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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

highame · 01/07/2024 08:03

It would help if the media reported on the WPATH scandal. Silence from the BBC

Signalbox · 01/07/2024 08:05
OP posts:
highame · 01/07/2024 08:08

Very interesting Op. I was watching Andrew Doyle last night. He keeps bringing this one up but the BBC do not respond. I guess they're just being kind!

kiterunning · 01/07/2024 08:45

How on earth can we get this scandal into the mainstream media?
The BBC and Fergus Walsh must be made accountable.

Signalbox · 01/07/2024 09:00

I think it will make the headlines eventually especially if the legal action in the State of Alabama fully exposes WPATH for the quacks they are.

I think Helen Webberley's whole defence in her fitness to practice case was that she followed WPATH. I wonder if she would still be able to get away this this now.

OP posts:
AlisonDonut · 01/07/2024 13:01

OP that video is fantastic.

Stephen Levine saying he wrote every word of SOC5 is helpful. And him stating that the Chairman of the Harry Benjamin Society told him he was wrong to recommend 2 letters...and that he had no idea what Evidence Based Medicine even was, and that Eli Coleman was instrumental in putting the thing together...just solid gold evidence that there was none.

I do feel like everyone is slowly coming to their senses.

unwashedanddazed · 01/07/2024 13:16

Just finished watching the OP's link. Really interesting. Very clear about how wpath suppress research results that they don't like.

The woman in the audience who said everyone will be writing about this is a naive fool. Brave people have been shouting this stuff from the rooftops and the MSM have ignored them.

I agree with Zucker that lawsuits in the USA will be what brings wpath and gender ideology down. But the law moves so slowly.

Looking forward to what else will come out from the Alabama court proceedings.

AlisonDonut · 01/07/2024 13:29

So many things in there that were on here around 6 years ago. But hey ho!

duc748 · 01/07/2024 13:35

Just that bit in the Andrew Doyle link showing schoolkids being told there's over a hundred genders. 🙄It's disgraceful, filling kids' heads with this bollocks.

UtopiaPlanitia · 01/07/2024 13:36

AlisonDonut · 01/07/2024 13:01

OP that video is fantastic.

Stephen Levine saying he wrote every word of SOC5 is helpful. And him stating that the Chairman of the Harry Benjamin Society told him he was wrong to recommend 2 letters...and that he had no idea what Evidence Based Medicine even was, and that Eli Coleman was instrumental in putting the thing together...just solid gold evidence that there was none.

I do feel like everyone is slowly coming to their senses.

'Slowly' being the operative word, annoyingly. 🤬

It just goes to show: people in positions of power/influence don’t learn from scandals - they make a big fuss and hullabaloo after the fact, with lots of promises that things will be different in the future and then…do the same things all over again.

dougalfromthemagicroundabout · 01/07/2024 14:05

duc748 · 01/07/2024 13:35

Just that bit in the Andrew Doyle link showing schoolkids being told there's over a hundred genders. 🙄It's disgraceful, filling kids' heads with this bollocks.

The look on the girl's face in the video suggested a certain 'are you bonkers?' scepticism. I hope for her sake I'm right about that.

How grown adults can come out with such nonsense with a straight face and allow themselves to be filmed doing so is unbelievable. Sometimes I listen to someone very clever - Helen Joyce, Salman Rushdie and I'm in awe of the human intellect. Then I watch someone like this and all I can say is it goes equally as far in the other direction.

It's like the bits of Brass eye where they got people to spout bollocks about 'cake' except actually even more ridiculous.

dougalfromthemagicroundabout · 01/07/2024 14:08

Oh and thank you Op, the video is very enlightening. Yes, we were there about 6 years ago (more evidence that the received wisdom of FWR is RIGHT) and it is frustrating that the scientific community is moving so slowly when it's children's mental and physical health at stake.

But we are where we are. Let's hope there is some more reporting soon.

Levine should be removed from his job. How can recommending child experimentation result in absolutely no action from his employer? Particularly now the Biden White House have apparently said they don't support surgery under 18?

Signalbox · 01/07/2024 17:16

AlisonDonut · 01/07/2024 13:01

OP that video is fantastic.

Stephen Levine saying he wrote every word of SOC5 is helpful. And him stating that the Chairman of the Harry Benjamin Society told him he was wrong to recommend 2 letters...and that he had no idea what Evidence Based Medicine even was, and that Eli Coleman was instrumental in putting the thing together...just solid gold evidence that there was none.

I do feel like everyone is slowly coming to their senses.

Stephen Levine saying he wrote every word of SOC5 is helpful. And him stating that the Chairman of the Harry Benjamin Society told him he was wrong to recommend 2 letters...and that he had no idea what Evidence Based Medicine even was, and that Eli Coleman was instrumental in putting the thing together...just solid gold evidence that there was none.

It’s just all so shocking isn’t it? I watched something recently with Mia Hughes where she pointed out that a good percentage the DSM is based on opinion. It’s hard to comprehend how such quackery can still exist in 2024.

OP posts:
Signalbox · 01/07/2024 18:24

IwantToRetire · 01/07/2024 17:23

Not sure if this link has been published on any thread.

It is from last week

Thanks for linking. I feel link we are on the brink of WPATH crumbling.
Is that too optimistic?

OP posts:
IwantToRetire · 01/07/2024 18:29

I feel link we are on the brink of WPATH crumbling.
Is that too optimistic?

Well its a bit like the Cass Review moment. You (or at least I) thought its all over now for the TRA agenda.

But its clear it isn't.

So many people for whom it isn't necessarily personal have invested themselves in it, and wont want to back track because of the implication they lack judgement.

duc748 · 01/07/2024 18:32

There's never a big enough gotcha, is there? As @IwantToRetire says, there's a long way to go yet. The situation in our universities, for a start; it's starting to bring out my inner Pol Pot! 😛

UtopiaPlanitia · 01/07/2024 18:42

Signalbox · 01/07/2024 18:24

Thanks for linking. I feel link we are on the brink of WPATH crumbling.
Is that too optimistic?

I’d dearly love to think so but how many times have big stories broken in this topic and the majority national media just buries or distorts them?!

I have no feckin idea what it will take to turn this juggernaut around but I’m prepared to keep adding my own wee shove to that of all the people trying to push.

AlisonDonut · 01/07/2024 19:18

Signalbox · 01/07/2024 17:16

Stephen Levine saying he wrote every word of SOC5 is helpful. And him stating that the Chairman of the Harry Benjamin Society told him he was wrong to recommend 2 letters...and that he had no idea what Evidence Based Medicine even was, and that Eli Coleman was instrumental in putting the thing together...just solid gold evidence that there was none.

It’s just all so shocking isn’t it? I watched something recently with Mia Hughes where she pointed out that a good percentage the DSM is based on opinion. It’s hard to comprehend how such quackery can still exist in 2024.

Here's Barry's video on this topic with the original source in it.

Jester Special Must Watch - The Scam Manual Driving Medical Experimentation on Children the Programme this channel to get access to perkshttps://www.yout...

Notaflippinclue · 01/07/2024 20:31

The best bit for me was accusing cross dressing middle aged men who wield power of encouraging children to trans just to make their own nonsense appear more normal - bloody hell all sensible folks have been screaming for them to leave our kids alone for years

Retiredfromthere · 01/07/2024 21:30

That video linked from OP is amazing.
As she points out 'three days ago we did not know this', that WPATH suppressed its systematic review because John Hopkins pointed out that the evidence WPATH was thinking confirmed its recommendations did no such thing.
The Alabama case seems to rest on whether WPATH advice is credible or not, so if Alabama win that will be huge.
Got as far in the video as Germany stopped it's own review of evidence because WPATH was doing that. In 2019 Germany stopped looking at evidence and trusted WPATH.
Right at the start ... In US, Canada and Australia every family will have or know a transgender person within their immediate circle.

VerasMacAndHat · 01/07/2024 21:50

Thank you for posting this. What damning clarity on the history af WPATH and the devastating global impact it's had/having. I hope legal actions come thick and fast. As well as prosecutions.


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happydappy2 · 01/07/2024 22:05

the thing that struck me was when she said, the child belongs to their future adult self. This is so true.

We are harming children and it has to stop.

The fact that middle aged cross dressing males are pushing the idea of sterilising children is abhorrent. thanks for the link OP.

Delphinium20 · 01/07/2024 23:04

Excellent video, OP. Thank you so much for sharing.

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