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Wall mounted, outdoor clothes dryer recommendations

25 replies

CC4712 · 07/06/2023 12:14

Everything I see looks flimsy and wouldn't support wet towels/bedding. Any brands/styles I should look for?

OP posts:
Lennybenny · 07/06/2023 12:16

The Brabantia one. It's really good and solid. You do need to balance the wash loaf but it does hold a good amount and copes with king size duvet covers and bed sheets.

Aixellency · 07/06/2023 12:17

I didn’t know such a thing existed. Fascinated! Grin

CaveCanem · 07/06/2023 12:24

We have the Brabantia Wallfix and it’s been great.

Busy household of 4 adults and one teen plus dogs and it holds a lot more washing than I expected it to. We have the rigid case/cover for it and it’s really neat and unobtrusive when folded away.

Wallfix wall-mounted dryer | Brabantia

Fretfulmum · 07/06/2023 13:52

This is the best thread I’ve seen this week. I’ve needed this for years and didn’t know it.

CindersAgain · 07/06/2023 13:58

There are ones like this too - feels like there is less to go wrong

and there are retractable lines if they suit your garden. We have one like this. Not sure if it’s the exact one.

greenspaces4peace · 07/06/2023 14:00

I love my brabandia wallfix!

Stresssy · 07/06/2023 14:30

This is mine! It’s the best thing ever. And so neat and tidy.

Wall mounted, outdoor clothes dryer recommendations
Wall mounted, outdoor clothes dryer recommendations
LadyLapsang · 07/06/2023 18:58

We inherited a model similar to the Brabantia pull out in the utility room - over 20 years old and still going strong. Tend to dry sheets and towels outside or in the tumble dryer if raining, but if the line is full of clothes when tumble drying the bedding, it soon drys.

LadyLapsang · 07/06/2023 18:59

Five lines and the length of the room.

Kissedbyfire1 · 07/06/2023 19:07

We have a Brabantia one wall mounted outdoors. It folds down like an umbrella and has a cover which keeps the lines clean and tidy. It takes towels, sheets, duvet covers, other heavy stuff like jeans with no difficulty. I love it.

myrtleWilson · 07/06/2023 19:13

I bought the brabantia outdoor one mentioned several times already last week and can confirm I'm in the 'it's great' category!

JassyRadlett · 07/06/2023 19:14

Another vote for the Brabantia. It's a total workhorse and solid as they come.

IsGoodIsDon · 07/06/2023 19:16

I was going to say the Hill clothes line too. Great brand. Really strong and sturdy

CC4712 · 08/06/2023 14:03

@DigbyTheDigger @IsGoodIsDon This is exactly the sort I was looking for- that folds flat. I'm currently on the phone to Hills to find out what colour 'Surf Mist' is?

Thanks everyone. The brabatina umbrella wall mount type looks great too.

OP posts:
soggydigestives · 08/06/2023 14:05

I think Wilko have one on offer at the moment they showed it yesterday on the telly.

DigbyTheDigger · 08/06/2023 16:12

Mine is Surf Mist and the photos online are accurate, it's a nice cream without being yellowy or beige. It's not white.

Fretfulmum · 08/06/2023 16:17

@DigbyTheDigger i like this but do the clothes not sway in the wind and keep touching the house bricks/render and get a bit dirty?

DigbyTheDigger · 08/06/2023 16:44

On a really windy day yes, they would. The line closest to the wall is about 25cm from it.

Furries · 09/06/2023 02:34

Another vote for Brabantia. Very sturdy - mine is still going strong over a decade later.

DanielleInE17 · 29/08/2023 16:27

I've just bought the Hills retractable line which seems extremely sturdy and comes with a lifetime warranty so I guess they're quite confident. It is quite heavy though so will need something solid (like a brick wall) to attach it to. I'm in the process of attaching it to concrete fence posts which I'm hoping will work.

Hills Retracting 7 Line - Hills Washing Lines

Hills retracting clotheslines are the ultimate space saving drying solution. This 7-Line model is only 0.94m wide, enabling it to […]

ReviewingTheSituation · 29/08/2023 16:39

We have the Brabantia, and on many counts it's very good. Ours is still going strong after 10 years, and fits a full load of washing on it.

BUT... The only place we could put ours was on the back wall of our house, which is north facing, and sheltered. So it gets no (very little) direct sun, and not a lot of breeze. On a warm day in the summer, a load will dry, but on a day like today (still, cloudy, 17-18c) it definitely wouldn't. So you end up pegging it out, bringing it in and then hanging it on an airer. So I may just as well hang it on the airer and cut out the middle step.

I got it because I was being snobby about having a rotary line in the middle of the lawn, but really I should just bite the bullet and do it. Then there would be sun and movement, and the washing would actually get dry.

So the thing itself is great - but only if you can site it where the conditions will get the washing dry.

ReviewingTheSituation · 29/08/2023 16:40

Fretfulmum · 08/06/2023 16:17

@DigbyTheDigger i like this but do the clothes not sway in the wind and keep touching the house bricks/render and get a bit dirty?

I negate this by tactical pegging!

On the side which is closest to the wall I only hang small things like socks, underwear etc - nothing that can flap enough to reach the wall. Big things all fit fine on the other 3 sides of the line.


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redteapot · 29/08/2023 17:35

We've got the Brabantia one too - it's amazing! Go for the one with the stainless steel covering 😊

CountryCob · 29/08/2023 18:02

@Stresssy thank you for the recommendation I have just ordered one

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