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What to use to clean sex toys?

16 replies

WoolyMammoth55 · 23/02/2023 17:53

Sort of following on from the best vibrators thread!

I've been using warm water and handwash before and after use when it's just me.

Considering now using the toys with DH and wondering if I need to step up to something more disinfecting/sterilising when it's making contact (a-hem) with us both...?

Similarly, I have a vibrator that's never really done it for me and would like to pass it on to a friend for her use. Again feel like I'd need to clean it 'properly' before doing that - what would work in those circumstances?

Grateful for any thoughts.


If you've found this page in your search of how to clean up after sex and cleaning your sex toys, you might find our guide to the best sex toy cleaners useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ

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MaryJean87 · 23/02/2023 18:34

They don't need sterilising as your body isn't sterile. You can get specific sex toy wipes to clean, or soap and water will do the job as long as its safe for the type of material it is. I wouldn't ever pass on a sex toy to a friend, nor would I use one, cleaned or not.

CharlotteOwlFace · 23/02/2023 18:40

You'd really consider passing on a used sex you to a friend?

Not much of a friend! 🤢

CharlotteOwlFace · 23/02/2023 18:40


LucyLeave · 23/02/2023 20:32

Yuk at passing on a sex toy. Even if boiled in bleach I doubt anyone would want a used sex toy.

EBearhug · 23/02/2023 20:54

You can get wipes or spray from shops like Ann Summers or Lovehoney. I usually use soap and hot water unless with others, and then I use the spray too. I'm not sure there's total logic in this approach...

PinotPony · 23/02/2023 21:56

Hot soapy water.

Be careful with any soft rubber toys though as they can be porous so shouldn't be shared, even if cleaned.

SkiingIsHeaven · 23/02/2023 22:01

Tongue 😛

SpringleDingle · 23/02/2023 22:38

Dishwasher?? I just use soap and water in the sink!

Oldtadger · 24/02/2023 13:05

I love that people find passing on a used sex toy a bit yuk and yet many people will happily accept and engage with a very well used cock!!

You can certainly use stronger cleaners on a vibrator that I would want applied to my appendage 😂

Brookes99 · 24/02/2023 18:16

I just use soap and water generally. I figure his fingers, tongue and willy don't get disinfected after they've been in me :-D

GoodNamesAreGone · 24/02/2023 18:38

Oldtadger · 24/02/2023 13:05

I love that people find passing on a used sex toy a bit yuk and yet many people will happily accept and engage with a very well used cock!!

You can certainly use stronger cleaners on a vibrator that I would want applied to my appendage 😂


B1rd · 24/02/2023 22:14

Alcohol gel.

EBearhug · 24/02/2023 23:02

yet many people will happily accept and engage with a very well used cock!!

I expect them to be showered and washed at least once a day, and maybe tested for possible infection, if not monogamous.

LucyLeave · 24/02/2023 23:19

I would hope that if someone was sharing a well used cock they are at least wearing a condom.

Hawkins003 · 24/02/2023 23:28

If it's rubber dildos, some use the dishwasher, or wet wipes from Ann summers etc for vibrators etc

WoolyMammoth55 · 25/02/2023 09:10

Thanks all, this is helpful. I'll investigate the wipes!

Re: passing on the vibrator, it is made of medical grade silicon and cost about £200, so seems a shame to bin it as clutter. Friend is not well off and has expressed an interest in being gifted it.

Interesting nuance with sharing a sex toy between partners vs passing on to a friend. No 'special' cleaning when using with a partner, right? So if I slept with my friend and we used it together then soap and water would be fine! But just because I'm not sleeping with her then the very idea needs a vomit emoji??

It's all interesting stuff... :)

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