andrea Jenkyns

dunBle · 03/07/2024 03:49

MissScarletInTheBallroom · 02/07/2024 22:06

Oh god, yes.


I came here to say that. Naming John Nicholson I mean, not calling him a wanker, but I'm not going to argue.

Seconding previous suggestions for Caroline Nokes, Desmond Swayne and Christopher Chope, but would also like to suggest Sir Edward Leigh, who apart from being a complete arse has such a florid complexion I'm always worried his head's going to explode when he stands up at PMQs. And I'm so pleased that Crispin Blunt is not standing again.

Aconite20 · 03/07/2024 05:03

Too many to mention but top of the list are Rees Mogg and Farage.

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 03/07/2024 06:32
HellonHeels · 03/07/2024 06:41

WhereYouLeftIt · 02/07/2024 21:48

Bit of a long list covering most parties:

Lisa Nandy
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Liz Truss
Penny Mordaunt
Caroline Noakes
Maria Miller
Angela Eagle
Alex Sobel
Angela Rayner
Stella Creasy
Yvette Cooper
Anneliese Dodds
David Lammy
Clive Lewis
Jess Phillips
Emily Thornberry

Is Rebecca Long-Bailey still standing? Lloyd Russell-Moyle? If they are I'd like them to have a Portillo Moment.

And of course, Ed Davey, Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak. Weasels all.

Pretty much this list. Thanks for doing the work.for me 😂

pantsalot · 03/07/2024 06:45

All Scottish Tories

Toomanysquishmallows · 03/07/2024 07:19

Angela Rayner

AirportObs · 03/07/2024 07:20

Nigel Farage, Angela Rayner, Keir Starmer.

AirportObs · 03/07/2024 07:23

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 03/07/2024 06:32

Starmer won't be gone but even so

I don’t get this why did he stare her down?

MarkWithaC · 03/07/2024 07:25

Rees Mogg
and Sunak of course

Calling · 03/07/2024 07:34

Anneliese Dodds

MadameMassiveSalad · 03/07/2024 07:44

wavingfuriously · 02/07/2024 21:43

My local MP here in Haringey , smug hippocrite


CW Left her hustings recently before answering any questions because she needed to go home and watch the match. So. Fucking. Rude.

Freysimo · 03/07/2024 07:44

Angela Rayner.

CoffeandTiaMaria · 03/07/2024 07:58

DisforDarkChocolate · 02/07/2024 20:18

My local MP, he's a photo op loving waste of space.


Like mine, he’s invisible unless there’s a bigwig to grab a photo opportunity with.
He’s also been a Tory MP here for c40 years 🤬

MadameMassiveSalad · 03/07/2024 08:32

@AirportObs such a non story! He stared at her. Could have just been staring into space.

bushtailadventures · 03/07/2024 08:32

Layla Moran

wavingfuriously · 03/07/2024 12:05

MadameMassiveSalad · 03/07/2024 07:44

CW Left her hustings recently before answering any questions because she needed to go home and watch the match. So. Fucking. Rude.

CW just so two-faced.. can't vote for her


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daylightdancer · 03/07/2024 12:20

All of the SNP.

TWETMIRF · 03/07/2024 12:21

daylightdancer · 03/07/2024 12:20

All of the SNP.

Except Joanna Cherry

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