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Best site for multiple tutors. Sigh.

11 replies

tryharder100000000 · 04/08/2022 12:15

DC year 11 wants English, maths and French tutors. He's always been resistant to tutoring so me saying 'whatever you want' in the past has now bitten me on the backside.

So anyone booked multiple tutors from the same site, which one is best to use?

OP posts:
WinterDeWinter · 04/08/2022 12:19

We've used my tutor twice for multiple subjects and had a really excellent experience both times.

tryharder100000000 · 04/08/2022 15:46

oooooooo! Looks good

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rosesinmygarden · 04/08/2022 16:38

We've used mytutor. Bear in mind that their tutors are not qualified teachers. Our tutor was fab, but definitely not in the league of the qualified teachers we've used since. You really do get what you pay for in many cases.

I'm a tutor (not GCSE, so this isn't me advertising). I work for Fledge Tuition and they are good. They only take on qualified teachers and are hot on doing checks etc.

I can also personally recommend Laura, from we've used her for GCSE and she's brilliant.

Lovetogarden2022 · 05/08/2022 14:00

My friend uses Tayberry for her son for multiple subjects (he's a bit younger and will be going into year 9 to start his GCSE courses in September). They're really good and came as a recommendation from my cousin. They also did a bit of a discount for my friend as her son is having so many lessons with them so it worked out cheaper than finding three separate companies/tutors.

Maths Mastery Tuition · 07/08/2022 14:48

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PritiPatelsMaker · 14/08/2022 22:03

We've used Tutorhunt and were happy.

tryharder100000000 · 23/08/2022 12:00

thanks all for this. A Brucie Bonus question - dc is dyslexic (or whatever it's called now) - anyone have experience with tutors for extra needs?

he gets extra time and scribe. V bright but from his writing appears barely literate. (sorry dc!)

OP posts:
Lovetogarden2022 · 28/08/2022 13:26

tryharder100000000 · 23/08/2022 12:00

thanks all for this. A Brucie Bonus question - dc is dyslexic (or whatever it's called now) - anyone have experience with tutors for extra needs?

he gets extra time and scribe. V bright but from his writing appears barely literate. (sorry dc!)

My cousin's son is dyslexic too and Tayberry worked fabulously with him. In fact, one of his tutors was actually dyslexic herself so she had a lot of sympathy and recommended him techniques etc that had worked for her.

user30 · 06/09/2022 20:33 are a company who employ a wide range of tutors, mostly Oxbridge uni students etc
The women who run the office are very well organised and ensure it all works really well. They get phenomenal results.
I really appreciated having someone I could discuss his results with and get advice on home study etc.

MaxwellSmudge · 31/10/2022 15:31

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MGMidget · 05/01/2023 11:34

I have used Tutorhunt, Tutorful and Mytutor.

Tutorhunt was my favourite as I sourced two good long-term tutors there. Both were qualified teachers, local, doing face -to -face tuition (one started online in lockdown then moved to face -to-face when permitted), the other was pre-pandemic so always face-to-face. In both cases I purchased the tutors details and had a direct relationship wuth them rather than booking lessons through tutorhunt. However Tutorhunt seem to be phasing this out now so last time I looked it was only possible to do this with those tutors who have been on tutorhunt for several years.

I sourced one tutor via Tutorful who was not a qualified teacher but seemed promising. I had to pay tutorful directly though and after booking two trial lessons in quick succession in different subjects they raised his hourly rate quite a lot to more than I wanted to pay. I felt somewhat tricked as if I was offering that higher hourly rate I would have been considering that tutor alongside some other tutors I had ruled out on price. The hourly rate seems to go up according to popularity so as I was looking for a long term tutor with whom we might book lots of lessons I did not want to be locked into an ever rising hourly rate that would go up if I booked lots of lessons! He didnt seem that great as a tutor either so I cut my losses and didnt arrange further lessons.

On Mytutor I made contact with an low cost tutor to do drama and singing lessons with my daughter. She was not a qualified teacher but a drama graduate from a top drama school. It never got off the ground as we had various lockdowns and only wanted face-to-face tuition but I thought the website seemed good for finding low cost tutors who were not qualified teachers but had some good skills to offer.

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