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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Anyone in Bristol Central voting for POW?

95 replies

WishingOnACar · 27/06/2024 20:46

It’s close in this seat between Greens and Labour.

Green canvasser (male) came to the door this evening so I asked what the local candidate’s position is on single sex spaces. He immediately launched into a monologue about trans rights, talking about trans suicide rates as they are such a marginalised group, and that the issue of single sex spaces and trans rights has become toxic and everyone needs to be kinder about it. He doesn’t feel comfortable talking to me about it, because he’s a man. I pointed out that he’s there representing the views of Carla Denyer, not himself!

Anyway, he’s basically talked himself out of a Green vote from me, which is something that I had been considering. Interesting how he immediately mentioned trans rights when I had simply asked about single sex spaces - it’s clearly not something that Carla will be supporting, so that’s me out.

I’m toying with voting Labour, but increasingly think I might vote for KJK and POW party, just so my GC voice is counted.

Is that pointless?

I’m an NHS worker in a field where GC views would probably get me fired, so this feels like the only way I can have my (anonymous!) voice heard!

OP posts:
DexaVooveQhodu · 27/06/2024 20:53

KJK is so unlikely to win that voting fir her won't actively do any harm, but I don't think she's at all a good representative of the GC voice. Isn't she a Trump supporter whose views are decidedly non-feminist and pro-gender-conformity, with no more in common with GC feminism than TRAs (ie Red circle here)

Anyone in Bristol Central voting for POW?
southbiscay · 27/06/2024 20:53

I'd struggle to vote labour generally, despite being left wing. But I'd definitely vote for Thangham. She completely gets the issue.

CordeliaNaismithVorkosigan · 27/06/2024 20:55

Vote Thangam. She’s great, and it would be a blessing to have a culture secretary who knows and cares about culture.

WhereIsTheHare · 27/06/2024 20:58

Please vote for Thangam. She will represent your views. She’s a great champion for culture and heritage, which is my field, and we need a much more effective person in government representing the sector, and she is someone with integrity, which we need in government right now.

IwantToRetire · 27/06/2024 20:59

DexaVooveQhodu · 27/06/2024 20:53

KJK is so unlikely to win that voting fir her won't actively do any harm, but I don't think she's at all a good representative of the GC voice. Isn't she a Trump supporter whose views are decidedly non-feminist and pro-gender-conformity, with no more in common with GC feminism than TRAs (ie Red circle here)

I cant believe anyone is still thinking they can post on a thread on FWR that KJK is right wing pro trump.

About every other thread on here shows that nobody, even those who dont particularly support her think has any validity.

Try looking at old threads about KJK, and then think of a better arguement not to vote her. Not one based on nonsense!

Churchview · 27/06/2024 21:01

Thangham actually cares about Central Bristol, lives there and has been a brilliant MP for the area. She has worked to benefit women for decades.

"For 25 years before becoming an MP her main focus was working to end domestic violence.
She was Women’s Aid’s first ever National Children’s Officer, setting up support projects in refuges across the UK for children. In this work she helped everyone involved in the cycle of domestic violence: women, men and children; victims, perpetrators and witnesses."

nzborn · 27/06/2024 21:01

If vote party of woman of I was in Bristol, you don't have to agree with all her opinions.

IwantToRetire · 27/06/2024 21:04

From the other thread:

I have seen recent correspondence with Thangam's office about the failure to provide any female only abuse support in Bristol, because of the Council's requirement all service providers pretend TWAW. The silence from Thangam on this issue has been, and continues to be, deafening. And to be honest, very disappointing.

southbiscay · 27/06/2024 21:15

The choice is Labour or Green. And it's close. Why vote for pow who can't win and possibly risk letting a dyed in the wool TRA in?

Hoosemover · 27/06/2024 22:38

Your vote could make a difference. The Greens are as mad as a box of frogs in the main.

CassieMaddox · 27/06/2024 23:07

IwantToRetire · 27/06/2024 20:59

I cant believe anyone is still thinking they can post on a thread on FWR that KJK is right wing pro trump.

About every other thread on here shows that nobody, even those who dont particularly support her think has any validity.

Try looking at old threads about KJK, and then think of a better arguement not to vote her. Not one based on nonsense!

Yes. They should know that pointing out any of KJKs foibles results in a good shoeing!
Central Bristol people might be interested in her latest video claiming a police car outside the Beacon is "there for her" while she sits a fair distance away drinking coffee. It's a bit odd to say the least to think a marked police car in Central Bristol is there for you 😂

Churchview · 27/06/2024 23:16

You're so vain. I bet you think that police car is for you.

lanadelgrey · 27/06/2024 23:17

It’s possibly down to least worst option. If it weren’t being so strongly contested by the Greens, then a protest vote would be fine but in this case you really do risk Carla getting in. By all accounts Thangham is strongly pro women and if elected can do some good.
Plenty of places to cast a protest vote or go for a single issue but not in Bristol Central.

Sausagenbacon · 28/06/2024 08:12

I'm voting for POW.
I'm so bored with posters immediately trotting out the supposed connections between KJK and the far right. With no proof. I've had this with 2 labour friends. This was their immediate reaction, based on heresay with no actual facts.
No to Carla denyer, for obvious reasons.
As for thangham, the wishful thinking about her is off the scale. Yes, she is a hard-working mp. But I have never seen her refer to this issue. What has she actually done to arrest Labour's descent into batshit crazy? And what will she do when they are in power?

CassieMaddox · 28/06/2024 08:28

Sausagenbacon · 28/06/2024 08:12

I'm voting for POW.
I'm so bored with posters immediately trotting out the supposed connections between KJK and the far right. With no proof. I've had this with 2 labour friends. This was their immediate reaction, based on heresay with no actual facts.
No to Carla denyer, for obvious reasons.
As for thangham, the wishful thinking about her is off the scale. Yes, she is a hard-working mp. But I have never seen her refer to this issue. What has she actually done to arrest Labour's descent into batshit crazy? And what will she do when they are in power?

Apart from
-two of her trusted stewards marching with the far right
-Far right people live streaming her events from the front row

  • Far right people turning up at her events
  • her taking money from organisations with a lot of Far right members
  • her "nominating officer" being a crazy right wing trump supporter

Yes, nothing to see here Hmm

Vote for who you like but at least admit you don't care how right wing she is, rather than ignoring what is slapping you in the face
Sausagenbacon · 28/06/2024 08:45

Oh hello Cassie.
Keeping your end up as ever .
So , for the last time. The Left won't engage with her.
But then the Left won't engage with ANYONE who's pro Women. And that includes thangham (in public, apparently there is a secret TD that's gc, according to posters here)
So the Right are drawn to her. So what?
To follow your points

  • right wing people go to her events - how does she control that? Given the amount of abuse her followers get from TRAs at events, I have absolute admiration from them.
  • taking money from organisations with right wing members. Well, if you were talking about ACTUAL rw organisations, I might accept that. But organisations 'with rw members'? So what?
  • don't know about her nominating officer. I don't care.

Lastly, she might be RW, but trying to paint her as a borderline fascist is just pathetic.
Fwiw I know KJK is a loose cannon. I know she is irritating.
But she's an ordinary woman who has dedicated herself for supporting women's rights. Yes, she'll probably lose her deposit, but she deserves my support.
And that's the limit of my interaction with you.
CassieMaddox · 28/06/2024 08:57

Sausagenbacon · 28/06/2024 08:45

Oh hello Cassie.
Keeping your end up as ever .
So , for the last time. The Left won't engage with her.
But then the Left won't engage with ANYONE who's pro Women. And that includes thangham (in public, apparently there is a secret TD that's gc, according to posters here)
So the Right are drawn to her. So what?
To follow your points

  • right wing people go to her events - how does she control that? Given the amount of abuse her followers get from TRAs at events, I have absolute admiration from them.
  • taking money from organisations with right wing members. Well, if you were talking about ACTUAL rw organisations, I might accept that. But organisations 'with rw members'? So what?
  • don't know about her nominating officer. I don't care.

Lastly, she might be RW, but trying to paint her as a borderline fascist is just pathetic.
Fwiw I know KJK is a loose cannon. I know she is irritating.
But she's an ordinary woman who has dedicated herself for supporting women's rights. Yes, she'll probably lose her deposit, but she deserves my support.
And that's the limit of my interaction with you.

You missed the points about LWS stewards marching with Tommy Robinson and Hearts of Oak (also Tommy Robinson) live streaming from the front row of her events.

The denial is something else.

There is also her recent blatantly transphobic comments but that is just objectionable not far right.

KJK is damaging the GC movement and the chances of any government taking us seriously. Having heard her haranguing the police officers last night I wouldn't want to talk with her either. Not surprised politicians give her a wide berth. Who wants to go into a conversation knowing they are going to get insulted, and broadcast on twitter?

OldCrone · 28/06/2024 09:03

Lastly, she might be RW, but trying to paint her as a borderline fascist is just pathetic.

She's a former Labour supporter, who recognised the left's descent into madness on this issue earlier than most of us.

OldCrone · 28/06/2024 09:05

You missed the points about LWS stewards marching with Tommy Robinson

She's not responsible for what her volunteers do in their spare time.

and Hearts of Oak (also Tommy Robinson) live streaming from the front row of her events.

Her events are open to everyone. TRAs have also filmed at her events. Does that make her a TRA?

VitaSays · 28/06/2024 09:10

I'd vote POW in your shoes, OP. Greens are out, Labour will walk it in Bristol and don't need your vote so make your point — unless you want to vote Conservative.

borntobequiet · 28/06/2024 09:24

CassieMaddox · 27/06/2024 23:07

Yes. They should know that pointing out any of KJKs foibles results in a good shoeing!
Central Bristol people might be interested in her latest video claiming a police car outside the Beacon is "there for her" while she sits a fair distance away drinking coffee. It's a bit odd to say the least to think a marked police car in Central Bristol is there for you 😂

Not when the POW candidate in Sheffield has been threatened with arrest for leafleting.

Sheffield Party Of Women candidate threatened with arrest for leaflets | Mumsnet

Not much info about this yet, but just saw it on Twitter. BREAKING. Party of Women [[ @SheffieldPOW]] candidate in Leeds...

VitaSays · 28/06/2024 09:24

CassieMaddox · 28/06/2024 08:57

You missed the points about LWS stewards marching with Tommy Robinson and Hearts of Oak (also Tommy Robinson) live streaming from the front row of her events.

The denial is something else.

There is also her recent blatantly transphobic comments but that is just objectionable not far right.

KJK is damaging the GC movement and the chances of any government taking us seriously. Having heard her haranguing the police officers last night I wouldn't want to talk with her either. Not surprised politicians give her a wide berth. Who wants to go into a conversation knowing they are going to get insulted, and broadcast on twitter?

This insistence on purity held the GC movement back in the early days. KJK appeals to GC women who don't share all my values but that's because concern for women's rights and safety isn't limited to members of the Labour Party. KJK reaches parts of the population that WPUK could never reach. Those women, even if I disagree with them on many things, have votes and voices and can influence their politicians on this issue.


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Hepwo · 28/06/2024 09:38

OldCrone · 28/06/2024 09:05

You missed the points about LWS stewards marching with Tommy Robinson

She's not responsible for what her volunteers do in their spare time.

and Hearts of Oak (also Tommy Robinson) live streaming from the front row of her events.

Her events are open to everyone. TRAs have also filmed at her events. Does that make her a TRA?

There was no "front row" .

Everyone listening formed a very tight circle around KJK and there were numerous cameras in the circle.
No one was identified. I was there.

Cassie seems to live vicariously through second hand gossip presented in a bizarre triumphant manner as if she's come back from the desert with tablets of stone she's chiseled out. It's funny.

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 28/06/2024 10:04

Iain Dale said he’d heard that Thangam is very likely to lose her seat. I don’t know if that would affect your vote.

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