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Going to Cornwall at the weekend - dreading the crowds! Where to go?

37 replies

GlomOfNit · 22/07/2021 00:42

That's it, really. Booked earlier this year in a fit of madness, in the spirit of 'sod it, we can't go abroad so let's splash out in the UK' and now wondering what on earth I was thinking. Confused I know it'll be heaving.

We're staying inland, self-catering near the Eden Project (but have no desire to spend ££s in a large dome with 1000s of other people during a pandemic!). Hoping we can keep it simple and just go to lovely beaches, and would also like one day where we drive west and visit Carn Euny and other prehistoric sites. We weren't planning on anything we'd need to prebook really (I liked Heligan a lot, pre-family, but not sure I can convince the kids) because we don't want to be tied to something if the weather changes.

Now I'm worried that even our modest plans to be on beaches most of the time will be scuppered because of parking etc. Where to go for beautiful/child friendly beaches where there's enough parking, or ones that are less visited? Is this just going to be a week-long nightmare of sitting in queues to get into carparks? Sad

OP posts:
DoorbellsSleighbellsSchnitzel · 22/07/2021 00:59

We're going Friday as well, and I'm having the same worries, so following with interest!

Malteser71 · 22/07/2021 01:06

There are large car parks at Treyarnon and kynance but you need to arrive early. Same goes for porthcurno.

You can travel into st Ives by the scenic train if you use the park and ride at St Erth station. I think you’ll find st Ives very busy but at least your parking worries will be solved!

colouringindoors · 22/07/2021 01:08

Sennen beach by Lands End is stunning, massive and has a big carpark on the cliff top. Worth the walk down (and up!)

FusionChefGeoff · 22/07/2021 01:10

Sounds like your routine needs to be packing picnics and car the night before then up and straight out to miss the worst of it.

3beesinmybonnet · 22/07/2021 01:44

Apparently Newquay has a park and ride this year and although it's probably heaving they also have a lot of different beaches to choose from. It may be worth investigating if other resorts closer to you are running them.
Other than that I would suggest checking a map for smaller beaches that require a bit of a walk or steep steps to access as a lot of people will be put off by this. A lot of the less well known beaches are lovely but may not have lifeguards.
Remember to check the tides so you don't spend ages parking only to find the beach is underwater.

MolG5276bvfg · 22/07/2021 01:51

Treyarnon (as above very busy, just come back) but Constantine, or Portcothan quieter for beaches, Trevose Head (lighthouse, Nat Trust car park) fab views, good for a picnic if you take a rug to sit on, nice walk back to Constantine or round to Mother Ivy’s. Sometimes see dolphins from here.

3beesinmybonnet · 22/07/2021 02:05

Just remembered Watergate a few miles north of Newquay has extra parking in a field above the bay. Big beach so shouldn't be crowded away from the centre.

Lindy2 · 22/07/2021 03:26

Avoid the hot spots like St Ives and Port Isaac etc. They will be busy.

There are plenty of less popular beaches and countryside that won't be very crowded. Just make your plans carefully and be flexible.

HoppingHamster · 22/07/2021 04:22

Coming on to say make sure you also have rainy day plans. Not sure what forecast is but worthwhile thinking about as there’s not much else to do other than walls, eat etc

PhilCornwall1 · 22/07/2021 05:45


Coming on to say make sure you also have rainy day plans. Not sure what forecast is but worthwhile thinking about as there’s not much else to do other than walls, eat etc

Long range forecast is saying Sunday is looking a bit shit. After that, looking pretty good, although Wednesday could be dodgy.

There won't be a hurricane.

My Michael Fish moment is now over. Smile
Cornishskies · 22/07/2021 05:51

You chose wisely staying in mid Cornwall as have equal access to the south coast beaches which are generally much quieter than the north ( you wouldn’t get me to St Ives this side of October if you paid me, beautifully as it is!) and all the north coast beaches are stunning but you need to get to them early if you want to park. Most people come to Cornwall want to see the regular spots Padstow, Newquay , St Ives etc etc stunning obviously, hideous at this time of year? Definitely as everyone is there!

But check out some of the south coast beaches like Porthpean and Talland . Whitsand Bay has lots of quiet coves and two miles of sand at low tide if you don’t mind a Cliff walk to get to it. As a local I’d recommend the beaches that take a bit more effort to get to as they are the ones the masses will avoid, and the effort will definitely be worth it. If you enjoy a bit of a walk, check out an OS map and plan a beach visit that involves the coast path first. The bay at the bottom of Lansallos is lovely if you don’t mind a 15 minute walk down ( and a 30 minute walk back up! ) there are lots of strategically placed National trust car parks along the south coast that will be quieter.

Also favourite non beach trips/ walks with water involved for kids in the summer near where you are staying are Cardinham Woods, play in the stream and a picnic or Respryn, where there is lovely walk through the Lanhydrock estate and also a river which our kids love a play in on a hot day. Lanhydrock also have great bike trails for kids of all abilities and hire bikes. Goliath’s falls . Lerryn is beautiful , only has a small car park but is off the beaten track so worth a try. For a nice breakfast or lunch the Duchy Garden Centre is good, lots of outside space, they get busy so I’d choose a breakfast than a lunch unless you go early and they do have a good queuing system.

I love the south east/ mid Cornwall , it’s maybe not as picture perfect as some of the classic spots in Cornwall but to avoid the crowds and enjoy a chilled Cornish holiday it’s definitely a better option Smile
Hope you find the Cornwall you are looking for x

MyCatDribbles · 22/07/2021 05:57

I’ve just come back from Cornwall - we stayed at Port Isaac
We used Rock Beach as there was plenty of room for everyone, plenty of parking and was very beautiful. This was on the roasting Sunday just gone.
Tried Polzeath on Tuesday, omg it was absolutely rammed, though I must admit the water was a bit warmer than Rock

KibeththeWalker · 22/07/2021 06:01

The trick to Corwall in the school holidays is to do your tourist stuff early or late.

Our routine is to be up and out of the door early to visit a fishing village or an attraction. If you arrive by 9am, you can usually still park. Then we go back to the cottage for a long lunch and laze about. Then we hit the beach at about 4.30 when a lot of the people with small children are starting to go home for dinner. On 'my' beach, there is a cocktail bar, so I have a cheeky drink at 6ish before DH and DS are finished in the sea, then cottage for dinner.

We live in the South West and have to be pretty much on this routine during the summer holidays at home too!

Cornishskies · 22/07/2021 06:04

And as for a rainy day in Cornwall, the only thing is waterproofs, brollies and carry on regardless Grin

Paq · 22/07/2021 06:15

If you get up and out early you beat the crowds, but do avoid the big name beaches. Look at the Roseland peninsula which is quieter.

GlomOfNit · 22/07/2021 09:44

Thank you everyone! Some really useful suggestions. We've never been ones for getting up super early and pegging it out to beat the motorway traffic on the way to a holiday, but there again we've never tried Cornwall in school holidays! We'll see how early I can get the DC up tomorrow...

Not really bothered if we never make it to big name towns/resorts (though I'd love to go to the Barbara Hepworth museum in St Ives but the kids won't! if we braved St Ives I'd definitely take the train in, I think) just want to see some of the famously pretty coves and have lots of beach time!

We'll be pretty near Fowey - what sort of beach/coastal/pretty spots should we aim for down there? I can see CornishSkies suggested some like Lansallos and Tallan, actually. Is that the area you meant WRT to the National Trust carparks?

No rainy day plans as I don't fancy cramming indoors somewhere with everyone! Grin I think we'll just have to bugger on with waterproofs and hope for the best.

Freaking out about weaver fish now too. I know everyone goes on about them, wearing beach shoes etc - but are they REALLY a big thing?

OP posts:
Barwell76 · 22/07/2021 14:34

My son got stung by weaver fish 2 summers in row on the Isle of Wight and Brittany. He was 12/13 and was in a lot of pain. I would dread to think what it would be like for a toddler. He is 16 now and wont set foot in the sea without beach shoes he has such bad memories of it. I believe they are found in Devon and Cornwall as well.

Thislittlefinger123 · 22/07/2021 14:42

Definitely wear beach shoes when in the sea! You'll certainly feel like weavers are a big thing if you get stung!

Lottieskeeper · 22/07/2021 14:56

I'm going home to my parents farm in the far west of Cornwall and don't plan to leave the farm until we come home.
It really is set to be such a busy week I've spoken to so many other people who are travelling down too.

Carn Euny is a good shout! And if you like that sort of thing maybe a nice walk to the Men-An-Tol. There's lots of ancient ruins in the west of Cornwall and there usually not too busy.

DistrictCommissioner · 22/07/2021 15:05

If you are up for walking, then Lantic, Lantivet and Lansallos NT carparks are a good bet.

Alwayswonderedwhy · 22/07/2021 15:07

If the weather forecast is correct I doubt it will be busy.

Cornishskies · 23/07/2021 00:03

Agree on Lantic Bay, the cliff down to it can be a bit off putting so discourages the masses which is a good thing Grin and it’s beautiful . Lansallos has a NT car park at the top. Talland has a private car park and a cute beach hut café that hires kayaks by the hour for a reasonable price and do a mean crab sandwich .
Readymoney cove is a cute little beach at Fowey, its small so not your “ day on the beach” type but if you are in Fowey it is nice to visit. parking can be an issue though so the early or late plan would be good there.
Agree with the Roseland peninsular being worth a visit too, stunning part of Cornwall. Porthscatho and The Hidden Hut for food.
As for weaver fish, mainly a low tide issue but our family of five have only had one sting between us in all our years of going to the beach without beach shoes, so whilst there’s a chance, it’s not a big problem .

colouringindoors · 24/07/2021 00:13

Been going to Devon and Cornwall for decades, none of us have ever had a Weaver fish sting.


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spiderlight · 24/07/2021 00:35

Carn Euny is one of my favourite places in the world!! Enjoy!

katedan · 25/07/2021 22:05

Watching as going to Cornwall this weekend and worried about how busy it is being reported to be. Ironic that you can't go abroad but dread to think how high the covid rate will be in the UK after the summer

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