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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Why I'm voting Conservative

262 replies

jomartin281271 · 02/07/2024 15:23

Firstly, let me say, it pains me to admit this because I’m not a Tory. I’ve always looked upon myself as a slightly left of centre, live and let live, community based, floating voter. But the more I look at this election campaign, the more I’ve realised that, to me, this is a one issue election. Women’s rights.
Starmer has been asked countless times about women’s private spaces, on radio and on TV. Each time he’s done everything he can to avoid answering the question. In any one of these interviews, he could have made his position clear, particularly on that phone in last week where the caller Jane said she was sick of the twaddle that comes out of his mouth.
Now he’s being quoted in the Telegraph as having said that biological males should not use women’s public toilets. This is a typical move by a politician. Leave it until the last minute, so he can’t be quizzed on what he actually means and then twist and deny it afterwards. I don’t trust him.
I don’t want to vote Conservative. After Partygate and the chaos caused by that idiot Liz Truss, they need a good kicking. But they’re the only party that have consistently come down on the side of women. If Labour get in and shift the gender landscape, the changes they make could be irreparable.
In the Victorian era, they didn’t build public toilets for women. It was a way of keeping women chained to the home. This is the direction we’re heading in if we don’t stand up and put a stop to it. And I don’t want to look back on this in years to come and realise I could have voted against this shift, but I let my political views get in the way.

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OP posts:
Signalbox · 02/07/2024 19:20

Me too OP. In my constituency Labour don’t stand a chance of winning so it’s between a Tory who is openly GC and a lib dem who is openly a TRA. I think Labour will win the election comfortably and I think we need some decent GC voices in opposition not an opposition who just wave all the gender nonsense through with zero challenge. So for me it’s a tactical vote for who will be better in opposition.

orchardgirl4 · 02/07/2024 19:23

The 5 year wait for rape cases, under the Tory government, and no prison spaces for convicted rapists, yeah sure they're on the side of women. Also, as a woman, I need healthcare, and the NHS has been trashing it for the last 14 years. Basing your vote on a single issue is just lazy and irresponsible. 10% of the MPs were under investigation for sexual misconduct or rape. It's a joke to think they prioritise women!

Holeinamole · 02/07/2024 19:23

In a safe Labour seat (LD a distant second) but probably voting Tory because they have actually put up a decent candidate and because we’ll need an opposition that is not completely demoralised. I don’t trust Labour one little bit.

Parties change. It doesn’t make sense to be loyally devoted to one party for life. This is politics, not some sort of fandom, politics is about change and decisions for the future, and what Labour are offering just reeks of a betrayal foretold.

ActivePeony · 02/07/2024 19:23

Signalbox · 02/07/2024 19:20

Me too OP. In my constituency Labour don’t stand a chance of winning so it’s between a Tory who is openly GC and a lib dem who is openly a TRA. I think Labour will win the election comfortably and I think we need some decent GC voices in opposition not an opposition who just wave all the gender nonsense through with zero challenge. So for me it’s a tactical vote for who will be better in opposition.

Yes we need GC MPs in the HoC of any and all stripes really. If Labour do as well as is predicted (I don't think they will) we shall need strong voices speaking up for women and girls to put the brakes on their madness.

Corinthiana · 02/07/2024 19:25

thestudio · 02/07/2024 16:13

You don't have to vote at all. Given other Tory policies I imagine the net gain to women if they get in again will be zero, if not in the minuses.

So you should not vote for them if you care about women. Add to that the impacts on all vulnerable groups .

Spoil your vote.

Well that's total waste of time.

LoudSnoringDog · 02/07/2024 19:25

The tories do not give a shit about women.

Look at violence against women and girls

Look at the number of domestic violence refuges having to close due to lack of funding.

Look at the continued gender pay gap.

ActivePeony · 02/07/2024 19:25

10% of the MPs were under investigation for sexual misconduct or rape. It's a joke to think they prioritise women!

This figure is not just Tory MPs.

UpThePankhurst · 02/07/2024 19:26

I am not spoiling my vote: the batshit left won't care if they win a mandate by only one vote. That merely abnegates my responsibility to women.

I'm a floating voter. It's going to the one party that right now is not absolutely fantastically misogynist, regards women as subhuman, and has a manifesto promising to destroy the rights and equality of half the population because of being controlled by a fringe extremist group and a belief in alternative realities and authoritarianism.

Campaign for sanity once Labour's in..... ffs, what do you think women have been doing for the past decade? They do not hear women's voices. They do not think women are fully human. They think child safeguarding should come a very poor second to the desires of the adults in an extremist political faction too.

lcakethereforeIam · 02/07/2024 19:27

I'm possibly to the left of Corbyn 😁 but baring the being a surprise commie on the ballot I'll painfully (literally I've knackered my ankle) be walking to the polling station and voting tory. It helps that Labour stand little chance here and, anyway, their candidate hasn't responded to my email. It's also always good to try something new.

UpThePankhurst · 02/07/2024 19:29

You've seen how he's treated Rosie Duffield and let her be treated?

That's exactly what he'll do to all other non submissive, not-useful-to-men women. When a man shows you who he is, believe him.

Signalbox · 02/07/2024 19:34

The tories do not give a shit about women.

Neither do Labour.

WishIMite · 02/07/2024 19:37

Average waits for gynaecology in my area is now 22 months.

The women's services in my local area have had their budgets slashed and most have closed. (And yes, their boards are quite capable of dealing with single sex services without government intervention anyway, thanks.)

The Tories do not give a flying fuck about women. They care about profit to shore up existing wealth inequalities. You are deluded if you think otherwise.

WishIMite · 02/07/2024 19:40

Signalbox · 02/07/2024 19:34

The tories do not give a shit about women.

Neither do Labour.

And yet under the last Labour government we had Children's Centres, funding for local women's refuges and safe houses, efficient gynae services and less child poverty.

InWithPeaceOutWithStress · 02/07/2024 19:40

Pink News:

Keir Starmer: Trans women don’t have right to use women’s spaces – even if they have a GRC.

UtilitarianNameChange · 02/07/2024 19:41

WishIMite · 02/07/2024 19:40

And yet under the last Labour government we had Children's Centres, funding for local women's refuges and safe houses, efficient gynae services and less child poverty.

How many MPs from the Blair years are standing this week? Does anyone know?

Toseland · 02/07/2024 19:42

Halfemptyhalfling · 02/07/2024 16:08

Government is about many issues not just one. the conservative party partied and vomited up the wall while people were dying of COVid so wouldn't be my choice. This one issue can be campaigned on after the election

I think the covid parties would be had by anybody in government - it's not just a Tory issue, it's civil service culture.
This one issue might not be able to be campaigned for after. What if Labour remove your rights on day one?

Omlettes · 02/07/2024 19:44

I will NOT be voting Tory after what they have done to this country, they have brought us to our knees.
However nor can I vote Labour LibDem or GP because of their stance on Women and childrens safeguarding.
I will spoil my ballot, Ive worked on election counts and despite what some say Spoilt Ballots are counted as a protest vote, and if enough do it will be seen as a reaction against the parties on offer and help prevent a super majority for Labour. Staying at home, is not counted.
If you do spoil it be careful not to spoil it in one box or it could be counted as a vote.

Pumpkindoodles · 02/07/2024 19:45

Are you aware of how many tory mps have been accused of sex crimes, voted down policies that would help women or how women have suffered under a Tory government?
I don’t know who I’m going to vote for, but to say you are voting tories because they are for women is naive at best, and complete stupidity at worst.

Toseland · 02/07/2024 19:46

Don't waste your vote. Make it count.

Corinthiana · 02/07/2024 19:46

They're not "counted as a protest vote", they're examined in case they actually count as a vote.
They achieve nothing.

ActivePeony · 02/07/2024 19:46

Pumpkindoodles · 02/07/2024 19:45

Are you aware of how many tory mps have been accused of sex crimes, voted down policies that would help women or how women have suffered under a Tory government?
I don’t know who I’m going to vote for, but to say you are voting tories because they are for women is naive at best, and complete stupidity at worst.


Yes, calling people with different views from you 'stupid' is always going to win hearts and minds.

ActivePeony · 02/07/2024 19:48

Corinthiana · 02/07/2024 19:46

They're not "counted as a protest vote", they're examined in case they actually count as a vote.
They achieve nothing.

I have spoiled my ballot before now. Also voted Green in the past and for Labour when TB was in charge. People can do with their vote exactly as they please and should do so.

StMarieforme · 02/07/2024 19:48

Build your whole future on a this? Vote for misogynistic racists who hate anyone who is poor/ old/ disabled?

Good grief.


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RishiSunak · 02/07/2024 19:48

Hold your horses! I haven't made my mind up yet.

And anyway, it's a secret ballot,
And I might not even go,
Doc Martin is on the telly.
And I like that. (I think the policeman is really funny.)

Corinthiana · 02/07/2024 19:49

StMarieforme · 02/07/2024 19:48

Build your whole future on a this? Vote for misogynistic racists who hate anyone who is poor/ old/ disabled?

Good grief.

It's desperate, isn't it?
Real barrel scraping stuff. Only a couple of days to go.

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