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馃懀 Due November/December 2020 - nearly there ladies!馃懀

999 replies

danielasummer 路 09/11/2020 16:44

馃挮 @NaomiB79 - due 13th November - girl - FTM
馃挮 @Jwl45 - due 13th November - girl - 3TM
馃挮 @Jellycat2020 - due 14th November - girl - FTM
馃挮 @BG1234 - due 19th November - surprise - FTM
馃挮 @EithneBlue - due 21st November - surprise
馃挮 @mysafespace - due 25th November - surprise - FTM
馃挮 @kkr168 - due 26th November - boy - 2TM
馃挮 @MsBee13 - due 26th November - boy - FTM
馃挮 @PipTed - due 26th November - surprise - FTM
馃挮 @Snowwhite2020 - due 26th November
馃挮 @Pinktruffle - due 26th November
馃挮 @Bluebell2020 - due 27th November - girl - FTM
馃挮 @phe694 - due 27th November - girl - FTM
馃挮 @mummyshark97 - due 28th November - boy - FTM
馃挮 @Babyhope98 - due 28th November - girl - FTM
馃挮 @peachypetite - due 30th November - surprise - FTM
馃挮 @Awkes - due 1st December - girl - FTM
馃挮 @Amyyy1 - due 2nd December - girl - FTM
馃挮 @confused107 - due 3rd December - girl - FTM
馃挮 @lionsmum - due 6th December - boy - 2TM
馃挮 @lc86 - due 6th December - boy - 3TM
馃挮 @Asianchick6693 - due 6th December - girl - FTM
馃挮 @danielasummer - due 9th December - surprise - FTM
馃挮 @kj1010 - due 13th December - boy - 4TM
馃挮 @jalu47 - due 13th December - boy - FTM
馃挮 @Nic2908 - due 15th December - boy - FTM
馃挮 @Whitter - due 15th December - girl - FTM
馃挮 @loobeelou - due 26th December - girl - 2TM

and of course congratulations to the lovely mummies who have already had their beautiful babies x

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OP posts:
Snowwhite2020 路 11/11/2020 21:30

I had a covid test at one point at the guy asked me if I had a preferred nostril for him to go up. That made me laugh 馃槀 It鈥檚 not so bad honestly... not compared to everything else we鈥檙e all doing!

Pinktruffle 路 12/11/2020 00:29

Anyone tried harvesting any colostrum yet? My midwife didn't give me any syringes to do it but the online antenatal course I've been doing has told me which ones to get from Amazon. As I'm nearly 38 weeks I tried the massage to see if anything would come out but it didn't so have held off getting any syringes yet. I'm starting to doubt my milk will come in. My boobs have not grown at all and as I have PCOS there is a higher chance that I won't produce anything. I'm prepared in regards to formula just in case.

NaomiB79 路 12/11/2020 06:56

@Pinktruffle I was similar to you going to try from 37 weeks and bought syringes but didn't produce anything when I tried to hand express. I've had problems with my supply since my baby was born, I think it was because she was delivered early at 38 + 2 by c-section, my body was just not ready. We've been put on a feeding plan by the midwife as she lost more than 10% of her body weight by day 5 so have had to give her formula top ups after every breast feed to help her put more weight on. I think it's defo sensible to be prepared with bottles etc.

Kj1010 路 12/11/2020 07:28

Morning all well went into work this morning and got this off the lovely staff I work with and have been told by my manager no coming in tomorrow so yay I can turn the early morning alarm off so today I am official maternity leave

馃懀 Due November/December 2020 - nearly there ladies!馃懀
peachypetite 路 12/11/2020 08:00

@Pinktruffle we covered that in my first la leche class, this is their article on it. Maybe still worth a read?

Pinktruffle 路 12/11/2020 08:46

I think it's likely I'll be tbe same as you @NaomiB79

Thank you @peachypetite, I'll take s look

Pinktruffle 路 12/11/2020 08:53

I've had a read, it's pretty much the same as what was given in my antenatal class, we had a demo with a fake boob too lol. It's good to have it reinforced and to be able to look back over the info. I'll try again next week I think.

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jalu47 路 12/11/2020 09:03

Morning ladies. So I ended up in the assessment centre yesterday. I've had this really intense itching on the soles of my feet, specifically at night, and did a bit of googling yesterday which threw up the possibility of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy which is something to do with the liver. I called the centre and they asked me to come in for blood tests. They monitored baby at same time and he's all good but I'm still waiting for results - hopefully come through today. Has anyone else had this or experience of this previous pregnancies?

With the gestational diabetes, i just really don't want another complication... also this itching is insane, it actually had me in tears this morning, as it feels like my feet are on fire.

Babyhope98 路 12/11/2020 10:38

I haven鈥檛 been diagnosed but my liver levels have been out since about 25 weeks they keep going up and down but have been going up and up recently, I鈥檝e got a liver scan Monday and they test me weekly. I haven鈥檛 had the intense itching but my feet and hands tingle at night which feels itchy so they鈥檙e just monitoring me. Try not to worry they鈥檒l will probably induce you early and they know what they鈥檙e doing my results come back really quick too. How far gone are you? x @jalu47

jalu47 路 12/11/2020 11:12

@Babyhope98 thanks for your message. I'm 35+4 and probably going to be induced 37/38 weeks anyway because of the GD and baby's big size. So not long to go.. The medication I'm on for my crohn's can impact my liver too but it's always been ok - wondering now if that's making me more susceptible. Still waiting for my bloods to come back and will ring this afternoon if I haven't heard anything..

Snowwhite2020 路 12/11/2020 11:27

@jalu47 hope you鈥檙e ok. That doesn鈥檛 sound nice for you at all xx

excitednerves 路 12/11/2020 11:28

@LRHRN I鈥檓 exactly the same. Been praying baby holds on until 37 weeks nos I鈥檓 desperate to get her out. I鈥檝e been walking lots, doing squats, lots of forward leaning. Every ache and twinge I鈥檓 sure labour is starting

Babyhope98 路 12/11/2020 11:28

I think that鈥檚 when they normally induce for ICP anyway, but they鈥檒l keep an eye on your levels. I think they are really familiar with it like GD so they鈥檒l know what to do. Unfortunately it鈥檚 just another thing pregnancy can cause 馃槱 x @jalu47

Babyhope98 路 12/11/2020 11:30

I need to start walking more I鈥檓 like a couch potato at the moment 馃槀 think I best set myself a goal each day otherwise she鈥檒l never engage 馃槀

jalu47 路 12/11/2020 11:34

@Babyhope98 - I'm the same, I'm still sat at my desk most of the day and then just want to collapse on the sofa.. do you have a ball? I've got one but always feel so tired to sit and bounce on it in the evenings. Will be more proactive with that once I start maternity leave next week!

Babyhope98 路 12/11/2020 11:42

No I haven鈥檛 I should have got one really as everyone seems like they have one lol.. Where did you get one from? @jalu47

Amyyy1 路 12/11/2020 12:05

@jalu47 That's the same one I have!! I'm attempting to do a few hours a day bouncing on it atm as baby still is not engaged. Fingers crossed it's helping

Babyhope98 路 12/11/2020 12:05

I鈥檝e ordered it thanks! Best start being proactive don鈥檛 want to go overdue @jalu47

jalu47 路 12/11/2020 12:19

@Amyyy1 wow a few hours a day, that's great - I need to step it up!

Amyyy1 路 12/11/2020 12:25

@jalu47 I've been off work for weeks so haven't much else to do!! I'm also beyond terrified of needing to be induced so that's deffo good motivation for me lol

Kj1010 路 12/11/2020 13:06

I got my ball from ebay on monday havent used it yet was waiting till I went on maternity leave which is today but manager has asked if I cud come in tomoz at 6.30am as the school has got me a gift so it's just to pick that up really and I need to get on this ball and do exercises along with others as as far as I know this little one is still high extended breech and I want and need him to turn want a natural labour also is anyone having very dry mouth for last week I have I mean I no I shud drink loads of water but hate it even with juice love the milk though so drink lots of that but guessing that doesn't hydrate u have google which I said I wudnt but does say pregnancy and hormones cause the oral problems etc dry mouth problems with gums teeth etc suppose I've answered my own question there need to drink more lol

IanDinwiddy 路 12/11/2020 14:15

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danielasummer 路 12/11/2020 14:23

Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone has a TENS machine or has used one before and recommended a specific one? There are soo many to choose from and I want a good one but don't want to break the bank! Also how did you find them for pain relief?

OP posts:
peachypetite 路 12/11/2020 14:35

@danielasummer I have the boots maternity one - not all are okay for pregnancy. Couple of friends said they were fantastic for getting them through beginning of labour at home and meant they were nice and dilated by the time they got to the hospital.

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