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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Why I'm voting Conservative

262 replies

jomartin281271 · 02/07/2024 15:23

Firstly, let me say, it pains me to admit this because I’m not a Tory. I’ve always looked upon myself as a slightly left of centre, live and let live, community based, floating voter. But the more I look at this election campaign, the more I’ve realised that, to me, this is a one issue election. Women’s rights.
Starmer has been asked countless times about women’s private spaces, on radio and on TV. Each time he’s done everything he can to avoid answering the question. In any one of these interviews, he could have made his position clear, particularly on that phone in last week where the caller Jane said she was sick of the twaddle that comes out of his mouth.
Now he’s being quoted in the Telegraph as having said that biological males should not use women’s public toilets. This is a typical move by a politician. Leave it until the last minute, so he can’t be quizzed on what he actually means and then twist and deny it afterwards. I don’t trust him.
I don’t want to vote Conservative. After Partygate and the chaos caused by that idiot Liz Truss, they need a good kicking. But they’re the only party that have consistently come down on the side of women. If Labour get in and shift the gender landscape, the changes they make could be irreparable.
In the Victorian era, they didn’t build public toilets for women. It was a way of keeping women chained to the home. This is the direction we’re heading in if we don’t stand up and put a stop to it. And I don’t want to look back on this in years to come and realise I could have voted against this shift, but I let my political views get in the way.

OP posts:
BlownItJellyHead · 02/07/2024 15:27

But they’re the only party that have consistently come down on the side of women

All the trans madness has happened on their watch though.

ETA: I'm not anti-Tory and will likely vote for them myself as the 'least terrible' option. But let's not pretend that they're in any way a friend to women.

Soundsofjoy · 02/07/2024 15:28

I’m sorry but I could never in a million years bring myself to vote conservative after this complete shit show. I get your point but I would go with the Lib Dems, the Green Party, anyone but this bunch of clowns.

jomartin281271 · 02/07/2024 15:30

BlownItJellyHead The trans madness has happened all over the western world and I'm just glad someone is starting to stand up to it.

OP posts:
WishfulThunking · 02/07/2024 15:30

Above all explains why voting Tory to protect women is the path of insanity.

jomartin281271 · 02/07/2024 15:32

Soundsofjoy · 02/07/2024 15:28

I’m sorry but I could never in a million years bring myself to vote conservative after this complete shit show. I get your point but I would go with the Lib Dems, the Green Party, anyone but this bunch of clowns.

The Lib Dems and the Greens are even worse than Labour when it comes to this issue.

OP posts:
BlownItJellyHead · 02/07/2024 15:37

jomartin281271 · 02/07/2024 15:30

BlownItJellyHead The trans madness has happened all over the western world and I'm just glad someone is starting to stand up to it.

But why are they only just starting to stand up to it? The trans madeness has been building for a decade and women have been warning about it for all that time (and longer). They could've stood up at any point during that time but didn't until it got big and started to look like a vote-winner.

Its irrelevant what's happening in other places - they still could've stood up and said "Nope, we're having none of that bollocks in the UK"

But they didn't. Until it became a mainstream vote-winner issue. That's before you get into the more general Tory attitude towards women 🙃

As I said, though, no shade. On this issue, they're the least terrible option.

ScrollingLeaves · 02/07/2024 15:43

BlownItJellyHead · 02/07/2024 15:27

But they’re the only party that have consistently come down on the side of women

All the trans madness has happened on their watch though.

ETA: I'm not anti-Tory and will likely vote for them myself as the 'least terrible' option. But let's not pretend that they're in any way a friend to women.


All the trans madness has happened on their watch though

Have you forgotten who brought in the legal lie that is the GRA in 2004 and the Equality Act 2014, while not making sure they are clear, and able to interact?

ScrollingLeaves · 02/07/2024 15:50

started to look like a vote-winner.

No, they began to roll back when a few started listening. The Cass review was commission by Sajid Javid because of growing alarm over harm to children, for example, not votes. Kemi Badenoch has put herself seriously in the way of reproach and anger, and shows far too much knowledge on the subject, to suggest she simply saw some easy to win votes out of her stance.

ScribblingPixie · 02/07/2024 15:56

BlownItJellyHead · 02/07/2024 15:37

But why are they only just starting to stand up to it? The trans madeness has been building for a decade and women have been warning about it for all that time (and longer). They could've stood up at any point during that time but didn't until it got big and started to look like a vote-winner.

Its irrelevant what's happening in other places - they still could've stood up and said "Nope, we're having none of that bollocks in the UK"

But they didn't. Until it became a mainstream vote-winner issue. That's before you get into the more general Tory attitude towards women 🙃

As I said, though, no shade. On this issue, they're the least terrible option.

I credit Tory peers in the House of Lords for sounding the alarm and Kemi Badenoch for her strength and resilience in making it a Conservative policy. I'll not forget her taking down Penny Mordaunt down for her dishonesty on the subject in the leadership debate. That was two years ago, so I don't believe it was only about votes.
I think Kemi has shown Tory decision makers how important it is to voters and I don't believe they'll go the wrong way with it again. IMO, while in opposition they'll make it a big stick to beat a Labour government with.

WallaceinAnderland · 02/07/2024 16:01

I agree with you OP. I will vote conservative solely based on this one issue because it's not one issue is it. If women cannot define themselves as a separate class to men then there are no rights for women at all. All gone. Yes, it is that important to me. Respect my sex if you want my X.

UtilitarianNameChange · 02/07/2024 16:03

Tbf the pro biological sex Lords have been a mixed bag of Tory and others.

Robert Winston is Labour, Lewis Moonie was one of the first to stand up against TRAs and left Labour in 2019, Claire Fox is a non-affiliated Peer.

I’m sure there are more but CBA to look them up right now.

ScribblingPixie · 02/07/2024 16:05

UtilitarianNameChange · 02/07/2024 16:03

Tbf the pro biological sex Lords have been a mixed bag of Tory and others.

Robert Winston is Labour, Lewis Moonie was one of the first to stand up against TRAs and left Labour in 2019, Claire Fox is a non-affiliated Peer.

I’m sure there are more but CBA to look them up right now.

That is true. I was thinking of Baroness Nicholson and those she rallied.

Halfemptyhalfling · 02/07/2024 16:08

Government is about many issues not just one. the conservative party partied and vomited up the wall while people were dying of COVid so wouldn't be my choice. This one issue can be campaigned on after the election

UtilitarianNameChange · 02/07/2024 16:08

(Not that the GC Lords being a cross bench mixture should change OPs vote, I just wanted to credit a few of the consistent pro-reality voices!)

I’m probably ballot spoiling on Thursday, but it’s not a seat that is going to change occupant anyway.

thestudio · 02/07/2024 16:13

You don't have to vote at all. Given other Tory policies I imagine the net gain to women if they get in again will be zero, if not in the minuses.

So you should not vote for them if you care about women. Add to that the impacts on all vulnerable groups .

Spoil your vote.

CelesteCunningham · 02/07/2024 16:15

Fortunately when it comes to voting Tory you have 14 years of evidence to review.

What do you think they have done for violence against women and girls, equal pay, abortion rights, healthcare, children living in poverty in that time?

SolitaryBee · 02/07/2024 16:19

For me the two most startling things I have learnt about all the left leaning parties (I include the SNP, greens and LibDems as well as Labour in that category) are:

  1. the level of intolerance and groupthink in all of them. No dissenting voices are tolerated.
  2. the inability to hear women’s voices, how little our opinions are considered, how little we seem to matter and how much we are actually despised by so many men.

    I’m generally a left of centre floating voter, not very tribal, have voted for all the parties mentioned above depending on candidate and policies at one time or another. In this election I will vote Tory because I feel they have genuinely listened to women and thought about what we have been saying.
IwantToRetire · 02/07/2024 18:45

BlownItJellyHead · 02/07/2024 15:27

But they’re the only party that have consistently come down on the side of women

All the trans madness has happened on their watch though.

ETA: I'm not anti-Tory and will likely vote for them myself as the 'least terrible' option. But let's not pretend that they're in any way a friend to women.


Honestly, yet another poster using the arguement even though everytime it is, other point out this is factually incorrect, so that yet another thread get derailed because of false information.

So as not to bore everyone who already knows it.

Labour bought in both the EA and the GRA (which are the problem)

Tories were going to amend the GRA to make self id easier.

Many women including those of FWR wrotes to say unacceptable and why - and if anything the Tories as much as mumsnet radicalised women!

Tories back pedalled. ie politicians listend to women

And over the next few years, particulary when Kemi Badennoch became women's ministers steps were taken to start the process of clarifying the EA.

Unfortunately the timing of the GE stopped this.

This doesn't mean the Tories are the best party in the world, but factually they have done more for women AND HAVE LISTENED.

It is Labour who created this problem and it is more than likely that if they get back into power, they will reverse the Tory back pedalling and bring in self id.

BeachParty · 02/07/2024 19:13

WishfulThunking · 02/07/2024 15:30

Above all explains why voting Tory to protect women is the path of insanity.

Yes "Voting Tory to protect women" is utter madness.
It's the complete opposite!!

YahdahYahdayYoo · 02/07/2024 19:14

Rishi was not partying and vomiting up the walls during COVID. We know as he's teetotal.

He respects his wife and has two young girls.

Boris and more importantly Princess Nutnuts were reluctant to go after legislation touching on WR. Likely because of the wafty liberal company Nutnuts keeps.

Teresa had previously voted against gay marriage and later came to bitterly regret it. Her well meaning but ill thought through role in this saga can be explained by her trying to make amends.

The ball started rolling under a Labour government.

MPs of all stripes have been banging the #bekind drum for years. As PPs say this has been part of a global agenda (I can barely understand it)

We are where we are. Rishi is promising to give us a lot of what we want (for starters at least). I'm voting for him.

ActivePeony · 02/07/2024 19:18

ScrollingLeaves · 02/07/2024 15:50

started to look like a vote-winner.

No, they began to roll back when a few started listening. The Cass review was commission by Sajid Javid because of growing alarm over harm to children, for example, not votes. Kemi Badenoch has put herself seriously in the way of reproach and anger, and shows far too much knowledge on the subject, to suggest she simply saw some easy to win votes out of her stance.

She has been terrific on this. I hope that she takes over from Sunak.


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BeachParty · 02/07/2024 19:18

It's the SAME party though.
I vote for a party's values, whether they're in line with mine, whether we have the same core beliefs.
Not on whether I like the leader I not, it shouldn't be about Celebrity Politics or whatever!
It's not Britain's Got Talent or the X Factor for goodness sake.

ActivePeony · 02/07/2024 19:20

SolitaryBee · 02/07/2024 16:19

For me the two most startling things I have learnt about all the left leaning parties (I include the SNP, greens and LibDems as well as Labour in that category) are:

  1. the level of intolerance and groupthink in all of them. No dissenting voices are tolerated.
  2. the inability to hear women’s voices, how little our opinions are considered, how little we seem to matter and how much we are actually despised by so many men.

    I’m generally a left of centre floating voter, not very tribal, have voted for all the parties mentioned above depending on candidate and policies at one time or another. In this election I will vote Tory because I feel they have genuinely listened to women and thought about what we have been saying.

Yes it has been eye opening hasn't it? Left wing men are the worst for this.

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