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Sex when pregnant?

8 replies

Purpletopaz42 · 10/10/2022 20:34

I'm 12 weeks pregnant and my hormones have really increased my labido but I'm worried that having sex will harm the baby. I've spoke to some of my friends and it's been mixed advice, some said it's completely fine and others said that the orgasiming can cause miscarriage? I obviously don't want to harm the baby but I'm also feeling very frustrated and could be refraining for no reason. Has anyone here had sex while pregnant and had a healthy baby afterwards or any problems? Thank you

OP posts:
ZEWatson · 10/10/2022 20:41

Unless you've been told otherwise, it's completely fine and won't harm baby! I'm due next week and we're at it to try and get the babe out 🤣

Aquamarine1029 · 10/10/2022 20:47

As above. Unless you have been told otherwise by a medical professional, sex and orgasms are perfectly safe during pregnancy. Ignore your daft friends.

Creameggs223 · 10/10/2022 20:49

Perfectly fine unless midwife advised otherwise.

Cw112 · 15/10/2022 23:20

It's totally safe, I think the only issue for me is it brings on braxton hicks but I'm 3rd trimester now. Only reason not to is if you've had bleeding or if your midwife has advised you not to for any reason. I've gone the other way, my libido has curled up and died since getting pregnant! Feeling very sorry for poor dh!

JulieS1 · 22/02/2023 15:32

I found during my last pregnancy my labido and sex drive had a huge increase. First few weeks I was cautious as worried what impact I could have to the pregnancy (which it doesn't) and had. in my mind originally that I shouldn't during the pregnancy.. But then I hit a point where I just got more and more frustrated and gave in. The strangest things would quickly get me really turned on. I probably had more orgasums during pregnancy than the previous few years lol! I actually felt most comfortable getting relief masturbating rather than sex as less physical.

FirstTimeTryer93 · 22/02/2023 16:32

36 weeks pregnant here and been having sex throughout, nothing to worry about. If anything sex feels so much better pregnant! X

Helen123S · 24/02/2023 22:17

Im 18weeks pregnant with my 2nd and hormones and labido have really kicked in. My other half is working away for 6 weeks and I'm climbing the walls! lol

It's healthy and good for you. With my first we had sex most of the way through the pregnancy and all was fine..

pregnant woman meditating

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JulieS1 · 24/02/2023 22:25

Helen123S · 24/02/2023 22:17

Im 18weeks pregnant with my 2nd and hormones and labido have really kicked in. My other half is working away for 6 weeks and I'm climbing the walls! lol

It's healthy and good for you. With my first we had sex most of the way through the pregnancy and all was fine..

ouch... that must be hard for you. x

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