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September 2021 - Thread 6 is here!

979 replies

Bubbles1st 路 17/05/2021 17:51

Can you Adam and Eve it we are are on Thread 6! Hope I included everyone on the update!

@Noodles4Me - 26th Aug 馃挋
@Scotti84 - 30th Aug 馃挅

@Sceptre86 - 1st 馃挅
@primhutch - 1st 馃挅
@RaeRae84 - 1st 馃挋
@KHR1 - 1st 馃挋
@CherylLW - 3rd 馃挋
@GWhiteley - 3rd 馃挅
@deedeebythesea - 3rd 馃挋
@Allicit - 3rd 馃挋
@Poppins2016 - 4th 馃挍
@2021mumma - 5th 馃挋
@Squibble84 - 6th 馃挍
@leftitlate37 - 7th 馃挋
@SillyBry - 7th 馃挍
@LouiseJayne23 -7th 馃挅
@bewitchingnight - 8th 馃挅
@SK28 - 8th 馃挍
@Taralweaver - 8th 馃挅
@AdventuresAwait - 9th 馃挅
@mumof23188 - 9th 馃挋
@Bubbles1st - 10th 馃挋
@Catkin7 - 10th 馃挅
@FTEngineerM - 12th 馃挋
@CobleCloud - 13th 馃挋
@Maybebaby29 - 14th 馃挋
@Taybz - 14th 馃挋
@Bigdreamer9 - 14th 馃挋
@Eppy123 - 14th 馃挍
@Kirky658 - 15th 馃挅
@Hopefulmummie - 16th 馃挅
@Mamabearwhere - 17th 馃挋
@HollyMoore - 17th 馃挅
@aurora2021 - 18th 馃挅
@Bluespace - 18th 馃挋
@ErrolFinn - 19th 馃挅
@xsjrx - 19th 馃挍tbc
@unicornpower - 20th 馃挅
@Moominmiss - 20th 馃挋
@Sophieandtiger - 20th 馃挍
@bluemagicalsky - 21st 馃挋
@Clouless - 21st 馃挍
@Jay3004 - 22nd 馃挋
@SP2Bx - 22nd 馃挍
@Geegee20 - 22nd 馃挋
@Holly91 - 22nd 馃挍 tbc
@Rach921 - 23rd 馃挋
@LittleCatDog - 23rd 馃挅
@SproutingSprout2021 - 24th 馃挍
@LittleAurora -24th 馃挋
@RadDarwazeh - 25th 馃挍
@crobo87 - 25th 馃挋
@d0nut - 25th 馃挅
@GummyBear91 - 25th 馃挍tbc
@AdriannaP - 25th 馃挍
@MrsTD88 -27th 馃挅
@MrsBrett20 - 27th 馃挍
@marshmallowmode -27th 馃挋
@ams92 - 30th 馃挅

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OP posts:
Mamabearwhere 路 23/05/2021 12:50

@RaeRae84 I don鈥檛 plan on going back after my year off mat leave. I鈥檝e been with them for 8 years, this is my third maternity leave with them and there鈥檚 zero progression left within the company. It鈥檚 just not worth my time to leave the kids to go back to a dead end job anymore. I鈥檇 like to either start working for myself or look at a career change. I haven鈥檛 let work know yet but will do closer to my scheduled return.

Mamabearwhere 路 23/05/2021 12:44

Hi ladies! Hope you鈥檙e all well. Haven鈥檛 been on here for a week or two! Can鈥檛 believe we are over half way! Is anyone else still struggling with tiredness? I started to feel better after the first trimester but recently have started to feel really tired especially my legs, they feel so heavy and walking around even at home feels so difficult! I鈥檓 thinking of getting a lymphatic drainage massage as I heard it helps alleviate pain which may be caused by water retention. I do feel quite swollen so looking into that. Anyone else had that massage before?

Kirky658 路 23/05/2021 12:03

Hi ladies hope all is well. Just been for my first swimming season in years! Managed a very respectable 28 lengths and ready for a sleep now. X

KHR1 路 23/05/2021 12:00

@Noodles4Me I booked a place at my DDs nursery when I was about 5-6 months pregnant (just over a year before she would start) as I wanted one with specific opening hours and term time only places but haven't done anything this time yet. I think when you need to book/look at nurseries depends on waiting lists in your area, some are a few months, others can be a year

Noodles4Me 路 23/05/2021 11:39

I work for NHS so get 18 weeks full pay, 18 weeks at 3/4 pay and 13 weeks SMP. I have 33 days holiday so effectively can afford 8 months off. Can't afford to live on SMP.

I'm going back full time too as I need to start pulling my finger out and looking at some better career opportunities.

When are we meant to start looking at nurseries? Now I guess...?

AdventuresAwait 路 23/05/2021 08:53

@crobo87, I've seen a physio about my back pain as I ended up in A&E 2 weeks ago in agony and unable to move. The physio really helped and gave me exercises so my back is much better. She also recommended a ball to sit on when I'm working at the kitchen table or watching TV etc, as you can move your hips/lower back rather than staying still.
I got a babygo birthing ball which came with a booklet of exercises for using the ball during (& after) pregnancy. I've also used a microwavable heat pack (warm rather than hot) on lower back and was advised to take paracetamol when needed. I guess it depends what is causing the pain but this is what's helped me 馃槉

Squibble84 路 22/05/2021 20:42

@SillyBry I鈥檝e sent you a private message!

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SillyBry 路 22/05/2021 20:33

@Squibble84 oh yes please, can you share with me?

Kirky658 路 22/05/2021 19:47

@bubbles1st ahhh that sounds lovely! I looked into the maternity allowance and actually apart from the first 6 weeks you end up better off as you don't need to pay tax or NI! I'm lucky that DH is a teacher so he will be off every 6 weeks or so anyway which will be welcome x

Squibble84 路 22/05/2021 19:30

@Poppins2016 I鈥檒l send you a private message!

Bubbles1st 路 22/05/2021 19:25

My DP and I are self employed so I'm only entitled to maternity allowance and he won't get anytime off paid.

However have saved so he can take a full
Month off if he wants and I will reduce my work from august until at least new year.

We run a Dog salon from premises at home so I can dip in and out of work until we have a good routine.

DP will hold the fort and we are reviewing our work days and customers, so hopefully he can work longers days but less of them. However even then, he will always just a be a room away so I'm enjoying us spending lots of family time together between appointments or if someone cancels last minute.

We won't be earning as much if I don't return fully but it will a lovely work life balance and that was always our motivation for becoming self
Employed anyway.

OP posts:
Kirky658 路 22/05/2021 18:48

My mat pay is also first 6 weeks at 90% then 39 weeks at SMP. Sucks but we will manage. Been to see our neighbours tiny baby today he's only 2 weeks old, was born by c section at 36 weeks and he's now 4lb 12 oz he is just gorgeous. Sat cuddling him and thought omg this will be me soon 馃槏

Poppins2016 路 22/05/2021 18:43

@Squibble84 yea please for the FB group, what info do you need from me (or vice versa)? 馃檪

Squibble84 路 22/05/2021 18:31

Also is there anyone not in the Facebook group yet that wants to be? If you want to be added just let me know!

Squibble84 路 22/05/2021 18:30

@crobo87 I can sympathise, I鈥檝e got terrible back pain at the moment, mine usually comes from being sat in the same position at work so I just move about and it tends to ease off a bit. A warm bath might help?

crobo87 路 22/05/2021 14:56

Really struggling with backache today. Does anyone have any tips to ease it?

RaeRae84 路 22/05/2021 13:44

馃槼one day! That's awful!! He did have a moan to the UK team and they basically have said you can have it as extra holiday so all wasn't lost but still think he was frustrated.
I do think the Germans are so ahead with some of their stuff when it comes to work

Scotti84 路 22/05/2021 13:20

@RaeRae84 yeah thats where i am, the German policies are brilliant with this stuff. That's a shame he cant get that policy. On the otherside, my other half works in Austria as we live on the border, so he has to take their policy and That's just one bloody day. He can take a month unpaid but i think its pretty crappy theres no paid parental leave on offer at all.

MrsTD88 路 22/05/2021 12:24

@crobo87 mine is the same too! Will go back after the 39 weeks but may stick a little holiday on the end as going back will coincide with my daughter's birthday.

RaeRae84 路 22/05/2021 11:47

@crobo87 don't worry mine is the same!
@Scotti84 that's amazing, would love to be banned from work! Did you say you were in Germany? My DH works for a German company and was thinking he would get their paternity policy, he only found out this week that he's still governed by the UK so he's pretty gutted!

crobo87 路 22/05/2021 11:33

All your maternity pays seem so much better than mine. Mines just the bog standard 6 weeks at 90% then onto SMP. I'll have to go back after the 39 weeks as I'm the main earner and we can't afford for me to be off unpaid

FTEngineerM 路 22/05/2021 10:28

Bloody hell @Scotti84 that鈥檚 fantastic maternity leave.

I have no idea how long I鈥檓 going to take this time; I鈥檓 super excited to be off with DC1 again whilst DC2 just eats and poops 馃槀 there鈥檚 better not be a bloody lockdown i and hell bent on doing some travelling/exploring this time.

Scotti84 路 22/05/2021 09:45

Over here pregnant women are banned from working 6 weeks before and 8 weeks after the birth, so i get full pay for then, then the first year i get 80% and then i can take another two years mat leave but without pay, but my job is protected for that time. Im going to take the year then go back two days to stay below the tax threshold but so i earn something, we can't afford me to be home longer unfortunately. We are hoping to start on number 2 by that time though so hopefully it will all roll together.

We painted the nursery last weekend, done one wall blue with clouds and a rainbow, then the rest neutral, just waiting for the rest of the furniture to be delivered now.

Has anyone got a warming lamp for over the changing table? Are they useful to have?

RaeRae84 路 22/05/2021 09:28

@SP2Bx it has made it much easier hasn't it! One less thing to do at least.
Nice to hear people's plans for theirs!

At least some companies seem to a be a bit more with the times with regards to maternity pay. I wish I looked more into it when I started my job but I never planned on staying there for so long and babies were definitely far from my mind!

CobleCloud 路 22/05/2021 09:08

My company it's alright with maternity pay I get full for 12 weeks then 50% for 4 weeks then go to SMP for the remainder until the last 3 months when it's nothing! But they contribute fully to my pension when I'm off and also I accrue all bank holidays and my normal holiday allowance that I can sell a few days back each month to top up my pay! At the moment I'm aiming for 9 months off but may take year just have to see how finances go. My company is really flexible which is great so for those last 3 months I may go back reduced hours to get some money.

Nursery wise, I'm currently waiting to complete on a house 馃槵 should be in the next few weeks so will do the nursery once we are in! Got the decor all picked out! And I've bought a mamas and papas furniture set of a friend who's been super accommodating and keeping it until we move and decorate!

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