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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

KJK standing for Bristol Central

236 replies

Sausagenbacon · 09/06/2024 08:51

I'm delighted- someone to vote for !

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CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 04/07/2024 16:27

PainOngoing · 04/07/2024 16:01

Yes, super excited to see what the outcome is. Even if it's Green...

Maybe if the outdoor environment improves in Bristol, more young people will get outside and off the internet, and discover reality in all its glory😂

My 20 year old is voting green, having spent the last few years bemoaning the fact that there is noone to vote for, politics is awful etc etc

I'm happy Greens gave him a way to be engaged and I think diversity of parties in the HoC. Just wish it wasn't Thangam who might lose out because we also need the voices of women like her.

Madcats · 05/07/2024 03:53

Greens won, with a massive swing

BezMills · 05/07/2024 07:04

KJK only got 176 (if I remember correctly) so the greens won handily, without any help from PoW.

CharlotteLightandDark · 05/07/2024 07:36

196 I think which is not enough to make a dent in the green majority.

I’m in Bristol East these days but not thrilled with Carla, ah well.

BezMills · 05/07/2024 07:48

thanks for the correction, my bad! The huge swing to green must have been due to other topics. I wanted green in IoW East, I know the candidate personally and she's a legend (same as per the Labour candidate in IoW West, who was elected).
In both cases, I have deep reservations about the leadership and party stance on FWR, but you have to weigh that against the individual MP too.

CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 05/07/2024 09:55

She never loses - apart from when it's a deposit

BezMills · 05/07/2024 10:02

if your posts about her were votes she would have got her deposit back!

CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 05/07/2024 10:03

True Facts Bez 😂

Drandthemedics · 05/07/2024 10:09

I’m looking forward to her next YouTube rant to see if she has the nerve to say she never loses. If she does, and if her dopey fans keep telling her she’s a queen, then it truly is a cult

BezMills · 05/07/2024 10:15

you could always phone in and give her a piece of your mind, seeing as you already don't mind giving her clicks and viewtime for gloats.

SapphosRock · 05/07/2024 10:15

That's a shockingly low number of votes. Even the Monster Raving Loony candidate in Brighton & Hove got 257 votes.

CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 05/07/2024 10:25

PoW got fewer votes than the monster raving loony party overall. I'm pleased the ultra GC position isn't attracting people, let's get back to a more constructive debate about women's rights than calling people "abusers"

SerafinasGoose · 05/07/2024 10:25

SapphosRock · 05/07/2024 10:15

That's a shockingly low number of votes. Even the Monster Raving Loony candidate in Brighton & Hove got 257 votes.

I'd have thought Brighton and Bristol were about the worst two constituencies possible for a women's rights party to gain any significant votes.

The independent candidate in my own constituency, who does advocate for the rights of women and disabled people (a rarity), and for whom I voted pulled in four times this number.

BezMills · 05/07/2024 10:26

yeah it's really low! You can see there was a big tussle between the greens and labour, and KJK didn't get any traction in terms of votes cast

NancyDrawed · 05/07/2024 10:28

CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 05/07/2024 10:25

PoW got fewer votes than the monster raving loony party overall. I'm pleased the ultra GC position isn't attracting people, let's get back to a more constructive debate about women's rights than calling people "abusers"


Can I ask what you mean by 'ultra GC'

For transparency I will tell you that I agree with the four statements that KJK starts her events with, which in case you are not familiar with are:

No woman has a penis
No man has a vagina
Nonbinary is nonsensical
Transitioning children is profound abuse

Does that make me 'ultra' in your eyes?

CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 05/07/2024 10:31

NancyDrawed · 05/07/2024 10:28

Can I ask what you mean by 'ultra GC'

For transparency I will tell you that I agree with the four statements that KJK starts her events with, which in case you are not familiar with are:

No woman has a penis
No man has a vagina
Nonbinary is nonsensical
Transitioning children is profound abuse

Does that make me 'ultra' in your eyes?

If you support PoW, yes. Sorry. I don't think its a constructive position to call other people "abusers" when you know little about them.

I don't want to derail the thread. KJK calls herself an "ultra" so.....

NancyDrawed · 05/07/2024 10:39

Interesting, as I have found myself far less hard line than some.

I don't want to derail either, so will leave it there.

zibzibara · 05/07/2024 10:49

CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 05/07/2024 10:31

If you support PoW, yes. Sorry. I don't think its a constructive position to call other people "abusers" when you know little about them.

I don't want to derail the thread. KJK calls herself an "ultra" so.....

Males deliberately accessing spaces they know to be female-only, disregarding women's and girls' boundaries and ignoring lack of consent, are being inherently abusive - wouldn't you agree?

It's the same mindset as rapists. Take what they want from women and ignore any objections, male desires taking priority over us saying "no".

CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 05/07/2024 11:43

zibzibara · 05/07/2024 10:49

Males deliberately accessing spaces they know to be female-only, disregarding women's and girls' boundaries and ignoring lack of consent, are being inherently abusive - wouldn't you agree?

It's the same mindset as rapists. Take what they want from women and ignore any objections, male desires taking priority over us saying "no".

I'm talking about her position on "transitioning children"
Anyway the election clearly shows KJKs position is very much in the tiny minority so no mileage in debating it

duc748 · 05/07/2024 11:47

so no mileage in debating it

Arf! It's the way you tell 'em! 😄

BezMills · 05/07/2024 11:48

"your mileage might vary"

She's still a stone cold legend. I'm looking forward to hearing about and posting about her take on last night.

Pourquoise · 05/07/2024 12:09

BezMills · 05/07/2024 11:48

"your mileage might vary"

She's still a stone cold legend. I'm looking forward to hearing about and posting about her take on last night.

Her take will probably be to blame Sex Matters, WRN, JKR and the head girls etc for not getting behind and promoting POW.

BezMills · 05/07/2024 12:20

I'll be surprised if that is what she says, but I'm surprised Iain Smith has a job, so maybe it's one of those days.


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OldCrone · 05/07/2024 12:27

CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 05/07/2024 10:31

If you support PoW, yes. Sorry. I don't think its a constructive position to call other people "abusers" when you know little about them.

I don't want to derail the thread. KJK calls herself an "ultra" so.....

So how would you describe someone who tells a child that they can change sex and encourages them down a path which leads to them being sterilised and having healthy body parts removed?

'Abuse' seems quite an accurate description to me of what is happening here.

CassieSaysGoodbyeTories · 05/07/2024 15:20

OldCrone · 05/07/2024 12:27

So how would you describe someone who tells a child that they can change sex and encourages them down a path which leads to them being sterilised and having healthy body parts removed?

'Abuse' seems quite an accurate description to me of what is happening here.


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