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Clit vibrator for use during PIV?

16 replies

SexToy · 24/04/2023 16:51

Just that really - can anyone recommend a clitoral vibrator that can be used during PIV sex?

I'd like to use something like this while having sex with my husband, to get me over the edge as I can't orgasm via PIV alone unfortunately. I have a basic vibe but I can't fit it in between us very easily (in any position) and faffing about with holding it is distracting. But not sure if what I am looking for exists?! Years ago we had a horrible rubbery cock ring with a (crap) vibrator attached, but I don't remember it doing much for me and it would flap about during sex and was just generally annoying. But perhaps things have advanced in the last 10+ years?

Also any general recommendations for vibrators / dildos would be welcome as my current one is a bit boring and I fancy a few new ones to keep things interesting.

OP posts:
justwingingit7 · 24/04/2023 17:10

Following with intrigue! I've tried using a little bullet during PIV but even that gets in the way, and is a faff to get it in the right position. Hoping there's something I've not tried! I'd love to be able to get there during PIV

soloinaduo · 24/04/2023 17:43

I remember a partner having a small pocket vibrator with a "dolphin" on the top.....did exactly what you're asking for.....

Cakencookieobsessed · 24/04/2023 17:53


MovingonfromMartin · 24/04/2023 18:25

Cakencookieobsessed · 24/04/2023 17:53


Also following in the hope that something out there exists!
Which one does this please?

Cakencookieobsessed · 24/04/2023 18:31

They are designed to be worn during sex, with a vibrating part on the clit. I've thought about getting one, but wondered how they fit.

SaveTheLastDance · 24/04/2023 19:25

I normally use my fingers, or you could ask your DH to use his fingers?

Choochoo22 · 24/04/2023 22:35

The ‘Eva’.. best £149 we spent.

Rieslinger · 25/04/2023 10:42

Hi @SexToy We use the ears of our rabbit for just the same reason

Alternatively we found the separate ears work well too

Good luck and report back!!

MyMachineAndMe · 25/04/2023 19:41

We have one of these that works well; the only issue we've had is that dh can find it difficult to get it on. Once it's in place it's fine.

lauraUK1000 · 27/04/2023 03:24

Cakencookieobsessed · 24/04/2023 17:53


The WeVibe is fantastic, we have had one for a good few years and recently upgraded. No need to hold it in place really during PIV and it is great for solo play including over the internet / remote play when we are apart.

Anotherbloke1 · 27/04/2023 19:41

Get on all fours and him take you from behind that way you can hold vibrator on clit

SexToy · 30/04/2023 17:15

Thank you for the recommendations. I've shared them with DH. 😊

OP posts:
PrivateMolecule0 · 30/04/2023 19:15

Ex wifey used to use her fingers, I found it fantastically exciting. In the end, she didn’t need to do that, so she sort of trained herself to come during PIV.

Montelukast · 08/08/2023 20:45

Go on Lovehoney
get a bullet vibrator
it’s amazing when on top just slip it into position .
have a lovely time !!!

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