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Which vibrator and where?

35 replies

NeverNeverLand40 · 31/08/2017 16:59

NC as embarrassing question.

I've been single for nearly 6 months and climbing the walls now so need a vibrator.

I've never had one before and heard there are so many different types 😳

Any recommendations and where do I get one from? Last thing I want is to get one delivered and it says what it is all over the packaging for the postman to see!!


If you've found this page in search of vibrators that have been tried and tested by fellow Mumsnet users, you might find our guide to the best vibrators useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ 💐

OP posts:
Hairyhat · 31/08/2017 17:01

"Love honey". Nothing will be printed on the packaging.
Just buy an ordinary firm one to start with. Hope this helps.

Bobbins43 · 31/08/2017 17:04

Lovehoney, definitely. Start off with a bullet vibrator (the Tracey Cox one is good) and move up to a Lelo Mia 2. It's USB charged and could easily be mistaken for a memory stick but it gets the job DONE.

Littlefrogletx · 31/08/2017 17:44

Another recommendation for love honey totally discreet packaging.
And yes to the Tracey cox bullet.

NewMummyMNetter · 31/08/2017 18:41

Totally agree with the other ladies here start small, I have a little love honey mini Wand! It is honestly amazing!!

Enjoy x

NeverNeverLand40 · 31/08/2017 18:49

Thanks for the advice.

I will have a look on love honey later when my DC are well and truly asleep.

OP posts:
ThrowawayName · 31/08/2017 19:02

If you have any issue with your grip strength or strength in your fingers then don't go with a bullet, I'm unable to hold the button down.

Bobbins43 · 31/08/2017 19:24

I think with the Tracy Cox bullet, you just press the button once. You don't have to hold it down. Also, recommending a wand. I have the LH version of the Hitachi wand.

Also, stock up on sex toy cleaner and lube. They do lockable cases for you to store this stuff too :)

Overworrier · 31/08/2017 21:33

Make sure you're at home to take the delivery in!!!!!!

I speak from experience.

It comes in a brown box that if gets left out in the rain will go soggy & turns to mush, leaving the contents visible ShockBlush

DragonsandDungeons · 31/08/2017 21:49

A wand! Anything else is useless.

chips4teaplease · 31/08/2017 21:58

"Love honey". Nothing will be printed on the packaging
But be aware that the mail office will scan every package.
My postman arrived doubled up with laughter on many occasions, during my 'lovehoney' phase (I was off work sick for six months, on full pay). He actually refused to give me one parcel, saying 'It must be for a man!' as it had condoms in it. Grin I had to argue the toss with him.
My advice? Lelo. Over £100, can't remember the price exactly.

ThrowawayName · 31/08/2017 21:58

Oh for heavens sake! Thank you Bobbins for teaching me how to use my own vibe Blush Ignore everything I said Never.

OutToGetYou · 01/09/2017 00:25

No-one scans packages. Your postman is breaking the law!

HappyAxolotl · 01/09/2017 00:38

Another vote for both Lovehoney and wand style vibes!

xqwertyx · 01/09/2017 01:08

Ive never gotten anything extra from anything that gets inserted. What am i missing/doing wrong? I stick to the bullets but after a few posts on here now i'm feeling left out on extra fun!

UsedToBeAPaxmanFan · 01/09/2017 04:46

Do they really scan the package at the PO?

I know the couple who run our village post office really well, I couldn't order anything like that if I thought they would know what's in the package. Similarly I know my postman really well, he's been on this round for over 10 years. I would never be able to look them in the face again. Blush

NewMummyMNetter · 01/09/2017 05:52

Who cares if the postman sees it, your a single women with needs, and the fact of the matter is he probably masturbates way more than you do! What you do in your own time is your business! Get online xxxx

NeverNeverLand40 · 01/09/2017 08:25

Thanks so much for all the advice.

I've been chuckling at some of the replies, especially the masturbating postman 😂

Well I went online last night and ordered the bullet one. Can't wait for my new toy to arrive now.

OP posts:
NewMummyMNetter · 01/09/2017 10:05

Hope you ordered next day 😉

OutToGetYou · 01/09/2017 10:35

Of course no-one at the post office, or your postman, knows what is in your packages, no they don't 'scan' them. if they do, it would only be to check they do not have any explosives in, and that won't be happening at your local PO, it would be the sorting offices and they won't be telling your postman what is in it.

I agree, I couldn't care less if my postman knew, but that's not the point. The point is they don't know so there is nothing to worry about for people who do care.

They might/do ask when you post something, but that's for insurance purposes (to try and upsell you to a more expensive service) and I can't imagine a member of staff from LH goes down the local PO with a pile of parcels saying "this one's a wand, that one is lube, that's a blow up doll and a paddle....". And even if they did, your local PO still wouldn't know what was in it!

chips4teaplease · 01/09/2017 11:51

Of course no-one at the post office, or your postman, knows what is in your packages
Sorry, you are wrong. The 'plain brown' packages have an 'LH' (or similar, it's been a couple of years) stamp on them which identifies them immediately. The sorting office scan them and put a sticker on your package saying so. The postman genuinely did try to take a box away because it contained (a lot of) condoms. And a riding crop. And probably other things as well.
Please don't imagine you have absolute impunity, complete discretion, when you buy online. You don't.

Seachangeshell · 01/09/2017 12:40

If you get a bullet get a rechargeable one. There's nothing worse than the batteries running down halfway through!
I started with a bullet, but got annoyed with the battery thing so now I have the Lelo Soraya and Form II by Jimmy Jane. Both are excellent. They're expensive but I'm a firm believer in buying quality!

Seachangeshell · 01/09/2017 12:42

The postman/woman might know but I doubt they care.
They deliver this stuff all the time. They probably just think 'good for her' if anything.

Bobbins43 · 01/09/2017 12:53

Heartily endorse Lelo products. They look great from a design POV and they work beautifully


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OutToGetYou · 01/09/2017 14:31

"Of course no-one at the post office, or your postman, knows what is in your packages
Sorry, you are wrong. The 'plain brown' packages have an 'LH' (or similar, it's been a couple of years) stamp on them which identifies them immediately. The sorting office scan them and put a sticker on your package saying so."

Well, you live somewhere very odd. I've ordered loads of stuff from LH and never has it been 'scanned' or had any sticker stuck on it to say what is in it. I can't even imagine what type of 'scanner' could identify condoms anyway - they x-ray somethings (wouldn't show up condoms) and they do tests for explosives (again, would not identify condoms) - but even if they do those they do not stick a sticker on. And what if it had loads of different stuff in - how big could this sticker be?

And that sort of thing would happen at the main sorting offices, where the parcel is deposited, not right at the end of the chain at your local sorting office (what would e the point of allowing something dangerous all the way through the system and then finding out it's a problem?) so, even if it does happen, there is no way your local postie would know.

But absolutely, 100% the PO does not know what is in your parcel.

If YOUR postman did, he opened it. I'd report him. For knowing (it's an offence), for mentioning it and for pretending not to give it to you (and for being a twat).

0ccamsRazor · 01/09/2017 18:26

Lelo are the bees knees of toys.

I recommend them as they are rechargable, quiet, some are waterproof, and do not look like a honking great cock.....a good thing when one has nosey children!

I never forget my friends face when she found her mothers rather lifelike vibe.

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