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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

KJK standing for Bristol Central

236 replies

Sausagenbacon · 09/06/2024 08:51

I'm delighted- someone to vote for !

OP posts:
Madcats · 09/06/2024 08:57

She is fairly local, isn't she?

Presumably it is a seat that the Greens are targeting.

Sausagenbacon · 09/06/2024 09:01

She is.
Yes, the Greens are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at it.

OP posts:
NooNakedJacuzziness · 09/06/2024 09:01

Has this only just been announced? I was looking at the candidates yesterday and she wasn't mentioned.

Sausagenbacon · 09/06/2024 09:01

It's just come up on my twitter feed

OP posts:
Madcats · 09/06/2024 09:09

Will there still be lots of Bristol Uni students around? I'm over in Bath and, judging by the state of bins, many are heading off for the summer.

They could make a real difference to the outcome.

Sausagenbacon · 09/06/2024 09:20

I agree, and I'm not sure.
She doesn't stand a chance of course, but I'm still very pleased

OP posts:
Runskiyoga · 09/06/2024 09:20

I'd rather she was holding Labours feet to the fire personally, getting awkward questions asked of Starmer. But good for democracy if people have a variety of candidates to vote for. Carla Denya for the Greens looked strong in the tv debate, it will be interesting to see how she debates or if she debates the issue. Bristol will just be focused on electing a Green I think.

Runskiyoga · 09/06/2024 09:22

I mean the greens have a lot to answer for in this but they are not in power / about to be in power

Theeyeballsinthesky · 09/06/2024 09:24

Bristol ranks alongside Brighton as trans central. The council is now held by the greens and lib dems

i don’t know how they will even be able to function with all the literal violence of KJK refusing to go along with the councils policy on transgender inclusion

Sloejelly · 09/06/2024 09:27

Runskiyoga · 09/06/2024 09:20

I'd rather she was holding Labours feet to the fire personally, getting awkward questions asked of Starmer. But good for democracy if people have a variety of candidates to vote for. Carla Denya for the Greens looked strong in the tv debate, it will be interesting to see how she debates or if she debates the issue. Bristol will just be focused on electing a Green I think.

Starmer will only be debating at national leadership level

NooNakedJacuzziness · 09/06/2024 09:44
fabricstash · 09/06/2024 09:49

She is standing against Thangham for labour who is supportive of women's rights although no very loud about it

RebelliousCow · 09/06/2024 10:04

Runskiyoga · 09/06/2024 09:20

I'd rather she was holding Labours feet to the fire personally, getting awkward questions asked of Starmer. But good for democracy if people have a variety of candidates to vote for. Carla Denya for the Greens looked strong in the tv debate, it will be interesting to see how she debates or if she debates the issue. Bristol will just be focused on electing a Green I think.

The Greens are starting to get a lot of media scrutiny, now, due to the anti semitic nature of comments emanating from many of their candidates. Really out there stuff! We all know, though, that the Greens lost the plot years ago and have now become totally submerged in Identity Politics, and in throwing tins of soup over great works of art.

RebelliousCow · 09/06/2024 10:06

fabricstash · 09/06/2024 09:49

She is standing against Thangham for labour who is supportive of women's rights although no very loud about it

Saw a clip of Owen Jones trying to harass Thangam as she was campaigning in her constituency. He is supporting the Greens now, isn't he. He referred to himself as 'a journalist'

JoandArcFeminist · 09/06/2024 10:19

I'll be interested to see what happens.

On a personal note my fear is if any great attention comes up with TRAs getting rowdy here again it'll chase all the young women on the cusp of peaking (and idk it's feeling like it's more and more women right now) will all be chased back into silence. I don't think that cohort will feel emboldened to speak out by KJK, or would feel particularly represented by her.

They'll peak eventually I'm sure anyway, I'm just impatient 😛

Would be nice to see KJK have a go at Carla Denyer though lol

Abhannmor · 09/06/2024 10:35

Good old Owen ....he could cost the Greens a few votes? They do seem to attract cranks. And boy is he turning into a crank. Trouble is - FPTP. KJK might siphon off enough votes from Thangam to help the Greens win? will be interesting anyway !

RebelliousCow · 09/06/2024 10:51

Yes, we need Thangam to retain her seat.

BackToLurk · 09/06/2024 11:01

Abhannmor · 09/06/2024 10:35

Good old Owen ....he could cost the Greens a few votes? They do seem to attract cranks. And boy is he turning into a crank. Trouble is - FPTP. KJK might siphon off enough votes from Thangam to help the Greens win? will be interesting anyway !

That's the quandary isn't it. Do you vote PoW, possibly enabling a Green win, or hold your nose and vote Labour. In a different constituency it might not matter, but Thangham is definitely better for women than Carla. Who do you want voting on these issues in parliament?

Andddd just seen @RebelliousCow said much the same

JoandArcFeminist · 09/06/2024 11:50

That's another reason I find Bristol Central such an odd shout for KJK.

idk i'm not convinced by her strategy, but i suppose if she's single issue of the GRA then she won't be looking out for other women's issues and who is actually good on them (yeah yeah i know it doesn't matter if they don't know what a woman is but as we've seen, the idea of 'legal sex' will probably go away as more legal cases are brought anyway imo 🤷‍♀️)

Theeyeballsinthesky · 09/06/2024 11:54

JoandArcFeminist · 09/06/2024 11:50

That's another reason I find Bristol Central such an odd shout for KJK.

idk i'm not convinced by her strategy, but i suppose if she's single issue of the GRA then she won't be looking out for other women's issues and who is actually good on them (yeah yeah i know it doesn't matter if they don't know what a woman is but as we've seen, the idea of 'legal sex' will probably go away as more legal cases are brought anyway imo 🤷‍♀️)

I’m assuming it’s so she can challenge denyer extensively on the Green stance on women’s rights v trans demands and drag up all the skeletons from their closet. By doing that I’m further assuming she’s hoping MSM might pick up on it

but I’m assuming a lot!

BackToLurk · 09/06/2024 12:00

Theeyeballsinthesky · 09/06/2024 11:54

I’m assuming it’s so she can challenge denyer extensively on the Green stance on women’s rights v trans demands and drag up all the skeletons from their closet. By doing that I’m further assuming she’s hoping MSM might pick up on it

but I’m assuming a lot!

I wonder how much Denyer will care. The Greens are pretty open about their trans stand, and much more hardline than Labour. They’re already using as a way to attract disaffected pro-trans Labour voters. In the context of an expected Labour landslide, voting Green is less of a risk of denying them a majority (see OJ). The more I think about it, the more pissed off I am about KJK potentially helping the Greens kick out one of the better Labour MPs.

testing987654321 · 09/06/2024 12:02

Maybe if the Labour woman is actually good on women's rights then KJK won't manage to get many votes off of her.


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JoandArcFeminist · 09/06/2024 12:12

a handful of gc women i know in bristol are going for labour despite their misgivings.

we're a more lefty or centrist bunch though.

i'm personally happy to (well, not HAPPY too, but i will! 😛) vote whichever way keep tories out, but i think i'm in a labour safe seat now so might go for a vote spoil.

fabricstash · 09/06/2024 12:25

I will vote Thangham. She is a good MP and we need MPs like her in the Labour Party to voice concerns. There are a number of really good people in the party but many prospective MPs scared to discuss

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