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Latymer Tutor

18 replies

Catbell82 · 29/09/2020 14:37


Can anyone recommend a tutor for Latymer school? I've found lots of website which say they specialise in the CEM exams but I believe Latymer use the GL assessment for the maths and set their own exam for English so ideally we need someone who has experience with the Latymer exams.


OP posts:
NWLondonerNW · 28/10/2020 13:11

Thomas ( ) helped our daughter get into Latymer and now we use him for our son. Really helpful guy!

Balhammolly · 30/10/2020 13:53

I've heard Mentor Education and Keystone are both good but i've not personally used them..good luck!!

Flowerbloom9 · 26/01/2021 23:02

@NWLondonerNW Could you please share details of your tutor?

OliRules · 29/01/2021 09:22

@Flowerbloom9 If you are still looking for a maths or English tutor then let me know. I can recommend two different tutors. Both are best suited for 7+/8+, not 11+ I feel.

@Catbell82 Latymer interviews are usually with the headmistress. With their years of experience, such professionals can spot out tutored v non-tutored children. I would suggest that even if you take the tutored approach, try and get your child's fundamentals strong (not just getting the answer right). Else, you may feel that in spite of an impressive score, you couldn't get the result. In webinars of schools I have time and again heard teachers say that they are not necessarily looking for the right answer but how to solve something. That is important as the child can then apply the method in other circumstances.

Flowerbloom9 · 29/01/2021 12:42

Hi @OliRules - please DM me with the details when you can. Thank you so much.

julianp · 07/02/2021 13:11

Hi @OliRules, please DM me too! My daughter is 5.5, and I defo don’t want to tutor her to misfit her abilities with a school level. But would be great to have an assessment with a knowledgeable tutor as we moved from the US in 2020.

Overseasmom100 · 09/02/2021 16:12

We are in the Midlands but used a tutor to get my DS up to speed for a very well known sort after grammer school. Still use them now for English - superb. Cant break MN guidelines but if interested please DM

interestingdays · 05/03/2021 23:03

Happy to share the contact details of a tutor who specialises in both the 7+ and 11+

CPRS76 · 08/04/2021 11:32

Hi there :)

I'm not so sure about tutors, but I know this website has some good materials that might help.

Magicsauce · 28/06/2021 20:05

@ interesting days,DM me too!!!

Jumpalicious · 28/07/2021 14:10

[quote OliRules]@Flowerbloom9 If you are still looking for a maths or English tutor then let me know. I can recommend two different tutors. Both are best suited for 7+/8+, not 11+ I feel.

@Catbell82 Latymer interviews are usually with the headmistress. With their years of experience, such professionals can spot out tutored v non-tutored children. I would suggest that even if you take the tutored approach, try and get your child's fundamentals strong (not just getting the answer right). Else, you may feel that in spite of an impressive score, you couldn't get the result. In webinars of schools I have time and again heard teachers say that they are not necessarily looking for the right answer but how to solve something. That is important as the child can then apply the method in other circumstances.[/quote]
This is really true. My child applied to top tier London schools. It must have been very clear from the interview that he hadn’t been professionally trained. His answers verged on the nuts, at times. They all offered him places. They are looking for raw talent - from state schools. Prep schools, I’m sure there are different expectations.

But In terms of tutoring in subjects, I believe if you provide the work books (available from Amazon) and then practise tests (available on each school’s website/specialist sites too) this is basically what any tutor does.

gayatri26 · 08/11/2021 00:25

@ olirules will be grateful if you could share the information on tutor for 8+ and 11+

littlebull · 13/12/2021 21:22

@Catbell82 hi, I’m looking for a tutor also, Latymer would be one of our choices.. there’s a family illness and currently I am unable to give my daughter the support. Hence now looking for a tutor. Are you able to recommend anyone for my child in year 4? Thank you

TsvetyKo · 24/01/2022 19:09

@NWLondonerNW Could you please share details of your tutor?

TsvetyKo · 24/01/2022 19:12

@OliRules Could you please share details of your tutors?

TsvetyKo · 24/01/2022 19:13

@Catbell82 did you find a good tutor for the Latymer school? Could you please share the details?

littlebull · 30/01/2022 21:04

@oliRules, would be able to send through details of the 11+ tutor please? Thanks

DilettanteMum · 09/02/2022 21:41

Keystone is a tutoring agency based in Brook Green and they do a lot of tutoring for kids looking to get into Latymer and top area schools. Prices can range quite high depending on individual tutor.

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